
I recently transitioned from being a copywriter at an ad agency to a UX Designer at a SaaS startup. To add more multidisciplinary skills into the mix, I graduated with a Bachelor in Accountancy.

我最近从一名广告代理商的撰稿人过渡到了SaaS初创公司的UX Designer。 为了增加更多的跨学科技能,我获得了会计学学士学位。

All I can say is life really does take you by surprise. And we can only marvel at its mysterious ways..

我只能说生活确实会让您感到惊讶。 我们只能惊叹于它的神秘方式。

It’s been a month since I started as a full-time UX Designer. I’ve learnt a lot in this short time, accelerated by the start-up culture. Work does get pretty hectic — the words “Push to Live” being uttered by my co-founders just about every other day — but I am extremely thankful to be in this position.

从我开始从事全职UX设计器已经过去了一个月。 在短时间内,我受益于创业文化,学到了很多东西。 工作的确忙得不可开交-几乎每隔一天我的联合创始人都会说“ 活着 ”一词-但我很高兴能担任这个职位。

我学到的三件事: (3 Things I’ve learnt:)

1.用户体验债务沉重 (1. UX Debt is Hefty)

My first task was to improve the current UX of our product, which is an online video creation platform. My boss dedicated the month of July to be “UX/UI Intensive”, where we would do multiple design sprints to enhance the user interface of our product.

我的首要任务是改善我们产品的当前用户体验,这是一个在线视频创建平台。 我的老板将7月定为“ UX / UI密集型”,我们将进行多次设计冲刺,以增强产品的用户界面。

I was immediately given a litany of UX problems to work on. It felt like I was thrown in the deep end. The list was on top of the egregious UI issues I spotted and wanted to address from the onset.

立即给我带来了一系列需要解决的UX问题。 感觉就像被深深吸引了。 该列表位于我发现并想从一开始就解决的糟糕的UI问题之上。

It wasn’t long before I realised it was impossible to do all of them together. Furthermore, our team of developers were already struggling to manage their workload and their own tech debt.

不久之后,我意识到不可能将所有这些都一起做。 此外,我们的开发人员团队已经在努力管理工作量和自己的技术债务

I didn’t know debt exists in so many forms! A UX Debt Prioritisation Matrix definitely came in handy.

我不知道债务以多种形式存在! UX债务优先级排序矩阵肯定派上用场。

Nielsen Norman Group Nielsen Norman Group

We prioritised working on high priority issues and small fixes that could achieve a disproportionate increase in user value. The lower-priority UX issues would be revisited when things get less hectic.

我们优先处理高优先级问题和小的修复程序,这些问题可能会实现用户价值的不成比例的增长。 当事情变得不那么忙碌时,较低优先级的UX问题将重新出现。

Given the state of affairs, we had also prioritise efforts that could reduce tech and UX debt at the same time. Killing two birds with one stone. It definitely made us more efficient and ensure we would not dig ourselves further into debt. Ideally, this approach also helped the product maintain full trust and credibility with users.

考虑到当前的状况,我们还优先考虑可以同时减少技术和用户体验债务的工作。 用一块石头杀死两只鸟。 这无疑使我们更有效率,并确保我们不会进一步陷入债务困境。 理想情况下,这种方法还可以帮助产品保持对用户的完全信任和信誉。

Photo by Ehud Neuhaus on Unsplash
由 Ehud Neuhaus 摄于 Unsplash

Clearing UX debt is definitely daunting, especially when there are so many considerations in place. Apart from time and effort, we have to consider technological feasibility, factor in upcoming new features and our available resources. This definitely expanded my visualisation and time management skills.

清除用户体验债务绝对令人生畏,尤其是当考虑到很多问题时。 除了花费时间和精力之外,我们还必须考虑技术可行性,即将推出的新功能以及可用资源的因素。 这无疑扩展了我的可视化和时间管理技能。

2.用户研究是否可以作为决胜局 (2. User Research as a Tie Breaker (or not))

Everyone wants the best for the product. There is no malice. But often, is their version of ‘best’ aligned with users’ goal? This appears to be a perennial problem everywhere, more popularly known as the principal-agent problem.

每个人都想要最好的产品。 没有恶意。 但是通常,他们的“最佳”版本是否与用户的目标保持一致? 在世界各地,这似乎都是一个长期存在的问题,通常被称为委托代理问题 。

The Principal-Agent Problem of UX

In UX, this occurs when the product is continuously being ‘improved’ in the eyes of the manager but falls out of line with user needs. User goals are relegated to the sidelines because managers assume they know better.

在UX中,这种情况发生在管理人员眼中不断“改进”产品但与用户需求不符的情况下。 用户目标被抛在一边,因为经理们认为他们更了解。

“People don’t know what they want until you show it to them. That’s why I never rely on market research.” - Steve Jobs

“人们不知道自己想要什么,除非您向他们展示。 这就是为什么我从不依赖市场研究的原因。” - 史蒂夫·乔布斯

Is our job to figure out what users are going to want before they do? Or to give them what they want? Sure, with perfect information, this would not be an issue at all. However, we are not Steve Jobs (and even Apple gets it wrong sometimes) and full knowledge is the exception rather than the norm. The best we can do is to constantly do user research.

我们的工作是先弄清楚用户想要什么吗? 还是给他们他们想要的? 当然,有了完善的信息,这根本就不是问题。 但是,我们不是史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)(甚至苹果有时也会犯错),而且全面的知识是例外,而不是常规。 我们能做的最好的事情就是不断进行用户研究。

Knowing more about our customer is always a great starting point, whether you are a revolutionary or a mom-and-pop business.


No conflict of interest will arise when you understand your user so well.


In my case, after countless hours of team UX discussions that led to no conclusion, I whipped out a secret weapon I had previously underestimated.



Over night, I became an online survey tool goddess. Google Forms, Survey Monkey, Typeform, Paperform, bring it on!

一夜之间,我成为了在线调查工具的女神。 Google表单,Survey Monkey,Typeform,Paperform,来吧!

You should know not all survey tools are created equal. Given the unique circumstances we have found ourselves in this year, online survey forms are one of the best methods for remote user testing.

您应该知道并非所有调查工具都是一样的。 考虑到我们今年的特殊情况,在线调查表是进行远程用户测试的最佳方法之一。

Hit the ground running with some of my tips:


  • Experiment to find the best tool that will elicit the most accurate response from your users. (FYI Paperform works the best for MCQ image options. And no, I am not sponsored!)

    尝试找到最好的工具,以引起用户最准确的响应 。 (FYI Paperform最适合MCQ图像选项。不,我没有赞助!)

  • Keep your questions short and succinct — Nobody likes to do a free survey, moreover read more words!

    让您的问题简短明了 —没有人喜欢进行免费问卷调查,而且要多读一些单词!

  • Present your proposed solutions clearly: Creating gifs of proposed UI changes are a great way to conduct remote user testing, and allow users to better visualise your designs


Our survey results were shocking. For a particular feature, our users were also undecided and results were a clean 50/50 split. Nothing conclusive was gained. To solve this, we settled on a middle-ground solution that was a mix of the 2 options we presented our users. Had it not been for the results, we would not thought so deeply about our solution.

我们的调查结果令人震惊。 对于特定功能,我们的用户也不确定,结果是清晰的50/50分割。 没有定论。 为了解决这个问题,我们选择了一个中间解决方案,该解决方案是我们为用户提供的两种选择的组合。 如果没有结果,我们就不会对解决方案有那么深的思考。

The survey results also forced us to re-evaluate certain beliefs. Certain product features we thought eased their user experience turned out to be a chore to them. While it did take some convincing for my team to get on the user research train, I think we are slowly coming round!

调查结果还迫使我们重新评估某些信念。 我们认为减轻他们的用户体验的某些产品功能对他们来说是一件烦事。 虽然让我的团队接受用户研究训练确实有些令人信服,但我认为我们正在慢慢努力!

3. UX失明 (3. UX Blindness)

Two weeks in, the egregious UX problems I spotted on my first day started to dull in intensity and slowly fade away. I panicked. Day in day out I stared at our product, thinking of ways to make it better. And now, I came to naught.

两周后,我在第一天发现的严重UX问题开始变得沉闷,并逐渐消失。 我慌了 我每天都盯着我们的产品,思考着如何使它更好。 而现在,我变得一无所有。

The infamous Impostor Syndrome hit hard. I questioned if I was really suited for this career. I started worrying if my job was at risk and I had to job hunt all over again, which really killed my vibe. (overactive mind alert)

臭名昭著的冒名顶替综合症遭受重创。 我问我是否真的适合这个职业。 我开始担心自己的工作是否处于危险之中,我不得不重新找工作,这真的使我的情绪丧命。 (过度活跃的心理警报)

Thankfully, that was not the case. As I had been knee deep in the product day in day out, I simply needed a break and would come back looking at it with fresh eyes. The curse of working for too long is that you start to understand the product better, its idiosyncrasies and lose your keen eye for its irksome areas.

幸运的是,事实并非如此。 由于我每天都要深陷产品中,所以我只需要休息一下,然后会重新换上新的眼睛看。 工作时间太长的诅咒是,您开始更好地了解产品,产品的特质并对它令人讨厌的领域失去敏锐的眼光。

Steps to curing UX Blindness:


  1. Realise you are becoming immune to UX Problems


  2. Step away. Or, switch up your task. (Petting my dog is my go-to!)

    走开 。 或者,切换您的任务。 (我的狗很爱我!)

  3. Come back with fresh eyes


Well, think about your users. Chances are, their interaction with your product is more limited (unlike you who have slaved hours examining it). You get a more accurate understanding of their user experience when you look at the product again with fresh eyes after a nice break.

好吧,考虑一下您的用户。 可能是,它们与您的产品的交互更有限(与您花费大量时间检查产品的您不同)。 休息片刻之后,用新鲜的眼睛再次看产品,您将对他们的用户体验有更准确的了解。

This allows you to experience the product all over again, the small interactions and micro-frustrations that slipped you earlier. And there, you have new issues to work on

这使您可以重新体验产品,小的交互和微小的挫败感使您早先滑倒了。 在那里,您有新的问题要处理

It’s only been a month in my UX Design journey and I’m hooked. Being resourceful is definitely a top skill of anybody working in tech. What excites me about this career is how the UX field is never stagnant.

在我的UX设计之旅中只有一个月的时间,我迷上了。 足智多谋绝对是从事技术工作的任何人的一项最高技能。 令我兴奋的是,UX领域从未停滞不前。

The UX landscape is always changing and pushing boundaries of what it means to be a brilliant, intuitive product. As consumers, we really lucked out!

UX格局总是在变化,并突破了成为出色,直观产品的含义的界限。 作为消费者,我们真的很幸运!

Thank you for reading! I hope you’ve taken something away from my article. :)

感谢您的阅读! 希望您从我的文章中删除了一些东西。 :)

翻译自: https://uxplanet.org/3-things-i-learnt-in-my-first-month-as-a-ux-designer-at-a-saas-startup-6e42a482e992




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