口语笔记B1-Unit06.社交活动-04-Housewarming party

  • Housewarming party
    • 词汇语法及实用表达
    • 对话场景
    • 文化拓展
    • 思维发散

Housewarming party


glad you could make it很高兴你们能来
Come on in快进来
gorgeous 美丽动人的
"I moved in,"搬进来I moved into this apartment
setting up布置
show someone around四处看看
housewarming gift 乔迁礼物
You shouldn’t have.你不用这样




How to throw a housewarming party on a budget


Figure out your budget


Before you make any decisions about your housewarming party, you need to know how much money you have to work with. Don’t feel any sort of obligation to spend big. The most important thing is knowing what you’re comfortable spending, and from there you can dive in to all of the other details.


Set a reasonable date


Figure out a date that will give you enough time to recover financially from the move, letting go of the pressure within the first month or two of settling in.


Limit the guest list


A party doesn’t have to mean inviting a ton of people. You’re probably better off paring the guest list down to just your closest friends.


Skip the decorations


If you do want to add some special touches, buy things that you can get use out of even after the party, like string lights, art, and maybe a pretty dessert stand for the kitchen counter top.


Source: Moving, “How to Throw a Housewarming Party on a Budget”


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