英特佩斯neoVI FIRE,可以做can到pc接口转换器,can数据记录仪,can控制器仿真机,lin接口卡等


Standalone Logging, Scripting, and Simulation

In addition to operating as a PC interface, the neoVI FIRE and neoVI RED also work in standalone mode, which allows them to run real-time scripts, log data to a removable microSD card, and simulate ECUs and gateways. With these features, it is also possible to run a script to reflash ECUs using data from the microSD card.

Vehicle Spy Application Software

OurVehicle Spysoftware fully supports the neoVI FIRE and neoVI RED. Users can use Vehicle Spy to monitor and transmit on all neoVI networks simultaneously. Vehicle Spy is used (and required) to configure standalone mode. Users can take advantage of the powerful interface to load databases, and to write and debug scripts before downloading them to the device.


neoVI DLL, J2534, Linux, and RP1210 Support

Some of our customers prefer to write their own software. To support these users, the neoVI FIRE and neoVI RED are compatible with three open APIs: neoVI DLL API, SAE J2534 API and the TMC RP1210 A/B API. The neoVI DLL API includes examples for all popular development environments, including C#, VB. NET, VB6, Delphi, C++ Builder, Visual C++, LabVIEW, and LabWindows.

Hardware-in-the-Loop Real-Time Performance

The neoVI FIRE and neoVI RED include a real-time scripting engine that can be used to perform real-time messaging. For example, someone creating an application can load a script into the hardware and interface with the script variables, allowing microsecond-level measurement and control. Vehicle Spy also now has a new feature called hardware acceleration, which can be configured to send real-time functions to the device such as periodic messaging, replaying, or scripting.

Logging Features

The neoVI FIRE and neoVI RED are capable of logging to a removable microSD card, which uses a real-time fail-safe FAT32 storage format. Both devices also include a real-time clock for hardware timestamping of all messages. Finally, a powerful power management system automatically powers down the neoVI and can wake it up based on network activity or detection of a PC being connected.

ECU Prototyping

In addition to its powerful real-time scripting capability, neoVI FIRE and neoVI RED development kits are available to assist users in creating their own embedded applications. The development kit allows you to design and debug code on your Windows PC, compile it, then bootload it into the device. Your code can make use of the CAN and LIN drivers within the FIRE or RED unit.


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