


import reclass Solution2:# @return a booleandef isMatch(self, s, p):return re.match('^' + p + '$', s) != None


class Solution(object):def isMatch(self, text, pattern):if not pattern:return not textfirst_match = bool(text) and pattern[0] in {text[0], '.'}if len(pattern) >= 2 and pattern[1] == '*':return (self.isMatch(text, pattern[2:]) orfirst_match and self.isMatch(text[1:], pattern))else:return first_match and self.isMatch(text[1:], pattern[1:])



class Solution1(object):def isMatch(self, text, pattern):memo = {}def dp(i, j):if (i, j) not in memo:if j == len(pattern):ans = i == len(text)else:first_match = i < len(text) and pattern[j] in {text[i], '.'}if j+1 < len(pattern) and pattern[j+1] == '*':ans = dp(i, j+2) or first_match and dp(i+1, j)else:ans = first_match and dp(i+1, j+1)memo[i, j] = ansreturn memo[i, j]return dp(0, 0)






LeetCode 10. Regular Expression Matching python特性、动态规划、递归相关推荐

  1. 【重点 递归 动态规划 正则表达式匹配】LeetCode 10. Regular Expression Matching

    LeetCode 10. Regular Expression Matching 本博客参考:http://www.cnblogs.com/grandyang/p/4461713.html 详细解析见 ...

  2. LeetCode 10. Regular Expression Matching / 44. Wildcard Matching

    10. Regular Expression Matching 经典DP题目,比较复杂,需要多复习. dp[i][j] 表示 s 下标0~i,p 下标0~j 是否能够匹配   dp[i-1][j-1] ...

  3. leetcode 10 Regular Expression Matching

    题目连接 https://leetcode.com/problems/regular-expression-matching/ Regular Expression Matching Descript ...

  4. LeetCode 10 Regular Expression Matching(字符串匹配)

    题目链接 https://leetcode.com/problems/regular-expression-matching/?tab=Description   '.' Matches any si ...

  5. LeetCode:10. Regular Expression Matching

    老大难问题,终于算是理解了. 首先状态定义不难写(哈哈): dp[i][j]: s[0->i-1] p[0->j-1],它们是不是符合. 难的是状态转移方程(又一次验证): 1.如果s[i ...

  6. 【LeetCode】10. Regular Expression Matching

    题目: Implement regular expression matching with support for '.' and '*'. '.' Matches any single chara ...

  7. Leetcode Q10: Regular Expression Matching

    题目10: (该题目拿到手没什么特别好的思路,从网上看的别人的解法,然后写了下自己的理解,需要常回顾) Implement regular expression matching with suppo ...

  8. Q10 Regular Expression Matching

    Given an input string (s) and a pattern §, implement regular expression matching with support for '. ...

  9. Regular Expression Matching

    正则匹配 Regular Expression Matching Implement regular expression matching with support for '.' and '*'. ...


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