一: 介绍

除了蓝牙控制设备之外,还可以通过Wi-Fi来控制设备,iOS11前只能跳转到系统设置界面手动连接Wi-Fi,iOS11之后苹果提供 NEHotspotConfiguration ,NEHotspotConfigurationManager 类直连周边Wi-Fi。



苹果提供的 NEHotspotConfiguration ,NEHotspotConfigurationManager需要在开发者账号和项目中做如下配置。

1. 打开App IDs Hotspot 权限

登陆https://developer.apple.com,如果App ID已经存在,只需增加Hotspot 权限,如果App ID不存在,新建一个并添加Hotspot 权限。

配置的App ID需要与项目中的Bundle ID一致。

2. 添加依赖库NetworkExtension.framework

在项目中Build Phases - Link Binary With Libraries中添加 依赖库NetworkExtension.framework

3. 打开Capabilities里的Hotspot Configuration

Xcode - Capabilities - Hostpot Configuration 开关打开



  1. SSID:要连的wifi名称
  2. joinOnce:默认是NO,会保留配置过的wifi,YES即是不保存
  3. lifeTimeInDays: 配置的生命周期


/*!* @property SSID* @discussion SSID of the Wi-Fi Network.*/
@property (readonly) NSString * SSID API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, watchos, tvos);/*!* @property joinOnce* @discussion if set to YES the configuration will not be persisted. Default is NO.*/
@property BOOL joinOnce API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, watchos, tvos);/*!* @property lifeTimeInDays* @discussion The lifetime of the configuration in days. The configuration is stored for the*   number of days specified by this property. The minimum value is 1 day and maximum value is 365 days.*   A configuration does not get deleted automatically if this property is not set or set to an invalid value.*   This property does not apply to Enterprise and HS2.0 networks.*/
@property (copy) NSNumber * lifeTimeInDays API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, watchos, tvos);


  1. 无密码的开放网络
  2. 受保护的WEP或WPA / WPA2个人Wi-Fi网络创建由SSID标识的新热点配置
  3. 具有EAP设置的WPA / WPA2企业Wi-Fi网络
  4. 具有HS 2.0和EAP设置的Hotspot 2.0 Wi-Fi网络


/*!* @method initWithSSID:* @discussion*   A designated initializer to instantiate a new NEHotspotConfiguration object.*   This initializer is used to configure open Wi-Fi Networks.** @param SSID The SSID of the Open Wi-Fi Network.*   Length of SSID must be between 1 and 32 characters.*/
- (instancetype)initWithSSID:(NSString *)SSID API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, watchos, tvos);/*!* @method initWithSSID:passphrase:isWEP* @discussion*   A designated initializer to instantiate a new NEHotspotConfiguration object.*   This initializer is used configure either WEP or WPA/WPA2 Personal Wi-Fi Networks.** @param SSID The SSID of the WEP or WPA/WPA2 Personal Wi-Fi Network* @param passphrase The passphrase credential.*   For WPA/WPA2 Personal networks: between 8 and 63 characters.*   For Static WEP(64bit)  : 10 Hex Digits*   For Static WEP(128bit) : 26 Hex Digits* @param isWEP YES specifies WEP Wi-Fi Network else WPA/WPA2 Personal Wi-Fi Network*/
- (instancetype)initWithSSID:(NSString *)SSIDpassphrase:(NSString *)passphrase isWEP:(BOOL)isWEP API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, watchos, tvos);/*!* @method initWithSSID:eapSettings* @discussion*   A designated initializer to instantiate a new NEHotspotConfiguration object.*   This initializer is used configure WPA/WPA2 Enterprise Wi-Fi Networks.** @param SSID The SSID of WPA/WPA2 Enterprise Wi-Fi Network* @param eapSettings EAP configuration*/
- (instancetype)initWithSSID:(NSString *)SSIDeapSettings:(NEHotspotEAPSettings *)eapSettings API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, watchos, tvos);/*!* @method initWithHS20Settings:eapSettings* @discussion*   A designated initializer to instantiate a new NEHotspotConfiguration object.*   This initializer is used configure HS2.0 Wi-Fi Networks.** @param hs20Settings Hotspot 2.0 configuration* @param eapSettings EAP configuration*/
- (instancetype)initWithHS20Settings:(NEHotspotHS20Settings *)hs20SettingseapSettings:(NEHotspotEAPSettings *)eapSettings API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, watchos, tvos);



  1. 应用你的Configuration,会弹出系统框询问是否加入
  2. 通过ssid删除一个配置
  3. 删除Hotspot 2.0域名标识的Wi-Fi热点配置
  4. 获取配置过的wifi名称。如果你设置joinOnce为YES,这里就不会有了


/*!* @method applyConfiguration:* @discussion This function adds or updates a Wi-Fi network configuration.* @param configuration NEHotspotConfiguration object containing the Wi-Fi network configuration.* @param completionHandler A block that will be called when add/update operation is completed.*   This could be nil if application does not intend to receive the result.*   The NSError passed to this block will be nil if the configuration is successfully stored, non-nil otherwise.*   If the configuration is found invalid or API encounters some other error then completionHandler is called*   with instance of NSError containing appropriate error code. This API attempts to join the Wi-Fi network*   if the configuration is successfully added or updated and the network is found nearby.**/
- (void)applyConfiguration:(NEHotspotConfiguration *)configurationcompletionHandler:(void (^ __nullable)(NSError * __nullable error))completionHandler API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, watchos, tvos);/*!* @method removeConfigurationForSSID:* @discussion This function removes Wi-Fi configuration.*   If the joinOnce property was set to YES, invoking this method will disassociate from the Wi-Fi network*   after the configuration is removed.* @param SSID Wi-Fi SSID for which the configuration is to be deleted.*/
- (void)removeConfigurationForSSID:(NSString *)SSID API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, watchos, tvos);/*!* @method removeConfigurationForNetworkName:* @discussion This function removes Wi-Fi configuration.* @param domainName HS2.0 domainName for which the configuration is to be deleted.*/
- (void)removeConfigurationForHS20DomainName:(NSString *)domainName API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, watchos, tvos);/*!* @method getConfiguredSSIDsWithCompletionHandler:* @discussion This function returns array of SSIDs and HS2.0 Domain Names that the calling application has configured.*   It returns nil if there are no networks configurred by the calling application.*/
- (void)getConfiguredSSIDsWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(NSArray<NSString *> *))completionHandler API_AVAILABLE(ios(11.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(macos, watchos, tvos);



首先引入 NetworkExtension 库

#import <NetworkExtension/NetworkExtension.h>


NEHotspotConfiguration *hotspotConfig = [[NEHotspotConfiguration alloc]initWithSSID:_wifiName.text passphrase:_wifiPassword.text isWEP:NO];

然后开始连接 ,调用applyConfiguration此方法后系统会自动弹窗确认,根据返回的error.code来判断Wi-Fi是否加入成功,error code = 7 为用户点击了弹框取消按钮,error code = 13 为已连接

[[NEHotspotConfigurationManager sharedManager] applyConfiguration:hotspotConfig completionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {if (error && error.code != 13 && error.code != 7) {NSLog(@"加入失败");}else if(error.code ==7){NSLog(@"已取消");}else{NSLog(@"已连接");}}];



[[NEHotspotConfigurationManager sharedManager] getConfiguredSSIDsWithCompletionHandler:^(NSArray<NSString *> * array) {for (NSString * str in array) {self.WiFiListTextView.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n%@",self.WiFiListTextView.text,str];NSLog(@"加入过的WiFi:%@",str);}}];



+(void)getSignalStrength:(void(^)(float signalStrength))resultBlock;
//获取下行速度,上行速度(单位是 MB/S)
-(void)getDownstreamSpeedAndUpstreamSpeed:(void(^)(float downstreamSpeed,float upstreamSpeed))resultBlock;

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