

  1. 文件-偏好设置-外观-主题-打开主题文件
  2. 将以下内容保存至一个以.css结尾的文件内,然后重启Typora


  1. 页面、图片宽度最大化,使页面内容面积最大;
  2. 代码主题设置为 abbott 。
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}/** abbott.css* A warm, dark theme for prose and code, with pastels and pretty greens.** Ported from abbott.vim (https://github.com/bcat/abbott.vim) version 2.1.* Original design and CodeMirror port by Jonathan Rascher.** This theme shares the following color palette with the Vim color scheme.** Brown shades:*   bistre: #231c14*   chocolate: #3c3022*   cocoa: #745d42*   vanilla_cream: #fef3b4** Red shades:*   crimson: #d80450*   cinnabar: #f63f05** Green shades:*   dark_olive: #273900*   forest_green: #24a507*   chartreuse: #a0ea00*   pastel_chartreuse: #d8ff84** Yellow shades:*   marigold: #fbb32f*   lemon_meringue: #fbec5d** Blue shades:*   cornflower_blue: #3f91f1*   periwinkle_blue: #8ccdf0** Magenta shades:*   french_pink: #ec6c99*   lavender: #e6a2f3** Cyan shades:*   zomp: #39a78d*   seafoam_green: #00ff7f*//* Style the UI: *//* Equivalent to Vim's Normal group. */
.cm-s-inner.CodeMirror {background: #231c14 /* bistre */;color: #d8ff84 /* pastel_chartreuse */;
}/* Roughly equivalent to Vim's LineNr group. */
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-gutters {background: #231c14 /* bistre */;border: none;
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-linenumber { color: #fbec5d /* lemon_meringue */; }.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-guttermarker { color: #f63f05 /* cinnabar */; }/* Roughly equivalent to Vim's FoldColumn group. */
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-guttermarker-subtle { color: #fbb32f /* marigold */; }/** Roughly equivalent to Vim's CursorColumn group. (We use a brighter color* since Vim's cursorcolumn option highlights a whole column, whereas* CodeMirror's rule just highlights a thin line.)*/
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-ruler { border-color: #745d42 /* cocoa */; }/* Equivalent to Vim's Cursor group in insert mode. */
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-cursor { border-color: #a0ea00 /* chartreuse */; }/* Equivalent to Vim's Cursor group in normal mode. */
.cm-s-inner.cm-fat-cursor .CodeMirror-cursor,
.cm-s-inner .cm-animate-fat-cursor {/** CodeMirror doesn't allow changing the foreground color of the character* under the cursor, so we can't use a reverse video effect for the cursor.* Instead, make it semitransparent.*/background: rgba(160, 234, 0, 0.5) /* chartreuse */;
.cm-s-inner.cm-fat-cursor .CodeMirror-cursors {/** Boost the z-index so the fat cursor shows up on top of text and* matchingbracket/matchingtag highlights.*/z-index: 3;
}/* Equivalent to Vim's Cursor group in replace mode. */
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-overwrite .CodeMirror-cursor {border-bottom: 1px solid #a0ea00 /* chartreuse */;border-left: none;width: auto;
}/* Roughly equivalent to Vim's CursorIM group. */
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-secondarycursor {border-color: #00ff7f /* seafoam_green */;
}/* Roughly equivalent to Vim's Visual group. */
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-selected,
.cm-s-inner.CodeMirror-focused .CodeMirror-selected {background: #273900 /* dark_olive */;
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-line::selection,
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-line > span::selection,
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-line > span > span::selection {background: #273900 /* dark_olive */;
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-line::-moz-selection,
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-line > span::-moz-selection,
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-line > span > span::-moz-selection {background: #273900 /* dark_olive */;
}/* Roughly equivalent to Vim's SpecialKey group. */
.cm-s-inner .cm-tab { color: #00ff7f /* seafoam_green */; }/* Equivalent to Vim's Search group. */
.cm-s-inner .cm-searching {background: #fef3b4 /* vanilla_cream */ !important;color: #231c14 /* bistre */ !important;
}/* Style syntax highlighting modes: *//* Equivalent to Vim's Comment group. */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-comment {color: #fbb32f /* marigold */;font-style: italic;
}/* Equivalent to Vim's String group. */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-string,
.cm-s-inner span.cm-string-2 {color: #e6a2f3 /* lavender */;
}/* Equivalent to Vim's Constant group. */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-number,
.cm-s-inner span.cm-string.cm-url { color: #f63f05 /* cinnabar */; }/* Roughly equivalent to Vim's SpecialKey group. */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-invalidchar { color: #00ff7f /* seafoam_green */; }/* Equivalent to Vim's Special group. */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-atom { color: #fef3b4 /* vanilla_cream */; }/* Equivalent to Vim's Delimiter group. */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-bracket,
.cm-s-inner span.cm-punctuation {color: #fef3b4 /* vanilla_cream */;
}/* Equivalent Vim's Operator group. */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-operator { font-weight: bold; }/* Roughly equivalent to Vim's Identifier group. */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-def,
.cm-s-inner span.cm-variable,
.cm-s-inner span.cm-variable-2,
.cm-s-inner span.cm-variable-3 {color: #8ccdf0 /* periwinkle_blue */;
}/* Roughly equivalent to Vim's Function group. */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-builtin,
.cm-s-inner span.cm-property,
.cm-s-inner span.cm-qualifier {color: #3f91f1 /* cornflower_blue */;
}/* Equivalent to Vim's Type group. */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-type { color: #24a507 /* forest_green */; }/* Equivalent to Vim's Keyword group. */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-keyword {color: #d80450 /* crimson */;font-weight: bold;
}/* Equivalent to Vim's PreProc group. */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-meta { color: #ec6c99 /* french_pink */; }/* Equivalent to Vim's htmlTagName group (linked to Statement). */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-tag {color: #d80450 /* crimson */;font-weight: bold;
}/* Equivalent to Vim's htmlArg group (linked to Type). */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-attribute { color: #24a507 /* forest_green */; }/* Equivalent to Vim's htmlH1, markdownH1, etc. groups (linked to Title). */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-header {color: #d80450 /* crimson */;font-weight: bold;
}/* Equivalent to Vim's markdownRule group (linked to PreProc). */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-hr { color: #ec6c99 /* french_pink */; }/* Roughly equivalent to Vim's Underlined group. */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-link { color: #e6a2f3 /* lavender */; }/* Equivalent to Vim's diffRemoved group. */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-negative {background: #d80450 /* crimson */;color: #231c14 /* bistre */;
}/* Equivalent to Vim's diffAdded group. */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-positive {background: #a0ea00 /* chartreuse */;color: #231c14 /* bistre */;font-weight: bold;
}/* Equivalent to Vim's Error group. */
.cm-s-inner span.cm-error {background: #d80450 /* crimson */;color: #231c14 /* bistre */;
}/* Style addons: *//* Equivalent to Vim's MatchParen group. */
.cm-s-inner span.CodeMirror-matchingbracket {background: #745d42 /* cocoa */ !important;color: #231c14 /* bistre */ !important;font-weight: bold;
}/** Roughly equivalent to Vim's Error group. (Vim doesn't seem to have a direct* equivalent in its own matchparen plugin, but many syntax highlighting plugins* mark mismatched brackets as Error.)*/
.cm-s-inner span.CodeMirror-nonmatchingbracket {background: #d80450 /* crimson */ !important;color: #231c14 /* bistre */ !important;
}.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-matchingtag,
.cm-s-inner .cm-matchhighlight {outline: 1px solid #39a78d /* zomp */;
}/* Equivalent to Vim's CursorLine group. */
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-activeline-background,
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-activeline-gutter {background: #3c3022 /* chocolate */;
}/* Equivalent to Vim's CursorLineNr group. */
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-activeline-gutter .CodeMirror-linenumber {color: #d8ff84 /* pastel_chartreuse */;font-weight: bold;
}/* Roughly equivalent to Vim's Folded group. */
.cm-s-inner .CodeMirror-foldmarker {color: #f63f05 /* cinnabar */;text-shadow: none;


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