
首先我们简单实现 queue(队列) 数据结构 :

local queue = {}
queue.__index = queuefunction queue:push(val)table.insert(self.data, val)
endfunction queue:pop()if #self.data > 0 thenreturn table.remove(self.data, 1)end
endfunction queue:clear()self.data = {}
endfunction queue:empty()return #self.data <= 0
endfunction queue.create()local t = { data = {} }return setmetatable(t, queue)

通过给定的网络结构(使用邻接表表示),生成对应的实流网络和残余网络 :

function prepare_net(define_net)if define_net thenlocal flow_net = {}local residual_net = {}-- handle flow netfor node, next_nodes in pairs(define_net) doflow_net[node] = {}for next_node, capacity in pairs(next_nodes) do-- if check for handling ill settingsif node ~= next_node and capacity > 0 thenflow_net[node][next_node] = 0endendend-- handle residual netfor node, next_nodes in pairs(define_net) doresidual_net[node] = residual_net[node] or {}for next_node, capacity in pairs(next_nodes) do-- if check for handling ill settingsif node ~= next_node and capacity > 0 thenresidual_net[node][next_node] = capacityresidual_net[next_node] = residual_net[next_node] or {}residual_net[next_node][node] = 0endendendreturn flow_net, residual_netend


function max_flow_net(define_net, src_node, dst_node)-- ill case handlingif not define_net or src_node == dst_node thenreturnendlocal flow_net, residual_net = prepare_net(define_net)if not flow_net or not residual_net thenreturnendlocal queue_nodes = queue.create()queue_nodes:clear()queue_nodes:push(src_node)local visited_nodes = { [src_node] = true }local parent_nodes = {}while not queue_nodes:empty() dolocal cur_node = queue_nodes:pop()local next_nodes = residual_net[cur_node]for node, flow in pairs(next_nodes) doif flow > 0 and not visited_nodes[node] thenif node == dst_node then-- do net handling-- find flow pathlocal flow_path = { node }local parent_node = cur_nodewhile parent_node dotable.insert(flow_path, 1, parent_node)parent_node = parent_nodes[parent_node]end-- get min flowlocal min_flow = math.hugefor i = 1, #flow_path - 1 dolocal node_1 = flow_path[i]local node_2 = flow_path[i + 1]local edge_flow = residual_net[node_1][node_2]if edge_flow < min_flow thenmin_flow = edge_flowendend-- error handlingif min_flow >= math.huge thenprint("error to get min flow of path")returnend-- adjust residual net and flow netfor i = 1, #flow_path - 1 dolocal node_1 = flow_path[i]local node_2 = flow_path[i + 1]residual_net[node_1][node_2] = residual_net[node_1][node_2] - min_flowresidual_net[node_2][node_1] = residual_net[node_2][node_1] + min_flowif define_net[node_1][node_2] and define_net[node_1][node_2] > 0 thenflow_net[node_1][node_2] = flow_net[node_1][node_2] + min_flowelseflow_net[node_1][node_2] = flow_net[node_1][node_2] - min_flowendend-- do another round searchingqueue_nodes:clear()queue_nodes:push(src_node)visited_nodes = { [src_node] = true }parent_nodes = {}breakelsevisited_nodes[node] = trueparent_nodes[node] = cur_nodequeue_nodes:push(node)endendendendreturn flow_net


local define_net =
{[1] = {[2] = 12,[3] = 10,},[2] = {[4] = 8,},[3] = {[2] = 2,[5] = 13,},[4] = {[3] = 5,[6] = 18,},[5] = {[4] = 6,[6] = 4,},[6] = {},



max_flow_net(define_net, 1, 6)

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