


[08006][17002] io 错误: the network adapter could not establish the connection (connection_id=qdoc1bwg相关推荐

  1. 在使用DBeaver连接虚拟机上的Oracle数据库时,报错IO 错误: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection The Netw

    在使用DBeaver连接虚拟机上的Oracle数据库时,报错IO 错误: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection The Netw ...

  2. java.sql.SQLException: Io 异常: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection 解决

    为什么80%的码农都做不了架构师?>>>    有个项目使用的log4j进行日志记录的,同时也是用log4j中的数据库配置直接把相应级别的日志直接插入oracle. 在把项目部署的另 ...

  3. 数据库连接报错之IO异常(The Network Adapter could not establish the connection)

    数据库连接报错之IO异常(The Network Adapter could not establish the connection) 参考文章: (1)数据库连接报错之IO异常(The Netwo ...

  4. Io 异常: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection(转)

    Io 异常: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection(转) 参考文章: (1)Io 异常: The Network Adapter ...

  5. Io 异常: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection解决方案

    这个异常在网上一般能找到三种解决方法 . --ip 错误 --防火墙 --注册表 本人遇到的问题也是属于ip错误. 解决流程:--这里我使用的Ip是192.168.1.62 ,局域网ip,但是连接数据 ...

  6. oracle出现The Network Adapter could not establish the connection的问题

    原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/wohuozheng/article/details/80525094 如果你确定你的监听,服务,使用sql developer能登陆上,但是使用 ...

  7. DataGrip连接Oracle数据库报错:[08006][17002] IO 错误

    具体报错:[08006][17002] IO 错误: Got minus one from a read call, connect lapse 0 ms., Authentication lapse ...

  8. 启动tomcat提示The Network Adapter could not establish the connection

    启动tomcat时,报错 The Network Adapter could not establish the connection 解决办法: 1.IP错误 设置URL时错误 例如:jdbc:or ...

  9. The Network Adapter could not establish the connection解决

    本人最近在移植虚拟机,因为可以方便的移植里面的数据库.移植完系统之后,在新的电脑上面,用以前的代码再次访问 虚拟机中的Oracle数据库时出现一下错误:The Network Adapter coul ...


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