
by Julie Torres

通过朱莉·托雷斯(Julie Torres)

如何在不失去思想的情况下成为Web开发人员 (How to Become a Web Developer Without Losing Your Mind)

Becoming a web developer is a path littered with mental traps. Step carefully on the muddy footprints of those who walked before you.

成为Web开发人员是一条充满思维陷阱的道路。 小心地踩在那些在您之前走过的人的泥泞足迹上。

Three and a half years ago, I left my career in banking and started an infinitely more fulfilling career as a web developer. Recently, I compiled my story and the lessons I learned into an ebook called How To Become a Web Developer: The Career Changer’s Guide.

三年半前,我离开了银行业,开始了作为网络开发人员的无限充实的职业。 最近,我将自己的故事和经验教训汇编成一本名为《 如何成为Web开发人员:职业改变者指南》的电子书。

If becoming a developer is your goal, here are some common traps to look out for.


散布综合症 (Scattershot Syndrome)

You’re going to get a lot of advice from experienced developers. They’ll tell you the best languages to learn, the skills you need, and the tools you absolutely must use. Their advice will be solid — and exactly the opposite of the advice you got yesterday.

您将从经验丰富的开发人员那里获得很多建议。 他们会告诉您最佳的学习语言,所需的技能以及绝对必须使用的工具。 他们的建议将是可靠的-与您昨天收到的建议完全相反。

Don’t get lost in a sandstorm of good advice.


If you are dabbling in a new language every month, switching text editors frequently, and jumping from resource to resource, STOP! You’re walking in circles.

如果您每个月都在尝试一种新语言,经常切换文本编辑器,然后从一个资源跳到另一个资源,那就停止! 你在转圈。

Language and tool choice feel very important in the moment, but in reality, they’re just details. Any popular language will get you where you need to be. The important thing is consistency.

目前选择语言和工具非常重要,但实际上,它们只是细节。 任何流行的语言都会带您到需要的地方。 重要的是一致性。

Pick one language and learn it so well you could write a book about it. Choose one resource and exhaust its usefulness. Download the simplest text editor you can find and marry it.

选择一种语言并学得很好,您可以写一本关于它的书。 选择一种资源并用尽其用处。 下载您可以找到并结婚的最简单的文本编辑器。

Whatever you do, don’t waste time dabbling in a million different technologies.


没有人在这里,但我们是冒名顶替者 (Nobody Here But Us Impostors)

Some days you’ll wonder if you’re really cut out for this coding thing.


That feeling is called impostor syndrome, and it’s kryptonite for developers.


Anything can trigger the feeling of being an impostor. It could be that sidelong glance from the guy at the meet-up who can’t believe you don’t know what polymorphism is. It might be the half-finished app that gets more broken every time you touch it. Perhaps your Twitter feed, full of self-congratulations on amazing projects, will knock you back into this state of mind.

任何事情都可以触发冒名顶替的感觉。 可能是聚会中那个家伙不敢相信您不知道什么是多态性的一眼。 可能是半完成的应用程序,每次您触摸它时,都会变得更糟。 也许您的Twitter feed对令人赞叹的项目充满了自我祝贺,这会让您重回这种状态。

The first step to treating Impostor Syndrome is admitting you have a problem. Bonus points if you admit it to another budding developer. An amazing thing happens when you confess to feeling like an impostor. Oftentimes your confessor exclaims, “I thought I was the only one!”

治疗Impostor综合征的第一步是承认您有问题。 如果您将其授予另一位崭露头角的开发人员,则可获得加分。 当您承认自己像冒名顶替者时,发生了一件了不起的事情。 您的悔者常常大喊:“我以为我是唯一的一个!”

Another key to banishing self-doubt is evidence. Keep a record of both your failures and your accomplishments. Nothing feels better than looking back and realizing, “Hey! That concept I was fighting with three months ago is easy to me now!”

消除自我怀疑的另一个关键是证据。 记录您的失败和成就。 回顾并意识到,“嘿! 我三个月前与之抗争的想法现在对我来说很容易!”

没有开发者是孤岛 (No Developer is an Island)

Technical skill is only one ingredient in the recipe for a successful career in software development. The other ingredients are luck, coffee, and other people.

技术技能只是软件开发成功的秘诀之一。 其他成分是运气,咖啡和其他人。

Aspiring developers often think they’re not finding a job because their technical skills aren’t strong enough. In reality, their job search skills are more often to blame.

有抱负的开发人员通常认为他们找不到工作,因为他们的技术能力不够强。 实际上,他们的求职技能更多地受到指责。

Imagine there are two developers who start applying for jobs at the same time, in the same city, with the same employment history.


Developer A is a “whiz kid”. She started learning to code at the age of 10, and she can practically fix a bug by looking at it. She throws together a resume and puts in hundreds of online applications.

开发人员A是个“神童”。 她从10岁开始学习编码,并且几乎可以通过查看漏洞来修复它。 她整理了一份简历,并提交了数百种在线申请。

Developer B is your average newbie. She has a lot of promise, but she hasn’t been doing this for long. She also throws together a resume and then gets feedback on it at the developer meet-up group she attends each week. But she also tells everyone she knows that she’s looking for work and is interested in talking to anyone who works in the field.

开发人员B是您的平均新手。 她有很大的希望,但是她已经很久没有这样做了。 她还整理了一份履历表,然后在她每周参加的开发者聚会小组中获得有关该表的反馈。 但是她还告诉所有人,她知道她正在寻找工作,并且有兴趣与在该领域工作的任何人交谈。

Who will find a job first? I’d put my money on Developer B.

谁先找工作? 我把钱花在了开发者B上。

Developer A may be some kind of code ninja, but that doesn’t matter if no one knows it. Her resume will sit under a stack of 1,000 other resumes, or worse, get filtered out by an algorithm and never pass before a human’s eyes.

开发人员A可能是某种代码忍者,但是没有人知道这没关系。 她的履历将排在其他1,000份履历下,或更糟的是,会被算法过滤掉,并且永远不会在人眼前经过。

Developer B, on the other hand, has an army of people searching for her next job. Eventually, she’ll talk to someone whose brother or cousin or best friend works at a company that’s hiring. That person will hand-deliver her resume, which has been improved by a team of proofreaders, and she’ll get an interview.

另一方面,开发人员B有一群人在寻找她的下一份工作。 最终,她将与某人的兄弟,堂兄或最好的朋友在一家正在招聘的公司工作的人交谈。 该人员将亲自提供她的简历,该团队的校对团队对简历进行了改进,然后她将接受采访。

The brother/cousin/best friend will give her the inside scoop on the interview process, so she’ll be very prepared. The interviewer and hiring manager will also know that she came with a personal recommendation. She’ll be halfway to “yes” before she ever walks in the door.

兄弟/表兄弟/最好的朋友会在面试过程中给她提供内幕消息,因此她会做好充分的准备。 面试官和招聘经理也会知道,她是个人推荐的。 在她走进门前,她会半途而废。

越过终点线 (Crossing the Finish Line)

Self-taught developers are often unsure when to start job hunting. It’s very difficult to judge your own skill level, and there are no clear guidelines as to what a Junior Developer should know.

自学成才的开发人员通常不确定何时开始求职。 判断自己的技能水平非常困难,并且对于初级开发人员应了解的知识也没有明确的指导原则。

How can you tell if you know enough to be taken seriously by employers?


Here’s the big secret: You’re hirable when you can convince someone to hire you.


It sounds obvious, but think about what it really means. It means you could know practically nothing about code, and still get a job because the right person likes you. It also means you could be a walking encyclopedia of software development and still get overlooked.

听起来很明显,但是请考虑一下它的真正含义。 这意味着您几乎对代码一无所知,而且由于合适的人喜欢您,因此仍然可以找到工作。 这也意味着您可能是软件开发的百科全书,但仍然被忽略。

Learn to mentally separate your technical skill and your ability to get hired.


Technical skill does affect your ability to get hired, but the connection is not as direct as you may think. Employers don’t evaluate you based on your actual skill level. They evaluate you based on their perception of your skill level.

技术技能确实会影响您的录用能力,但这种联系并不像您想象的那样直接。 雇主不会根据您的实际技能水平对您进行评估。 他们评估您根据你的技能水平的看法

Early impressions of your skill, based on your level of self-assurance, color the rest of the interaction. If you exude confidence, interviewers will assume you know what you’re doing. If you seem unsure of yourself, they’ll suspect the opposite.

根据您的自信心水平,您对技能的早期印象会为互动的其余部分增色。 如果您充满信心,面试官将假设您知道自己在做什么。 如果您不确定自己,他们会怀疑相反的情况。

The good news is that you can cultivate confidence. Every time you step outside your comfort zone, you prove that you’ve underestimated yourself. Your ego will take notice. Do this regularly and your confidence will naturally rise.

好消息是您可以树立信心。 每当您走出舒适区时,您就证明自己低估了自己。 您的自我将会引起注意。 定期进行此操作,您的信心自然就会增强。

The most important thing is to be conscious of the rippling effects of positive or negative self-talk. It can affect everything from how soon you start looking for a job to how much you end up getting paid.

最重要的是要意识到正面或负面的自我交谈的涟漪效应。 它会影响从您开始找工作的多长时间到最终获得多少薪水的一切。

So, when are you job ready? You’re ready whenever you can convince yourself that you’re ready.

那么,您什么时候准备好工作? 只要可以说服自己已经做好准备,您就已经准备好了。

发芽开发人员的更多信息 (More Information for Budding Developers)

If you want to learn more about becoming a web developer, check out my ebook, How To Become a Web Developer: The Career Changer’s Guide. It tells the story of my career change from banker to web developer, and it’s packed with advice on everything from choosing a language to passing a technical interview.

如果您想了解更多有关成为Web开发人员的信息,请查阅我的电子书,《 如何成为Web开发人员:职业变化者指南》 。 它讲述了我从银行家到网络开发人员的职业转变故事,并提供了从选择语言到通过技术面试的所有建议。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-become-a-web-developer-without-losing-your-mind-a5df9ba9436e/



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