
A carpenter has received an order for a wooden directional sign. Each board must be aligned vertically with the previous one, either to the basis of the previous arrowhead or to the opposite side, being fixed there with a specially designed screw. The two boards must overlap. The carpenter wrote down a sequence of integers to encode the sketch sent by the designer but the sequence does not determine a unique model and he has thrown away the original sketch. What looked like a trivial task turned out a big jigsaw to him.

The sequence (with 1 + N elements) encodes the (N) arrows from the bottom to the top of the sign. The first element is the position of the left side of the bottom arrow. The remaining N elements define the positions where the arrowheads start, from bottom to top: the i-th element is the position where the i-th arrowhead basis is. For instance, the two signs depicted (on the left and on the right) could be encoded by 2 6 5 1 4.

Since a board must be aligned vertically with the previous one (either to the basis of the previous arrowhead or to the opposite side), if the sequence was 2 6 5 1 4 3, the fifth arrow could be fixed (in any of the depicted signs) with a screw either at 1 (pointing to the right) or at 4 (pointing to the left), with the arrowhead basis at 3.

If the sequence was 2 3 1, the second arrow could only be fixed with a screw at 3, pointing to the left, because consecutive boards must overlap.

All arrowheads are similar and the designer told the carpenter that their bases stand in different vertical lines, as well as the left side of the bottom arrow, altogether forming a permutation of 1..(N +1). That is why the carpenter overlooked the details and just wrote down the permutation (e.g., 2 6 5 1 4 3).

Given the sequence of numbers the carpenter wrote down, compute the number of directional arrows signs that can be crafted. Since the number can be very large, you must write it modulo 2147483647. The second integer in the sequence is always greater than the first one (the bottom arrow points to the right always).


The first line has one integer N and the second line contains a permutation of the integers from 1 to N + 1. Integers in the same line are separated by a single space.


The output has a single line with the number (modulo 2147483647) of distinct signs that can be described by the given permutation.


1 ≤ N ≤ 2

测试输入 期待的输出 时间限制 内存限制 额外进程
测试用例 1 以文本方式显示

  1. 2↵
  2. 2 3 1↵

  1. 1↵
1秒 64M 0
测试用例 2 以文本方式显示

  1. 5↵
  2. 2 6 5 1 4 3↵

  1. 6↵
1秒 64M 0












题目输入共两行,第一行是木板的数量 n ,第二行的数据量为 n+1 ,其中第二行的第一个数据是最下面箭头的底部,之后的n个数据是第n-1行箭头的顶部。







①假设 f[i][j] 是从下往上数第 i 块箭头,底部为 j 的情况数,显然S(i) =


③当 i ≥ 2 时,第 i 块箭头的底部可能有 i 种情况,它们就是Input第二行的前 i 个数。

④鉴于 f[i][j] 可能会非常大(大到超过了2147483647),每一次最好都求一次余。





using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N = 2010;
ll f[N][N];    //f[i][j]表示第i个箭头,当底部为j的时候,可能的情况数。
int nd[N];
//因为end存在关键字重复,这里写的是nd。nd[0]是最下面那一块的底部,之后nd[i]表示第i块的顶部int n;int main(){memset(f,0,sizeof(f));scanf("%d",&n);for (int i=0;i<=n;i++) {scanf("%d",&nd[i]);}f[1][nd[0]] = 1;     //第一块只有一种情况for (int i=2;i<=n;i++) { //第i块for (int p=0;p<=i;p++) {int j = nd[p];if ( (j<nd[i]&&j<nd[i-1]) || (j>nd[i]&&j>nd[i-1]) ) {f[i][j] = f[i-1][j];}else if (j==nd[i-1]) {if (j<nd[i]) {for (int k=j+1;k<=n+1;k++) {f[i][j] += f[i-1][k];}}else {for (int k=1;k<=j-1;k++) {f[i][j] += f[i-1][k];}}}else f[i][j]=0;f[i][j] %= 2147483647;}}ll ans=0;//求第n块木板的情况总数for (int i=1;i<=n+1;i++) {ans += f[n][i];ans %= 2147483647;}cout << ans << endl;return 0;


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