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I’ve had the privilege of screening hundreds of portfolios & candidates as a hiring manager. A few weeks ago, a designer I hired a few years back asked me to review her portfolio as she was looking for a new job (not while I was still her manager, don’t worry). She’s incredibly talented and I wanted to make sure that her portfolio accurately reflected her abilities.

我有幸筛选了数百个投资组合和候选人,担任招聘经理。 几周前,几年前我雇用的一位设计师让我在寻找新工作时审查她的投资组合(不用了,尽管我仍然是她的经理,不用担心)。 她非常有才华,我想确保自己的作品集准确地反映出她的能力。

Afterward, I thought maybe exposing that knowledge would help other folks level up their portfolios too, so here we are! As a caveat, I mostly hired for UX/Product design positions. These tips are mostly applicable to visual & graphic designers as well, but are steered a little more towards the former.

之后,我想也许是公开知识也可以帮助其他人提高他们的投资组合,所以我们来了! 需要说明的是,我主要是聘请为UX /产品设计职位。 这些技巧也同样适用于视觉和图形设计师,但更多的是针对前者。

应避免的三件事: (3 Things to Avoid:)

1.令人困惑的结构 (1. Confusing Structure)

Design is largely about your ability to communicate with users. That means if you can’t communicate your work to me, the hiring manager, what would make me think that you can communicate with our users?

设计主要是关于您与用户沟通的能力。 这意味着,如果您无法与招聘经理我交流您的工作,那么什么让我认为您可以与我们的用户交流?

Make sure that your high-level points are bolded/emphasized and have visual hierarchy applied to them — just like your work. I’m not proud of this, but I definitely skim a lot of portfolios due to time restraints. I don’t think I’m alone on this however, and if I can’t at a quick glance get a sense of your process it severely hurts your chances of getting through to the next stage.

确保您的高级要点加粗/强调,并对其应用视觉层次结构-就像您的工作一样。 我对此并不感到骄傲,但是由于时间的限制,我肯定会浏览很多投资组合。 但是,我不认为我一个人,如果我不能一目了然地了解您的流程,将会严重损害您进入下一阶段的机会。

For example, if you’re a product designer, I’d expect to see something that loosely follows:


  1. Describe the business problem描述业务问题
  2. Describe the user problem描述用户问题
  3. Describe the solution you came up with描述您想到的解决方案
  4. Describe how you measured the efficacy of the solution and what the results were.描述如何测量溶液的功效以及结果。

Even if you’re a graphic designer, motion designer, or another kind — your ‘outline’ should string the whole story together without me having to dive into paragraphs and paragraphs of body text.


Here’s an example of the process being strung together with high-level points:


  1. Support staff were working 50 hours a week, leading to burnout and costing the company significant overtime pay.支持人员每周工作50个小时,导致工作倦怠并花费公司大量的加班费。
  2. After research, we found it was due to people being confused when using the product.经过研究,我们发现这是由于人们在使用该产品时感到困惑。
  3. I worked with a product team to improve the usability of the product.我与产品团队合作来改善产品的可用性。
  4. A month after shipping, support staff saw a 30% reduction in tickets.运送一个月后,支持人员看到机票减少了30%。

In each of these points, you can dive in with detailed paragraphs of text, images, annotations, and the like — but on a quick scroll I should be able to get a gist of your process without spending 30 minutes reading. If the high-level process makes sense, I’ll dig into some of the weeds to see how exactly you achieved what you did.

在以上每点中,您都可以深入阅读文本,图像,注释等的详细段落-但是快速浏览一下,我应该能够掌握您的过程要点,而无需花费30分钟阅读时间。 如果高层流程有意义,我将深入研究其中的杂草,以了解您如何精确地实现了自己的目标。

2.令人困惑的时间表 (2. Confusing Timelines)

When was the project done? What order were the steps in? How long did each step take?

该项目何时完成? 步骤按什么顺序执行? 每个步骤花了多长时间?

These are things that I often find are left out of portfolios. Remember again that hiring managers are evaluating your ability to communicate! If you spent 5 days doing research and 1 day doing wireframes, I want to hear about why that was the case and what you got out of it. If you sum up your research description to one sentence but spend 5 pages showing me the wireframes, I naturally will assume that you spent basically no time on research.

我经常发现这些东西被排除在投资组合之外。 再次记住,招聘经理正在评估您的沟通能力! 如果您花了5天的时间进行研究,花了1天的时间进行线框设计,我想听听为什么会这样,以及您从中学到了什么。 如果您将研究描述概括为一个句子,但花了5页向我展示线框,我自然会假设您基本上没有时间在研究上。

That’s not to say that you need to proportionally indicate effort via length of descriptions, but you have to communicate it to the hiring manager or he/she will make assumptions.


If it’s a project from 3 years ago, tell me that it’s a project from 3 years ago and why you still chose to include it. Often I’ll see choices made in one project that seem very at odds with the choices made in a different project, only to find out over a call that there were 5 years of growth between the two.

如果这是3年前的项目,请告诉我这是3年前的项目,为什么还选择包含它。 通常,我会看到在一个项目中做出的选择似乎与在另一个项目中做出的选择大相径庭,只是在一次电话会议中发现两者之间有5年的增长。

3.角色混乱 (3. Confusing Roles)

I love hearing about the team — and I certainly don’t like a narcissistic candidate — but if I don’t know what your part in the project was, I can’t evaluate you as a candidate.


You don’t have to constantly be touting how you did everything. You do however need to mention your role, and more specifically what your responses were to challenges that the team faced.

您不必一直在吹捧自己的工作方式。 但是,您确实需要提及您的角色,更具体地说是您对团队所面临挑战的React。

Even if your role changed, that’s absolutely fine. Personally, I like to look for how the team changed course because of you. Did you have to convince a stakeholder to change his/her mind? How did you do it? What happened when you received pushback from the team on your work?

即使您的角色更改了,也没关系。 就个人而言,我喜欢寻找团队如何因您而改变方向。 您是否必须说服利益相关者改变主意? 你是怎么做到的? 当您收到团队的工作反馈时发生了什么?

This gives the hiring manager a really good idea of how you would fit into the team they’re hiring for. Perhaps they need a superstar to champion some initiative with nebulous requirements — they can see that from your decisions & interactions with the team. Or perhaps they need a rockstar who is just amazing at leading an interdisciplinary team of juniors— they’ll figure that out too.

这使招聘经理非常了解您如何适应他们要招聘的团队。 也许他们需要一位超级巨星来捍卫一些含糊其辞的要求的主动权-他们可以从您的决策和与团队的互动中看到这一点。 或者,也许他们需要一位摇滚明星,他们在领导一支跨学科的初级团队方面非常出色-他们也将弄清楚这一点。

3件事包括: (3 Things to Include:)

1.运作影响 (1. Operational Influence)

Along the lines of explaining what you did, I in particular really want to see how candidates interact with other team members. A strong designer needs to be able to step into a room of clients, engineers, product managers, etc. and add value in a way that they can’t.

在解释您所做的事情的过程中,我尤其非常想看看候选人如何与其他团队成员互动。 优秀的设计师需要能够进入客户,工程师,产品经理等的房间,并以他们无法做到的方式增加价值。

Design, for better or worse, has a longstanding history of not having a voice or a seat at the table. So I love it when I see things like:

无论好坏,设计都有悠久的历史,没有桌子旁没有声音或座位。 因此,当我看到以下内容时,我会喜欢它:

  • “The team was discussing something and I realized we all had different versions of what it was in our heads. I whipped out a marker and drew a visual artifact so we could align our disparate ideas”“团队正在讨论一些东西,我意识到我们所有人脑海中都有不同的版本。 我掏出一个标记并画了一个视觉人工制品,以便我们可以调整不同的想法”
  • “The client wanted to change the color because she said it felt too strong. I went away and gathered a whole bunch of examples of how strong colors were perceived negatively at first — but overtime became the hallmark of distinctive brands”“客户想改变颜色,因为她说颜色太浓了。 我走了,收集了很多实例,这些实例最初是如何强烈地感知强烈的色彩的,但是加班却成了独特品牌的标志。”
  • “An engineer wanted to add a dropdown where it didn’t make much sense — I walked him through a typical user journey anchored in the research I had done and after putting himself in the user’s shoes he realized it wasn’t the right move.”“一位工程师想在一个没有太大意义的地方添加一个下拉菜单。我带领他完成了基于我所做研究的典型用户旅程,将自己放在用户的鞋子上之后,他意识到这是不正确的举动。 ”

As a caveat, if you have less experience, it’s fine to have less operational influence as you’re still learning. Just show even the smallest cases of how you moved the team forward and that’s already incredibly impressive.

需要说明的是,如果您的经验较少,那么在仍在学习中时,可以减少对操作的影响。 仅显示最小的案例,说明您如何推动团队前进,这已经令人难以置信。

2.意识能力 (2. Conscious Competence)

The more senior the candidate, the more conscious competence hiring managers expect to see. For every decision and step that you took, the more you’re able to justify it the better. For example, if you say “here’s where I dove into research”, I want to know why. If you say “here’s the feature set we landed on”, I want to know how.

候选人越高级,招聘经理期望看到的自觉能力越强。 对于您做出的每一个决定和每个步骤,您越有能力证明它是更好的。 例如,如果您说“这里就是我从事研究的地方”,我想知道为什么。 如果您说“这是我们使用的功能集”,我想知道如何。

Even when it comes to visual design, tell me why you chose that color, affordance, UI pattern, you name it. Sometimes it’s even fair to skip what is commonly viewed as a necessary step — as long as you explain why. If you’re a UX designer, saying “I decided to skip research” is not a terrible move. Saying you decided to skip research without explaining why, is.

即使涉及视觉设计,也请告诉我为什么选择该颜色,辅助功能,UI模式,并为其命名。 有时,只要解释了原因,就跳过通常认为是必要的步骤甚至是公平的。 如果您是用户体验设计师,那么说“我决定跳过研究”并不是一个可怕的举动。 说您决定跳过研究而不解释为什么

For more junior candidates, I look for more unconscious competence. I want to see evidence of them making good decisions. They may not yet know exactly why they’re good, but they’re not just following the ‘rulebook’ because someone told them to. They’re doing what they think is best and it happens to be a great sign of latent talent.

对于更多的初级候选人,我希望获得更多的潜意识。 我想看看他们做出正确决定的证据。 他们可能还不知道自己为什么擅长,但是他们并不只是遵循“规则”,因为有人告诉他们这样做。 他们正在做自己认为最好的事情,而这恰恰是潜在人才的重要标志。

To be honest, I care less about what the deliverables were. I care much more about how a candidate got to those deliverables because if I see strong thinking I can naturally extrapolate to how that candidate will approach a problem I end up giving them later.

老实说,我不太关心可交付成果是什么。 我更关心应聘者如何获得这些可交付成果,因为如果我有强烈的想法,我自然可以推断出该应聘者将如何解决问题,最后我会给他们。

3.回顾展 (3. A Retrospective)

You either learn from others or yourself. Either way, it requires examining what happened to determine whether or not the decisions you made were good ones.

您可以向他人学习,也可以向自己学习。 无论哪种方式,它都需要检查发生了什么,以确定您做出的决定是否是正确的决定。

So many candidates don’t include any nod towards this it’s shocking!


The strongest portfolios I’ve seen always include a careful critical analysis of the decisions made (whether they were right or wrong), and tie that into the results that were achieved.


That’s not to say that every decision you show has to be correct — in fact, I always interviewed candidates who, if a strong retro was present, showed enough humility to admit a decision was bad and how they learned from it.


By including one, you’re essentially answering the “what’s your greatest weakness” interview question without the hiring manager ever having to ask. Here are some strong examples of short retros that were incredibly powerful when demonstrating the abilities of the candidate:

通过添加一个,您实质上是在回答“最大的弱点是什么”面试问题,而无需招聘经理问。 以下是一些简短的复古短片的有力例子,它们在展示候选人的能力时非常强大:

“I was pretty personally happy with the results. The business certainly was. I did think though that if we spent a bit more time and created 3 variations of the solution instead of only 1, we would have arrived at an even better solution, or at least one that was less costly from an engineering perspective. The time saved wasn’t worth it in this case.”

“我个人对结果非常满意。 生意当然是。 我确实认为,如果我们花更多的时间并创建3个解决方案的变体,而不是仅创建1个,我们将获得一个更好的解决方案,或者至少一个从工程角度讲成本更低的解决方案。 在这种情况下,节省时间是不值得的。”

“We had a ton of positive feedback after we built feature X. I was happy with the quality of the design, but felt I could have gotten there faster. I wasted a lot of time going back and forth with product management because of unclear requirements. I now have a list of questions I always get the PM to answer before I move forward with solution brainstorming.”

“在构建功能X之后,我们获得了很多积极的反馈。我对设计的质量感到满意,但感觉我可以更快地到达那里。 由于要求不明确,我浪费了很多时间来回进行产品管理。 现在,我有了一个问题清单,在继续进行解决方案集体讨论之前,我总是能让PM回答。”

Love your dog? I just launched a side project where dog owners can follow the progress of other dogs, get help, and document their own journey. It’s called BigRuffLife, check it out!

爱你的狗? 我刚刚启动了一个附带项目,养狗者可以跟踪其他狗的进展,获得帮助并记录自己的旅程。 叫做BigRuffLife,快来看看!

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/3-things-all-strong-design-portfolios-have-and-avoid-26fa0eeae4cb




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