

Recently in the process of learning the linked-list, I wrote a function like this:

/* Add a new item to the list */
int addItem(struct film *head, struct film *prev, char *input){/* Request memory to store the input and create a pointer to it */struct film *current = (struct film *) malloc(sizeof(struct film));  /* Judge whether the first node exists */if (head==NULL){head = current;}else{prev->next = current;}/* Edit the current node */current->next = NULL;strcpy(current->title, input);puts("[INFO] Please input the rating<0-10> here.");scanf("%d",&current->rating);while(getchar()!='\n')continue;puts("[INFO] Adding an item successfully.");/* set the value of pointer for previous node to the value of current pointer */prev = current;return 0;


Obviously, I want to add a new node to the linked-list, and save the input to it.


Then I ran the whole program, there was nothing wrong with this function. However, when I had a traversal of this list and output all data, I found that nothing is stored in the list.

问题(The Problem):


So, what's the problem?


After debugging, I made sure that the function ran well, so the problem is that my code is unable to do want I want to do correctly.


Then I add the function to print the value of "head" and "prev" after the function is executed.


The results are both NULL, which is what I set to the two pointers when I initial them.



I am confused, how can that be. Reading the code again and again, I can't find the problem. So I start to debug step by step.


When I saw the value of "head" changed back to NULL at the moment that all the things ran well and the function is done, the problem suddenly dawned on me.


(原因是, C语言函数中传入的变量仅是与被调用时传入的参数的值相同的一份拷贝,与原变量处于两个不同的存储空间)

In this function, I used the pointer to a struct to change the value of the variable in the struct, but I forgot that the value of the point can't be changed as a variable passed in.

(The reason is that the variable passed in the function is just a copy of the original variable, the memories to store them are different in the C language)



As the problem is clear, it's easy to come up with the solution.


Now I want to change the value of the pointer passed in, also want to change the value of the variable in the struct which is pointed by the pointer, how to do that?


The secondary pointer!


So I changed the code as below:

/* Add a new item to the list */
int addItem(struct film **head, struct film **prev, char *input){/* Request memory to store the input and create a pointer to it */struct film *current = (struct film *) malloc(sizeof(struct film));  /* Judge whether the first node exists */if (*head==NULL){*head = current;}else{(*prev)->next = current;}/* Edit the current node */current->next = NULL;strcpy(current->title, input);puts("[INFO] Please input the rating<0-10> here.");scanf("%d",&current->rating);while(getchar()!='\n')continue;puts("[INFO] Adding an item successfully.");/* set the value of pointer for previous node to the value of current pointer */*prev = current;return 0;


At the same time, I changed the two parameters to the secondary pointers to the two structs.


Run the program, all the things are well.



Looking back on this process, it's a very easy problem, but I can't find that quickly when I am writing and debugging on this code, proving that those closely involved can't see clearly. When checking the code, I focused on the operation that change a variable in the struct through the pointer to the struct, ignoring that the pointer can't be changed as a parameter passed in the function. So, when you can't find what is wrong with your code, why not think back some basic concepts, maybe suddenly you will see the light.


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