一、打开 开发工具->Visual Basic ,进入代码编辑区。

二、双击 ThisWorkbook ,从右侧上部选择 打开事件,并输入代码。

Private Sub Workbook_Open()Application.Visible = FalseApplication.DisplayAlerts = FalseApplication.ScreenUpdating = FalseUserForm1.Show
End Sub

三、从 插入->用户窗口,会插入界面,左侧会出现UserForm1,根据相关功能插入对应控件并修改属性(同VB)。




Private Sub btnBrowser_Click()Dim fd As FileDialogDim strPath As StringSet fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)If fd.Show = -1 Then '选择了文件夹strPath = fd.SelectedItems(1)ElsestrPath = ""End IftxtPath.Text = strPathSet fd = Nothing
End SubPrivate Sub btnSearch_Click()If txtPath.Text = "" ThenMsgBox ("请选择文件夹后操作!!!")Exit SubEnd IfDim strPath As StringIf Right(txtPath.Text, 1) <> "\" Then '盘符文件夹时多了一个\,统一规格strPath = txtPath.Text & "\"End IfSearchFile (strPath)lblState.Caption = "查找完成!!!"
End SubPrivate Sub SearchFile(strPath As String)Dim strFile As String, strFolder As String, n As Long, i As LongDim strHead As String, strEnd As String, a() As StringstrFile = Dir(strPath)Do While strFile <> ""lblState.Caption = strPath & strFilestrEnd = Right(strFile, Len(strFile) - InStrRev(strFile, ".")) '尾部,后缀名If strEnd = "xls" ThenstrHead = Left(strFile, InStrRev(strFile, ".") - 1) '头部Set objFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")  '文件系统检查If objFS.fileExists(strPath & strHead & ".xlsx") = False Then '不存在,转换Dim wb As WorkbookSet wb = Application.Workbooks.Open(strPath & strFile)wb.SaveAs (strPath & strHead & ".xlsx")wb.CloseSet wb = NothingKill strPath & strHead & ".xls"Else '有了,两文件同时存在lstFile.AddItem strPath & strFileEnd IfEnd IfstrFile = Dir '继续向下查找DoEventsLoopstrFolder = Dir(strPath, vbDirectory)Do While strFolder <> ""If strFolder <> "." And strFolder <> ".." ThenIf GetAttr(strPath & strFolder) And vbDirectory Thenn = n + 1ReDim Preserve a(n)a(n) = strPath & strFolder & "\"lblState.Caption = strPath & strFolder & "\"End IfEnd IfstrFolder = DirDoEventsLoopFor i = 1 To nSearchFile (a(i))Next i
End SubPrivate Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)Application.Visible = TrueApplication.DisplayAlerts = TrueApplication.ScreenUpdating = TrueDim wb As Workbook, flag As Booleanflag = False '假定无其它工作薄For Each wb In Application.WorkbooksIf wb.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Thenflag = True '有其它工作薄End IfNextIf flag = False Then '仅本工作蔳,直接退出excel'Application.QuitEnd If
End Sub

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