进击的仓鼠球 ,一个误入学霸堆多年的学渣 / 语言学 / 心…
Hasuran Li 等 916 人赞同

楼上各位大神的句子我都兴奋地右键啦,但是好像没有看见特别多用于给negative response的英文邮件句子,所以结合自己经验来补充一些写拒绝邮件的常用句子和模板


作为一个天然以满足他人为己任的天秤座老好人,拒绝别人的要求永远会让我自己feel bad,所以我总结出了一套比较简单但又比较明确的邮件say no法,能让对方感到你的拒绝情有可原又礼貌,你还是那个他/她认识的乐于助人又超级nice的靠谱同事,也可以让你自己感到比较心安理得。



不管是哪一种情况,记住一点:1. 绝对不要马上回复。花点时间想明白以下几个问题。

很多公司都有一个24hr/或XXhr reply policy,所以在你愤怒/桑心/委屈地打出no并发出邮件之前,三思以下这几点:事情的priority、对方的request的意图——他/她到底想让你完成的是哪些东西、完成这个request所必须的commitment,以及你拒绝该要求的合适理由


对方的request的意图——这一点其实很容易被忽略的。我们都不是native speaker,有的时候对英文邮件的画外音不会那么敏感。而且如果写邮件的对方也不是native speaker, 那也有很大的可能会有miscommunication。

完成这个request所必须的commitment——这一点是为了让你和自己确认一遍:你真的完不成这个任务吗?你真的要拒绝吗?真的吗?的吗?吗?如果你的答案是:对我就是这么残忍,那请继续往下看。同时记得,如果你真的决定一定要拒绝了,那邮件中间就不要留有大的余地,清楚地say no,不要让对方有argue back的空间。更糟糕的是,如果对方argue back之后,你又勉为其难地答应了,那对方会觉得你是个超好说话超好唬的人,以后又有没人想干的活就都扔给你,because your "no" doesn't carry any weight.


If I'm understanding your email/request correctly, you are asking for/asking our team to
I believe that you are requesting......

第二句,告诉对方你需要多少时间/精力才能完成这件事情, give the requestor an idea of the time and effort needed to complete the task。
In order to complete that request, I would need......
In order to maintain the high quality standard of our company/center/department, I would need ......
Taken together with my current responsibilities, this request would take 3-4 business days.


接下来,清晰礼貌地陈述出因为什么样的原因导致你不能完成这个任务。不要留很大余地,也不要过于婉转。我就碰到过有一次,有一个同事想叫我周末加班帮忙一个活动,但我有自己的安排所以打算拒绝。结果因为我邮件写得比较婉转(I would love to help you with XXX but XXX) 结果对方习惯用手机查邮件,看了前几个字是would love to就没看下去,默认我会过来帮忙了。。。。。后来搞得特别尴尬。。。。
如果你真的很喜欢这么写的话,请把转折词放在句首,比如 While I would love to help you with......



Unfortunately, your request as I understand it would conflict with our XXX policy, which states that......
At this time, our XXX does not handle these kinds of requests.

Given the time limitations/my current workload/responsibilities, I will not be able to fulfill/take on this request at this time.
As I will be on leave during XXXX, I will not be able to complete your request before ......

Due to limited resources available at this time, I will not be able to...
Since our department presently has XX people on staff, we do not have sufficient manpower to......

第三,不管你前面怎么用礼貌地用语,拒绝别人总会显得有点。。无礼。那这时候给对方提供一个alternative的选项,语气就会柔和很多。而且,对方如果抓到另一根救命稻草,再跑回来缠着你说服你的可能性就大大降低了。当然,如果实在没有plan B,你也可以加一句,下次有类似任务的时候如果能提前X天告知我,我将会十分感谢blabla,类似的场面话。

While I/our department will not be able to help you with this request, you may contact XXX, who is the (title here) at (contact info).

While I will not be able to work on this (time period), I would be able to help with your request after XXX.
As we are approaching the end of the year/financial year/etc., it would be better to resubmit your request in August when ......

Our department will be able to process future requests of this nature if given a 5-business-day notice
While I cannot XX this document/etc. in its entirety, I can XX the main points/parts so that you can move forward with......


发布于 2016-06-17 31 条评论 感谢


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Christine ,AICPA,EY Tax
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由於Boss是law school畢業而且兼任office的'Edit Queen',每次收到她的邮件都恨不得摘抄下来。下面分享一些我認為的'神句'(aka 難開口的場合如何表達得即清楚又有禮貌)不定期更新~

1. 請別人幫忙(發文件等等)
At your convenience, would you please send me.....
最後加上Thank you for your assistance.

2. 尋求意見:
Our team would appreciate your insights/input on.....

Due to the short time frame for this proposal, prompt reply is greatly appreciated.

3. 取消會議:
I want to be mindful of your time and we don’t have any updates at this point; therefore I suggest that we cancel/reschedule today's meeting. If you disagree or need assistance, please let us know.

My apologies for the late notice, but i need to reschedule tomorrow's call. There remain a few open items we need to address, therefore i will send out a new invite once we agree upon a time.

4. 對方發郵件問問題時,回答完加上:Hope this answers your question. Let me know if further detail/explanation would be helpful.

5. 會議總結:
Thank you for making time on a very busy Friday afternoon to join our discussion. i hope we were able to provide clarity on......Attached is a summary of what we discussed today.

6. 道歉:
My sincere apology for this unfortunate situation; I will address to my team immediately.
Again,please accept my most sincere apology.

7. 跟客户分享项目进展以后,建议电话详谈
Once these final steps are finished, I would suggest having a brief call to discuss our findings and recommendations for next steps. Would you please provide a few times the week of XXX that work within your schedule and I will send the calendar invite?

8. 文件打了草稿,请求上司过目
Attached is the drafted xx file. It is still a work in process but I would like to see if anything immediately stood out to you as odd or worthy of follow-up.

9. 分享2个不错的automatic reply,去旅游或者外地开会的时候可以用:

Thank you for your e-mail. I will be out of the office on vacation from XXX - XXX with no access to e-mails. I apologize for any delay in response to your e-mail. I will respond to your e-mail as quickly as I can when I return to the office on Monday, April 18th. Thanks!

Thank you for your e-mail. I am out of the office in meetings on XXX and XXX with limited access to e-mail. If you need immediate assistance, please contact me via my mobile phone. Thank you!

10. 指点下属
Thanks for preparing the XXX. I made the following updates to the question responses. We can discuss my thought process when I am in the office on Monday.

XXX, good job! I have reviewed the XXX documents and have the following review comments:
(将做好的文件交给老板检查以后,通常会有Review Comments,就是列出需要改的部分)

11. 邮件问好 (美国人好喜欢用hope 哈哈)
I hope that your week is off to a great start. 
Hope you had a great weekend.
Hope you’re well/Hope you are doing well.
I hope this message finds you well.

ps. 句子都是从邮件摘抄的,来自美国四大的Director/Senior Manager。要质疑请发邮件单挑 :)

编辑于 2016-04-16 193 条评论 感谢


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柠檬树 ,应用语言学/口译硕士/翻译
557 人赞同

推荐一个MOOC,叫Business English Communication Skills,这是一个系列课程,由University of Washington提供,包含四门课,分别介绍Networking, Meetings, Planning and Negotiating, 以及Making presentation。其中对英语工作场合各类邮件的写作有详细讲解。这个课程可以在Coursera平台上搜索到,完全免费。亲测,非常实用地道,强烈推荐!

补充: 感谢评论区有同学提出课程收费的问题,在这里说明一下,因为Cousera在推广付费的学习模式,在点进去这个系列课程时,会看到是收费的。但大家可以单独搜索这个系列中的单项课程,再选择Enroll,就会看到免费的选项了,除了需要评分的作业外,课程内容都是全部开放给免费学习者的。

非常开心此答案能帮助到大家!对语言学习感兴趣的同学,我在另一个问题下推荐了更多我学习过的MOOC,戳链接直达: https://www.zhihu.com/question/20058943/answer/109603021

感谢 !

编辑于 2016-07-06 25 条评论 感谢


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1011 人赞同

二更了= = = = = =

  1. Please find attached herewith the two Notes of Meeting as stated above which was held on 16th March 2016 for your information and perusal.
  2. Enclosed is the MOM regarding the management-level meeting between A and B on 17/12/15.
  3. Please find attached the tax invoice as required for your attention.
  4. Please refer to the attached sheet/file/document/article
  5. Please refer to (没有“the”)attachment X .

安利一个答案你写论文时发现了哪些神网站? - 毕业论文,里面介绍了两个神网站:http://linggle.com/#和 http://www.netspeak.org/





With reference to our telephone conversation today...
As we discussed on the phone...
In my previous letter dated on October 5th
Please kindly be advised/informed that...
We will have a meeting scheduled as noted below...
We would like to inform you that...
We seek your assistance to cascade/reply this message to your staff...
I would appreciate it very much
if you would send me your reply by next Monday...
Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated...
Looking forward to receiving your comments in due course...
Could you please send me your replies to the above questions by the end of May?
Please kindly find enclosed...
Attached hereto...
Attached please find the information regarding/concerning…


编辑于 2016-06-03 175 条评论 感谢


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1836赞同 反对,不会显示你的姓名
Grace ,公众号:外企er 微博:外企er英语
1836 人赞同



1. Deliver a Clear message

2. Use Correct grammar, vocabulary and punctuation

3. Be Concise

那么3 C原则就是clear清晰,correct正确,concise简明。

记住重点在于更有效的传达信息,而不是用你丰富的词汇量给对方留下印象,用更简单的句型和清晰的组织来使你写的东西更易读。 确保每句话在20个单词以下,用分段来组织你的信息。避免陈词滥调,那些不能给你的信息带来任何新的东西的词可以省略掉。


It is my pleasure to write here to you.


Further to our conversation earlier, .........

As discussed over the phone, .......

Thanks for your kindly reply.

Thanks for your inquiry/email.


I hope everything with you is fine.

Many thanks for your support.

FYI: for your information 仅供参考


(1) We hope to receive your favors at early date.

(5) We are looking forward to hearing from you.

(7) We trust you will share us a feedback at your earliest.

(8) We trust that you will reply us immediately.

9)please kindly update the status with me.

(10) Will you please reply without delay what your wishes are in this matter?

(11) Will you kindly inform us immediately what you wish us to do?

(12) We request you to inform us of your decision.

(13) We are waiting for your early reply.

(14) We will appreciate an early reply.

(16) We hope to receive your reply with the least possible delay.

(17) Kindly reply at your convenience.

(20) Please reply immediately.

(21) Please share us a feedback as early as possible.(ASAP)

(22) Please get back to us by tonight。

(23) Hi, how is the status? Could you kindly share us a feedback?

(24) I did not hear from you yet.

(25) A prompt reply would help us greatly.

(26) A prompt reply will be appreciated.

(27) Your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated.

(28) Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly esteemed.

(29) We look forward to receiving your early reply. (hearing from you)

(30) As the matter is urgent, please try your best ASAP.

(33) Thanks for you in advance.

回函迟误, 请见谅

(1) I apologise for my late reply..


Should you have any questions, please let me know.

If you have any question, please feel free to reach me out.

Your kindly cooperation is much appreciated.


I will keep you posted.

I will keep you in loop.

I will keep you updated.




1. I am writing to confirm/enquire/inform you...我发邮件是想找你确认/询问/想通知你 有关…

2. With reference to our telephone conversation today...关于我们今天在电话中的谈话…

3. As we discussed on the phone...如我们上次在电话中所说的…

4. In my previous e-mail on October 5...在之前10月5日所写的邮件中提到…

5. As I mentioned earlier about...在先前我所提到的关于…

6. As indicated in my previous e-mail...如我在之前邮件中所提到的…

7. from our decision at the previous meeting... 如我们在上次会议中所决定的…

9.as you requested... 根据贵方要求…

10. In reply to your e-mail dated April 1,we decided...回复贵方4月1日的邮件,我方决定…

11. This is in response to your e-mail today.这是对您今早发来的邮件的回复。

12. As mentioned before, we deem this product has strong unique selling points in china.


13. As a follow-up to our phone conversation yesterday, I wanted to get back to you about the pending issues of our agreement.


14. I received your voice message regarding the subject. I'm wondering if you can elaborate i.e. provide more details.


15. Please be advised/informed that...请被告知...

16. Please note that...请注意...

17. We would like to inform you that...我们想要通知你...

18. I am convinced that...我确信...

19. We agree with you on...我们同意你在...的看法。

20. With effect from 4 Oct., 2008...从2008年10月4日开始生效...

21. We will have a meeting scheduled as noted below...我们将举行一个会议,会议时间表如下。

22. Be assured that individual statistics are not disclosed and this is for internal use only.


23. I am delighted to tell you that...我很高兴地告诉你...

24. We are pleased to learn that...我们很高兴得知...

25. We wish to notify you that...我们希望通知你...

26. Congratulation on your...恭喜您...

27. I am fine with the proposal.我对这份提案没异议。

28. I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to join the workshop scheduled for 22-24 Nov,2008.我十分高兴地通知你我们已经同意您参加于2008年11月22-24日举行的研讨会。

29. We are sorry to inform you that...我们很抱歉地通知您...

30. I'm afraid I have some bad news. 恐怕我今天要宣布一些坏消息。

31. There are a number of issues with our new system.我们的新系统有些问题。

32. Due to circumstances beyond our control...由于情况超出我们的控制...

33. I don't feel too optimistic about...我对...不太乐观

34. It would be difficult for us to accept...我们很难接受...

35. Unfortunately I have to say that, since receiving your enquiries on the subject, our view has not changed.我不得不这么说,自从收到你关于这个主题的询问,我们的看法都没有改变。

36. We would be grateful if you could...如果你可以...我们会很感激的。

37. I would appreciate it if you could...如果你可以...我会很感激。

38. Would you please send us…?你能否寄给我们…?

39. We need your help.我们需要你的帮助。

40. We seek your assistance to cascade/reply this message to your staff.


41. We look forward to your clarification.我们期待你的澄清。

42. Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated.您若能立即关注此事,我们将非常感激。

43. I would really appreciate meeting up if you can spare the time. Please let me know what suits you best.如果您能从百忙中抽出时间,我希望能与您见面,请让我知道您最适合的时间。

44. Please give us your preliminary thoughts about this.请让我知道您对这件事情初步的想法。

45. Would you please reply to this e-mail if you plan to attend?请您回信如果您计划参加?

46. Please advise if you agree with this approach.请告知我们你是否同意这个方法。

47. Could you please let me know the status of this project?请通知我这个计划的进度?

48. If possible, I hope to receive a copy of your proposal when it is finished.


49. I would appreciate it very much if you would send me your reply by next Monday.


50. Hope this is OK with you. If not, let me know by e-mail ASAP.


51. Could you please send me your replies to the above questions by the end of June?


52. May I have your reply by April 1, if possible?如果可能,我可否在4月1日前收到您的答复?

53. If you wish, we would be happy to...如果你有需要,我们很乐意...

54. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help.如果我有什么可以帮得上忙的, 请告诉我。

55.If there's anything else I can do for you on/regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at any time.对于这件事,如果还有什么我能帮得上忙的地方,请随时与我联络。

56.If you want additional recommendations on this, please let us know and we can try to see if this is possible.如果关于此事你需要额外的建议,请让我们知道,我们会试着看看这是否可行。

57. I'm just writing to remind you of...我只是写信来提醒您...

58. May we remind you that...?我们想要提醒您...

59. I am enclosing...我附上...

60. Please find enclosed...请查阅附件...

61. Attached here to...附件是关于...

62. Attached please find the most up-to-date information on/regarding/concerning…附上关于某某的最新资料…

63. Attached please find the draft product plan for your review and comment.附上产品计划书的草稿,请审查及评价。

64. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.如果你有任何问题,请随时与我联系。

65. I hope my clarification has been helpful.希望我的说明对你有所帮助。

66. Please feel free to call me at any time, I will continually provide full support.请随时与我联系,我将持续地提供全程支持。

67. Please let me know if this is suitable.请让我知道这是否恰当。

68. Looking forward to seeing you soon.很期待能尽快见到你。

69. We look forward to hearing from you soon.我们很期待能得到您的回复。

70. Hope this is clear and we are happy to discuss this further if necessary.希望上述说明很清楚,如有必要,我们很乐意再进一步讨论。

71. I look forward to receiving your reply soon.我期待很快能收到你的回复。

72. Looking forward to receiving your comments in due course.期待在预期的时间收到你的反馈。

73. I'll keep you posted.我会与你保持联系。

74. Please keep me informed on the matter.请随时让我知道这件事的发展。

75. For any comments/suggestions, please contact Nadia at 2552-7482.


76. I would like to apologize for...我想就...道歉...

77. I apologize for the delay in...对于...的耽搁,我深感抱歉。

78. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused.对于产生的任何不便,我们感到抱歉。

79. I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.对于造成的不便,我深感抱歉。

80. I'm sorry about last time.上次的事我很抱歉。

81. We apologize for not replying you earlier.对于未能早一点回信给你,我们感到抱歉。

82. I'm really sorry about this.这件事,我真的很抱歉。

83. Sorry, I'm late in replying to your e-mail dated Monday, April 1.抱歉,太迟回您在4月1日(星期一)发给我的邮件。

84. We apologize for the delay and hope that it doesn't inconvenience you too much.


85.Hoping that this will not cause you too much trouble.希望不会为您造成太多麻烦。

86.Sorry if my voice message is not clear enough.如果我的电话留言不够清楚,我深感抱歉。

87. Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。

88. I appreciate very much that you...我非常感激你...

89. I truly appreciate it.我真的很感激。

90. Thank you for your participation.谢谢你的参与。

91. Thank you so much for inviting me.非常感谢您的邀请。

92. Congratulations to all of you and thanks for your efforts.恭喜各位并十分感谢各位所做的努力。

93. Your understanding and cooperation is greatly/highly appreciated.很感激您的理解及合作。

94. Your prompt response will be most appreciated.很感激您快速的答复。

95. Once again, thank you all for your commitment and support.再一次感谢大家的承诺及支持。

96. Thanks for your input/clarification/message.谢谢你的投入/澄清/信息。

97. Any comments will be much appreciated.对于您提出的任何建议,我将深表感谢。

98. Thank you very much for everything you've done for me.谢谢你为我所做的一切。

99. I would appreciate your understanding with/regarding this matter.


100. Please convey my thanks to all the staff involved, they did an excellent job.


编辑于 2016-05-27 61 条评论 感谢


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White Pillow ,it's nothing more than...
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1. 在邮件正文开始前添加一句问候,寒暄一下,而不是上来就问:
Hope this email finds you well.
I hope you are well.
I hope all is well.
We send you our best wishes.
Greetings from all of us at XXX (organization)

2. 寒暄之后,开门见山资讯问题:
I'm writing to inquire about xxx

3. 礼貌的提出咨询问题:
Would you please do xxx
Should you be so kind as to do xxx
Please could you tell me if xxx
I would like to know xx
I would be grateful/thankful if you could xxx

I would appreciate knowing xxx

I would appreciate information about xxx

4. 提出问题后继续表达感谢:
I would appreciate your help.



Dear AAA,

Hope this email finds you well.
I am writing to inquire about the project xxx.
Would you please send the latest version of xxx lib to me ?
I would appreciate your help.

Yours sincerely,



Business Writing: Opening Sentences for Global Email
phrases - "I will appreciate your help"
Inquiry Letter
How to write a letter of inquiry

编辑于 2016-03-17 52 条评论 感谢


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袄七 ,肥脸小胸
Yining、 私密君、 董力 等 6076 人赞同

再更新一些吧。请原谅可能的单词拼写错误因为outlook有自动纠错功能所以没有检查的习惯 (∩_∩)

快抛弃BTW吧,在一个邮件里说起另外一件事情,你可以用in addition to/additionally/furthermore

邮件或者正式的文件里,被动语态会显得更专业。比如需要某样东西,把I need xxx改成xxx is required.是不是看上去专业多了?
还有一个例子可以省掉主语,把句子结构改成It is+动词,比如It is proposed that/It is confirmed that...

3/多注意native speaker的用词,注意用他们常用的同义词替换你常用的。比如because of 可以用due to替代;比如请别人核实问题的时候不要只会用check, clarify/verify/cross verify都非常好用;比如表示在某件事之前除了before你还可以用prior to;表示在某件事之后除了用after还可以用upon(当然用法有一些区别,举例:Let's talk about this after you come back改成Let's talk about this upon your return)

There were some small issues which we probably need your attention to look upon.
Due to the discrepancies in xxx issue we need your attention to resolve the problem.

----------------------------------------------------------------------在最近的邮件里随便翻了翻,由于专业限制只能找一些通用的。有赞就继续更。 (∩_∩)

Pertain to ...(issue)
As communicated earlier...
Sorry for the delayed response...
Hope everything is well with you.
I hope this email finds you doing well.

Please arrange...accordingly so we can proceed with.../move forward
Please follow up with...
If possible could you please...
I will have to bother you on...
Could you please clarify.../give a clarification on...
Kindly please confirm on our proposed...(schedule/plan)
Do you have any updates on...
Have you got any response from...
Please be informed that...
Please kindly note that...
Please advise.
Please let me know your thought on this.
Please give your comments if any.
You are all invited to attend the meeting on...
Please check your calendar and let me know your preference/if there is any conflict.

...is attached here for your reference.
Thanks for your kind support.
Please let me know should you have any further questions.
Your prompt response on this will be highly appreciated.

编辑于 2015-08-21 87 条评论 感谢


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1137赞同 反对,不会显示你的姓名
rebecca Liu ,加州,会计师
董西成 等 1137 人赞同


1. Greeting 問候語

Business email 的開頭都需要一個 greeting 或是問候,最常見的用法是 Dear 接收信人的名字,以下是一些例子:

Dear John,
Dear Mr. John Smith,
Dear Mr. Smith,

加上稱謂的用法比較正式,寄信給長輩或客戶比較常用的到,如果是寄給同事或是別的公司的合作夥伴直接寫名字 (first name) 就可以了。

再來提供給大家一個還蠻常見的用法,在你不確定收件人是誰的時候很好使用!公司收到這種信通常都會轉寄 (forward) 給相關的人員。

To whom it may concern,(敬啟者:)
Dear Sir or Madam,

要記得這些 greeting 後面都需要加一個逗號 (comma) 然後空一行 (emptyline) 才能開始信的內容!

2. Purpose 目的


I am writing to inquire …
我寫這封信想詢問 …
I am writing in reference to …
我寫這封信是關於 …


Thank you for reaching out to us regarding …
感謝您主動聯絡我們 …

這邊的 inreferenceto 還有 regarding 都是是「有關」或「關於」的意思,它們的用法和 about 很接近,差別是 about 比較不正式,是比較口語的用法。

口語:I’m talking about the meeting scheduled for next week.
正式:I am writing in reference to the meeting scheduled for next week.
正式:I am writing to you regarding the possibility of scheduling a meeting for next week.

大家有沒有注意到 in reference to 的用法跟 regarding 有一點點不同?通常 in reference to 用於「說明已經跟對方提過的事」,regarding 的用法比較廣泛。

3. Content 內文

再來就是信件的內文了,先跟大家提醒一些小技巧,寫商業信件的時候內文要簡單明瞭 (clear and concise),相信大家每天也收到很多 email,不想讀很冗長的信吧!


Please review the attached documents thoroughly.


I have attached the previously mentioned documents for your review.
Please see the attached documents for a quotation of the requested services.

4. Closing 結尾


If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
I look forward to hearing from you.

5. Sign off and signature block 結尾敬語與簽名檔

再來就是信件的結尾,會有 sign off 和 signature block,sign off 要注意只有第一個字需要大寫!下面提供一些最常看到的 sign off:

Yours sincerely,
Best regards,

在北美其實比較少人會用 Best regards,它並不能算很正式,所以大多數的人會用 Sincerely,它是最正式和最安全的用法!

想學習更多 sign off 的寫法可以參考這篇文章:
除了Best regards,你還有更多用法!七個實用書信結尾用語

Sign off 後面要接 signatureblock,這個包括你的姓名 (name)、職稱 (title)、公司 (company)、聯絡資訊 (contactinformation) 等。


John Smith
Sales Representative, Flooring Company

完整 business email 範例

最後我們來看看完整的一個 businessemail 長什麼樣:

Dear Ms. Jones,

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding price quotations for hardwood flooring. Please see the attached document for a preliminary quotation. These quotes will vary greatly depending on your choice of board width, texture, color, finish etc. Once our technicians assess the space you wish to install new flooring in, we will be able to provide you with a more accurate quote. I have also attached photos of several of the wood samples we currently have in stock.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Please let me know if you decide to move forward with the assessment, and I look forward to hearing from you.


John Smith
Sales Representative, Flooring Company

大家寫完 email 之後也不要忘記要檢查有沒有文法或拼法的錯誤!


编辑于 2015-08-17 17 条评论 感谢


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144 人赞同

With all due respect.....
发布于 2015-09-02 13 条评论 感谢


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175赞同 反对,不会显示你的姓名
木木普 ,外语/ 一加科技/ 一半深刻 一半浅薄
175 人赞同


收到一条私信问“The report is modified as per your request”是什么意思。

想起来自己刚工作也是因为这种句子-_-||了一脸。很多人会用as per而不是我们直译出来的according to...

as per是根据的意思,报告已根据你的要求修改。

as可省略:Per your request, I modified the report.



9.26 隔了一个月才更,也不知道还有没有人看...也是不要和我比懒,我懒得和你比。



• 为什么要用被动句?


I have submitted the request, please approve.
→The request has been submitted for your approval.

主动语态虽写please approve但是它还是个祈使句,而被动句就不需要由你将动作指向他人


We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
→Any inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.




• 为什么要加Opening?



• 为什么不给老板和客户发缩略词





上面的 @金伟榕说单靠收集“神句”容易闹笑话。神句只是架子,能让邮件看起来Professional, 而不能让它起死回生。你别管这事儿你能不能做,回复的邮件要假装你会做的样子,做到邮件结构专业化。



Hope you are well.
Thank you for contacting XXX.
Thank you for your reply/feedback/email.


As communicated earlier
As discussed on the phone
Please be informed that...
Please be advised that...
The report is modified as per your request...
Please share your thoughts.


Very: extremely, greatly, highly
Firstly: previously, originally, formerly
Then: subsequently, afterward, and thereafter
Lastly: eventually
Before: Prior to
Too: as well (as), in addition, besides, moreover, additionally
And: plus, as well as, along with, in addition
Because: as, since, for, due to
So: therefore, thus, consequently, accordingly, as a result, hence, that’s why
But: however, nevertheless
More and more: increasingly


Please feel free to contact us if you need further clarification.
Please feel free to revert back to us if you have further inquiry.
Please feel free to contact us if you need further assistance.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused. 
Hope that clarifies.


I have submitted the request, please approve.
→The request has been submitted for your approval.

别用缩略词 别用缩略词 别用缩略词!!

别以为你老板或者客户邮件通篇pls, rgds你就可以随意用。你老婆可以在大街上花痴帅哥,你花痴一个美女试试?



编辑于 2016-04-04 9 条评论 感谢


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156赞同 反对,不会显示你的姓名
156 人赞同

1. 表达帮助:
I will assist you on this request.
2. 表达委婉的拒绝一般用I am afraid 不要用I am sorry.

3. 因为有时候要转给负责其他技术领域的同事。所以一般是 XX is specialized in XX area.

4. leverage 是个很有意思的词汇,表达一种掌控或者平衡或者节省等等,很难翻译成具体的中文
例如:It allows end users to leverage the power of SQL Server in the cloud without the expense and complexity of building a private infrastructure

5. Momentum也是个很有意思的词,经常会出现在各种Newsletter中。表达一种进取或者进步的趋势,也是很难翻译 例如
Let’s drive the momentum into FY16.
Thank you for the momentum you have created for FY15
6 形容一个人很资深可以用veteran. 翻译成中文是老兵的意思

7 相比较之下 可以用By contrast

8 如果你不是特别理解对方的意思,可以先用In my understanding..,please correct me if I misunderstood your point.

9 feel free 也是个很好用的词。表达对客户一种诚挚的态度
Please feel free to contact with us.

10. Issue 用来形容一些不是那么严重但是需要注意的地方. #你们应该知道小一点的bug叫issue,大一点的bug才叫bug吧#

11.开头打招呼,如果不是经常联系的客户,可以用一些Good day. Good morning.等客套词来拉进关系.

12 表达“关于”的时候 多用 regarding 不要用about,例如regarding this issue

13 跟客户在解释问题的时候,多用we 等第一人称,尽量不用you ,以表示尊重。"你要xxx"显得很没礼貌

14 如果想获得跟多的信息或者请求一些事情,多用May I

15 Asset 也是个很好的词,看看下面这句话,逼格有没有瞬间高起来

Asia continues to be a strategic asset for all customers both in and out of region

16 表达迅速 快捷 多用prompt 不要用fast

例如 Thank you for your prompt response

17 Kick off 你们一定都知道吧。在商务场合一般表示某个项目/财年的开始

例如 Project XXXX kick off
FY 16 kick off

18 询问 对方什么时候有时间 不要用 when you are free 用

May I know your available time?

19 一般我邮件的结尾是这样的:

Hope this will be helpful to you and please let me know your questions and concern.
Best Regards,

20 又想起一个词, battle-hardened 久经沙场的,经验丰富的,可以和veteran一起用

编辑于 2015-09-18 8 条评论 感谢


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52赞同 反对,不会显示你的姓名
No Money ,招个初级SRE, 会用linux, 懂一点点网络, …
52 人赞同

I feel your pain.
客户跟我抱怨我定制的ubuntu不好使的时候, 我都用这句话开头. 以表示我理解他, 然后再指出他用法的问题或者别的什么的. 
实际上我内心独白是, 你是xx吗? 这点儿常识都没有?
发布于 2016-03-17 9 条评论 感谢


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833赞同 反对,不会显示你的姓名
王枉望 ,上不知天文,下不知地理。
833 人赞同


"Do you know that it is illegal to use FB and Gmail in China?!"




编辑于 2015-09-08 97 条评论 感谢


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538赞同 反对,不会显示你的姓名
牛揉揉 ,每个人都是罗生门
538 人赞同

I wrote to you so many times but none of my letters have been replied.Hope you are alive.
编辑于 2015-11-16 79 条评论 感谢


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89赞同 反对,不会显示你的姓名
喵小姐 ,营销/广告/音乐爱好者/设计
89 人赞同

| Begining 

  • I hope you are both well. (开头寒暄)
  • I hope you're doing well.
  • Hope everything is well with you.
  • Hope this email finds you well.(针对群发)

| Thank you for .....

  • Thanks for letting us know.
  • Thanks for getting back to me.
  • Thanks for your e-mail, it was wonderful/great to hear from you.

  • Thank you for your reply/feedback/email.
  • I really enjoy meeting with you.
  • Many thanks for your email.
  • Thanks for your hard work on this.
  • Thank you for your help / time / assistance / support
  • I really appreciate the help. / time / assistance / support you’ve given me.
  • Thank you once more for your help in this matter
  • Thank you for your hospitality. I enjoyed having lunch with you yesterday.

| Apology

  • I'm very sorry that you feel unhappy about...(回复投诉)
  • Please accept our apologies for the confusion caused.We will ensure ..can no longer
  • My apologies for delay in sending this ...
  • Sorry for the slight delay in getting back to you
  • We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.
  • Please accept our apologies for the delay.
  • Please let us know what we can do to compensate you for the damages caused.
  • We will make sure that this will not happen again in the future.
  • I am afraid I will not be able to attend the conference.
  • I’m sorry, but I can’t make it tomorrow. (= I can’t come tomorrow.)

| Complaint

  • I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with… / to complain about…
  • I regret to say that I was not completely satisfied with the room you provided us.
  • We regret to inform you that your payment is considerably overdue.
  • I would like to receive a full refund and compensation for the damages.
  • I am interested to hear how your company can compensate us for the distress we suffered.

| Inform and Request

  • Just to let to know ...(目的)
  • Just wondering if you have the price list.
  • I have copied ***in this email as she is handing the task.
  • You can view the links below.
  • Could you help me with this, please?
  • Could you please get these built out?
  • It would be great/helpful if you could send me.../assist by uploading ...as required.
  • It would be nice if you provide us a little more information on ...
  • Would you be able to ...?
  • Could you amend it with the comments?
  • We will fix it ASAP.
  • Please find the attached ...
  • I've attached the ...sheet for you as a reference as well.
  • ...is attached here for your reference./ I attached here.. for your reference.
  • With regards to setting up the agreement, could you provide us with...?
  • Let me know beforehand.
  • Any comments are welcome.
  • Please let me know your thought on this
  • Could you please let me know if you can attend … / if you are available for a meeting on 12th December?
  • I would appreciate it if you could please send me a brochure/ if you could please reply within two days.
  • Could you possibly arrange a meeting with the XX Manager?
  • I hope you have had a hand to look over the materials we sent.

  • I would just like to confirm the main points we discussed

  • I would also like to know if there are any ...
  • Please let me know how much ...
  • Would it be possible to ....?
  • Enclosed is the information you requested.
  • Please refer to the enclosed brochure
  • At your convenience, would you please send me.....

  • Thank you for your assistance.

  • Our team would appreciate your insights/input on.....
  • Due to the short timeframe for this proposal, prompt reply is greatly appreciated.

| Offer help 

  • If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
  • Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
  • If you require any further information, feel free to contact me/ let me know.
  • Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.
  • Please let me know if you have any questions.
  • Do let me know if you have any question and I will try my best to answer.
  • Let us know what we can do to help you with any questions or on the ...process.
  • I hope this assist with your query, if you require any further information, please let me know.

| Hope and Looking forward to......

  • I hope the above is useful to you.
  • I’m looking forward to your reply/ We appreciate your kind reply soon.
  • I look forward to hearing from you soon / meeting you next Tuesday/ seeing you soon.
  • Looking forward to catching up with you.
  • I would appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.
  • I hope this time is OK for you and looking forward to meeting you.
  • We very much look forward to meeting and welcoming you to ....
  • Your prompt response on this will be highly appreciated.
  • We look forward to a successful working relationship in the future.

| Closing sentences

  • Thank you in advance.
  • Thanks so much and have a great day!
  • Thanks a bunch!
  • Have a great/nice/lovely day!
  • Kind regards,/Best,/Cheers, /Best wishes,/Regards,/

------------------------------------ 1 ---------------------------------------------------
| Job Application

  • I am attaching my CV for your consideration.
  • I am sending you the brochure as an attachment.
  • Attached are....
  • Please find attached the file you requested.
  • Dear Candidates, Thank you for your recent application for....
  • May I take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in ...
  • I am afraid I cannot open the file you have sent me.
  • Could you send it again in … format?
  • Interviews for successful candidates will be held in 3rd week of May onwards

  • We have received your CV and we are processing your details. If your details are suitable for our requirements, we will contact you to arrange a suitable time for an interview by next week.

  • Send in your application

    Open until May 17th. Send your CV to

  • In the meanwhile, if you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

  • Please send your CV together with a covering letter to XX at ...
  • Closing dates for applications: Friday 11th March 2016

| Event and Activity

  • Hi there!/ Dear all,/ Dear students, /Hi all,
  • Thank you for your interest in this event /inquiry/signing up for../registering to attend the...

  • We would like to invite you to attend this fantastic event
  • (H)Invitation to attend the ..
  • Just a quick reminder about…
  • A big thank you to the 80+ participants who turned up to our first workshop!
  • I hope this email finds you well. We would like to invite you to attend …
  • Just a quick note to invite you to…/ to tell you that…
  • This is to invite you to join us for...
  • Could you please let me know if you can attend … / if you are available for a meeting on 12th December?

  • Don't miss out on last chance to sign up for the Careers Forum, taking place on Tuesday 10 May from 18:30 to 20:00.

  • Interested in a career in research after completing a PhD?

  • The …is delighted to be hosting on Friday 19 March 2016

  • This promises to be wonderful .., don’t miss it!

  • This show will run from 6pm-8pm and will be presented by

  • It’s taking place tomorrow from 16:00
  • Please ensure you arrive 10 minutes before to ensure we can start at 11am sharp.
  • This show will run from 6pm-8pm and will be presented by
  • Just turn up, not need to sign up.
  • Make sure that you arrive in plenty of time to ensure that you get a seat!
  • I look forward to seeing you all there.

  • If you would like to attend, please submit the brief booking form online, available here: ….

  • More information on the event can be found on our websites

  • If you would like to attend, please submit the brief booking form online, available here: ….
  • Please see the following bulletin from
  • If you have any questions in advance, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email.

  • Thanks for signing up for the event held at tomorrow at 5:30 pm. I can confirm that you all have a place, so look forward to seeing you then!

  • The survey can be found by clicking on the link below:

Arrival Instructions

  • Please ensure you arrive 10 minutes before to ensure we can start at 11am sharp.
  • Please find the enclosed links for tomorrow’s drop-in session.
  • You can learn more about it via…
  • If you have any questions in advance, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email.
  • More information on the event can be found on our websites
  • Please see the attached PDF files
  • Call me for any further details!

  • I look forward to seeing you all there.
  • I hope it is useful. Many thanks
  • Hope this will be helpful to you and please let me know your questions and concern.
  • Thank you and best wishes

| Academic 

  • Would you be available on Friday so we can have a phone conversation and talk about this?
  • In my understanding..,please correct me if I misunderstood your point.
  • May I know your available time?
  • Sorry to bother you. (写给professor的开头)
  • Hope this answers your question. Let me know if further detail/explanation would be helpful.
  • Dear Students, This is just to remind you that you have a XXX Workshop with XXX (this workshop is mandatory) on Monday 20th May. Please can we kindy ask you to attend ...
  • I have been told by our Facilities Team that they found a bag in XXX with some personal belongings. Please let me know asap if this belongs to you.
  • Please prepare a list of questions that you would like to ask them in the session.
  • Dear Students, Hope you found the XX workshop useful :) Just to clarify on a couple of things, bids should be a maximum of 2 pages. The results will be uploaded to the XX following the project allocations on (date)
  • One of my collegue will send you the link to join the webinar.
  • You can join the video conference slightly before 4pm and if you have any trouble connecting, you can shoot XX an e-mail at....
  • Hope it goes well.
编辑于 2016-05-13 8 条评论 感谢


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68赞同 反对,不会显示你的姓名
Jialin ,名字不能太多,会忘记自己叫什么的
68 人赞同


1. 语气
注意用thank you,说谢谢总是没错的,但不要第一句说了谢谢,第二句再说谢谢,如果非要说两次,可以改变一下用语,比如appreciate,it was great help等。

注意使用一些如please,do you mind,或can you,而不是命令式,让对方觉得被尊重,这个将心比心,人都是一样的。

但在和外国人的交往中,对于自己比较有把握的事情,记得要用肯定的语气,用I believe, I'm sure,不要什么都显得唯唯诺诺,有主见很重要

2. 称呼和结尾敬语
因人而异,天天打交道的可以随便一点,但如果是首次合作或不熟悉的人就要客气一些。称呼上,其他国家我不清楚,在美国,熟悉的直接叫名字,不熟悉的还是用Dr xxx,Ms/Mr xxx,不确定对方性别或名字,或者根本不确定对方是什么人,可以写To whom it may concern,但我是真的几乎没见过有人写Dear Sir or Madam的,虽然出国前自己也写过。。。ORZ

至于结尾敬语,也是一样的原则,不熟的可以写的庄重一点,比如最后写best/kind regards,等等。

3. 附件
Attached is xxx. Please see attached for xxx. I attached here xxx. 等等都是可以的,但千万记得把附件放上去。(本人真的是无数次忘记放附件。)如果忘了放,可以追加一个邮件,说sorry blablabla,人家一般不会那么小气的,但最好不要频繁出错,连续没放,给人印象不好。

4. 截止期
如果没有,但希望对方尽快,那么可以用at your earliest convenience这样的词句,不要随便用ASAP,除非真的很急。

5. 追加邮件
俗称follow up。人家收到不回,或者答应了却迟迟没下文怎么办?
I'm writing to follow up with xxx.
Here is a reminder xxx.
如果怀疑自己或对方邮箱有问题没收到,也可以直说,大家会谅解的,最后说sorry for inconvenience就可以了。

6. 结语
please let me know if you have any questions.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if xxx
Please let me know if you need xxx

7. 署名

8. 回复,抄送和转发

9. 师夷长技
注意观察native speaker的邮件,有什么觉得好的用语下次可以自己试着用,用着用着就变成自己的了。

编辑于 2015-08-15 4 条评论 感谢


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4赞同 反对,不会显示你的姓名
蒲绒 ,Stay young, stay simple.
4 人赞同


第一句肯定是 If you are not ***, or if you don't ***, you can stop reading now.



发布于 2016-04-08 添加评论 感谢


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108赞同 反对,不会显示你的姓名
无尽绿 ,我爱说英文
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同意 @金伟榕 老师的,如果关系不明朗的状况下不要随意缩词缩句。最有效的方法就是在你和各种native speaker交换英语邮件的时候,收集好他们的邮件,模仿他们的用词造句,然后渐渐的用到自己的用词造句中。


我在申请过程中也利用了类似手法,参考这个回答:撰写留学申请的个人陈述 (PS, personal statement)时有哪些常见的误区? - 知乎用户的回答

最重要的信息就是,一定要用他们说话的方式说话,他们做研究的方式做研究,要把你自己打造成你就已经是他们中的一员一样,要把communication noise降低到零。”



发布于 2015-08-11 5 条评论 感谢


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282赞同 反对,不会显示你的姓名
野合菌 ,(╯ ᷇ΘДΘ᷆)╯ 3/\!\/N
282 人赞同

: )
发布于 2015-08-26 33 条评论 感谢


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21赞同 反对,不会显示你的姓名
21 人赞同


这类商业写作的要领,最好是去找 effective business wrriting 之类书来好好看看、多参照着动笔写写练练。单靠收集“神句”,是很容易闹笑话的。

上面 @Letpiefly 列出的那些例句,写的人恐怕不是英美等主要英语国家的白领吧? 在与同事的电邮中, pls confirm and revert, u, 这类缩写/简化都是非常不礼貌的,除非是非常要好的同事/朋友。 Hope EVERYTHING find u well ----- 没有这样的说法的。最接近的可能是 I hope this message finds you well. 能用上这句话的,就不是特别熟悉、亲密的同事,所以如果省略了主语 I ,就显得不够 professional。

from: https://www.zhihu.com/question/34147404


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