

Regard along with the network technology daily popularization and the information construction, now the school generally all compounded the test safe monitoring equipment, and has built the management information system in this foundation, to information construction positive impetus function. But has the software construction in the practical work to fall behind the phenomenon which constructs to the hardware, for example, the education administration level also pauses to examinee's inspection in the traditional test pattern, not only the efficiency is low, moreover also has many malpractices, creates the information resource the waste.

Test non- paper, network, not only can effectively reduce the correlation personnel's work load, the better use computer and the network superiority, enhances the working efficiency, also can fairly cause the test, to be fair. Based on this kind of demand, we developed set of performance stably for the test design, safe have been reliable the network which, the ease of operation was allowed to satisfy massively simultaneously uses to take a test the system. Causes the test the security, fairness, fair greatly to enhance. After this system actual movement uses, effect good, not only greatly advanced the test information construction advancement, moreover causes the school to examinee's inspection more scientific, air, fair, to be highly effective and the network.

The network test system should be able to satisfy the massive examinees in any place, any time all can participate in the test, and automatic judgment result. Through to the test service demand multianalysis, the main function which this system should provide as follows:

1) The examinee may on-line carry on the test, after the test had finished by computer automatic judgment score, and the recording result, the examinee also may examine the standard answer. If the test time, the system automatic prompt completes an assignment and stops doing answers.

2) The teacher may on-line establish the revision question bank, revises the examinee individual material, and monitors the examination place situation and so on.

3) the manager may on-line establish reference material and so on the examinee, teacher, the verification question bank, arranges the examinee to take a test, revises the examinee and the examination place condition, inquires the examinee to take a test the result, monitors the examination place situation as well as the




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