
The BBC produces great detective shows similar to Sherlock, so it’s no surprise that this genre is such a huge hit with viewers. In fact, several streaming services will bring this show right to your living room.

英国广播公司(BBC)制作了类似于夏洛克(Sherlock)的出色侦探节目,因此,这种类型在观众中如此受欢迎也就不足为奇了。 实际上,一些流媒体服务会将这场表演带到您的客厅。

Sherlock is a show that follows the tales of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as we watch Sherlock Holmes solve crimes in ways never before seen. With Watson by his side and Moriarity always on his tail, this show is non-stop fun and action. These streaming services will make it easy for you to never miss a second of this beloved BBC show.

《福尔摩斯》是一部讲述亚瑟·柯南·道尔爵士的故事的节目,我们看着福尔摩斯以前所未有的方式解决犯罪问题。 沃森(Watson)站在他身边,莫里亚里(Moriarity)总是在他的尾巴,这个节目是不间断的乐趣和行动。 这些流媒体服务将使您轻松错过这个备受喜爱的BBC节目的一秒钟。

Netflix公司 (Netflix)

With a Netflix subscription, you can stream every episode of Sherlock right from the app. This service has all four services for you to binge-watch to your heart’s content.

通过Netflix订阅,您可以直接从该应用流式播放Sherlock的每一集。 这项服务提供了全部四项服务,可让您狂欢地欣赏自己的内心。

亚马逊Prime视频 (Amazon Prime Video)

If you’re looking to purchase the entire show, Amazon Prime Video is an excellent way to go about doing that. Every season costs $10 each, while individual episodes cost around $7 apiece.

如果您想购买整个节目,那么Amazon Prime Video是实现这一目标的绝佳方法。 每个季节的费用为$ 10,而每集的费用约为$ 7。

的iTunes (iTunes)

iTunes is the place to purchase shows and movies for any Apple user. You can buy the entire series, seasons one through four, including the special The Abominable Bride episode, for $25. This is a great deal considering that this service sells each season for $15.

iTunes是为任何Apple用户购买节目和电影的地方。 您可以以25美元的价格购买整个系列,从第1季到第4季,包括特别的《可憎的新娘》情节。 考虑到该服务每个季节的售价为15美元,因此这是一笔很大的交易。

Google Play商店 (Google Play Store)

Android users will be happy to learn that you can purchase Sherlock on the Play Store. Google’s platform also has the entire series as well as the special, The Abominable Bride, for sale for $28. This will help ensure that you won’t miss a moment of the show, no matter where you are.

Android用户将很高兴得知您可以在Play商店购买Sherlock 。 Google的平台还拥有整个系列以及特别节目《可憎的新娘》 ,售价为28美元。 无论您身在何处,这都将确保您不会错过任何一个节目。

武都 (Vudu)

Vudu is a good platform for those who have a variety of devices, such as Apple, Android, and Windows. You can purchase seasons one, two, and four for $14 each and season three for $20, while each episode is $5.

对于拥有各种设备(例如Apple,Android和Windows)的用户来说, Vudu是一个很好的平台。 您可以每季$ 14的价格购买第1,第2和第4季,而第20季则购买第3季,每集为$ 5。

No matter what service you end up choosing, you’ll have every mystery-solving moment right at your fingertips. You’ll be able to follow every interaction with Moriarty and all the side comments from Watson. Now, you can officially take in all of the beauty that comes with Sherlock.

无论您最终选择哪种服务,都将触手可及的每一个神秘的解决时刻。 您将能够了解与Moriarty的每次互动以及Watson的所有附带评论。 现在,您可以正式使用Sherlock随附的所有美丽功能。



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