
1. 编写一个C++程序,如下述输出示例所示的那样请求并显示信息:

What is your first name? Betty Sue

What is your last name? Yewe

What letter grade do you deserve? B

What is your age? 22

Name: Yewe, Betty Sue


Age: 22


#include<string>using namespace std;int main(){const int SIZE = 20;int age;char first_name[SIZE];char last_name[SIZE];char grade;cout << "What is your first name ?";cin.getline(first_name, SIZE);cout << "What is your last name?";cin.getline(last_name, SIZE);cout << "What letter grade do you deserve?";cin >> grade;cout << "What is your age?";cin >> age;cout << "Name:" << last_name << ", " << first_name << endl;cout << "Grade:" << char(grade + 1)<< endl;cout << "Age:" << age << endl;system("pause");return 0;}//What is your first name ? Betty Sue//What is your last name ? Yeme//What letter grade do you deserve ? B//What is your age ? 22//Name : Yeme, Betty Sue//Grade : C//Age : 22//请按任意键继续. . .
#include<iostream>#include<string>using namespace std;int main(){string first_name;string last_name;int age;char grade;cout << "What is your first name ?";cin>>first_name;cout << "What is your last name ?";cin>>last_name;cout << "What letter grade do you deserve ?";cin>>grade;cout << "What is your age?";cin >> age;cout << "Name:" << last_name << ", " << first_name << endl;cout << "Grade:" << char(grade + 1)<< endl;cout << "Age:" << age << endl;system("pause");return 0;}//What is your first name ? Betty_Sue//What is your last name ? Yeme//What letter grade do you deserve ? A//What is your age ? 22//Name : Yeme, Betty_Sue//Grade : B//Age : 22//请按任意键继续. . .



#include<iostream>#include<string>using namespace std;int main(){string name;string dessrt;cout << "Enter your name ?" << endl;getline(cin, name);//cin>>name;cout << "Enter your favorite dessert?" << endl;getline(cin, dessrt);//cin >> dessrt;cout << "I have some delicious " << dessrt;cout << " for you," << name << endl;system("pause");return 0;}//Enter your name ?//Dirk Hammernose//Enter your favorite dessert ?//Radish Torte//I have some delicious Radish Torte for you, Dirk Hammernose//请按任意键继续. . .

3. 编写一个程序,它要求用户首先输入其名,然后输入其姓;然后程序使用一个逗号和空格将姓和名组合起来,并存储和显示组合结果。请使用char数组和头文件cstring中的函数。下面是该程序运行时的情形:

Enter your first name: Flip

Enter your last name: Fleming

Here's the information in a single string: Fleming, Flip

#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){char first_name[20];char last_name[20];cout << "Enter your first name:";cin >> first_name;cout << "Enter your last name:";cin >> last_name;cout << "Here is the information in a single string:" <<last_name <<", "<<first_name<< endl;system("pause");return 0;}//Enter your first name : Flep//Enter your last name : Fleming//Here is the information in a single string : Fleming, Flep//请按任意键继续. . .
#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){const int size = 20;char first_name[size];char last_name[size];char full_name[size+10];cout << "Enter your first name:";cin >> first_name;cout << "Enter your last name:";cin >> last_name;strcpy_s(full_name, last_name);strcat_s(full_name, ", ");strcat_s(full_name, first_name);cout << "Here is the information in a single string:" << full_name << endl;system("pause");return 0;}//Enter your first name : Flep//Enter your last name : Fleming//Here is the information in a single string : Fleming, Flep//请按任意键继续. . .
#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<string>using namespace std;int main(){const int size = 20;char first_name[size];char last_name[size];char full_name[size];cout << "Enter your first name:";cin.getline(first_name,size);cout << "Enter your last name:";cin.getline(last_name,size);strcpy_s(full_name, last_name);strcat_s(full_name, ", ");strcat_s(full_name, first_name);cout << "Here is the information in a single string:" << full_name << endl;system("pause");return 0;}


4. 编写一个程序,它要求用户首先输入其名,再输入其姓;然后程序使用一个逗号和空格将姓和名组合起来,并存储和显示组合结果。请使用string对象和头文件string中的函数。下面是该程序运行时的情形:

Enter your first name: Flip

Enter your last name: Fleming

Here's the information in a single string: Fleming, Flip

#include<iostream>#include<string>using namespace std;int main(){string first_name, last_name;cout << "Enter your first name:";getline(cin, first_name);//cin >> first_name;cout << "Enter your last name:";getline(cin, last_name);//cin >> last_name;last_name += ", ";cout<< "Here is the information in a single string:" << last_name << first_name << endl;//cout << "Here is the information in a single string:" << last_name << ", " << first_name << endl;system("pause");return 0;}//Enter your first name:Flip//Enter your last name : Fleming//Here is the information in a single string : Fleming, Flip//请按任意键继续. . .
#include<iostream>#include<string>using namespace std;int main(){string first_name, last_name, full_name;cout << "Enter your first name:";getline(cin, first_name);//cin >> first_name;cout << "Enter your last name:";getline(cin, last_name);//cin >> last_name;full_name = last_name + ", " + first_name;cout<< "Here is the information in a single string:" << full_name << endl;system("pause");return 0;}//Enter your first name:Flip//Enter your last name : Fleming//Here is the information in a single string : Fleming, Flip//请按任意键继续. . .

5.结构CandyBar包含了3个成员。第一个成员存储了糖块的品牌;第二个成员存储糖块的重量(可以有小数);第三个成员存储了糖块的卡路里含量(整数)。请编写一个程序,声明这个结构,创建一个名为snack的CandyBar变量,并将其成员分别初始化为Mocha Munch、2.3和350。初始化应在声明snack时进行。最后,程序显示snack变量的内容。

#include<iostream>using namespace std;struct inflatable{char brand[20];float weight;double energy;};int main(){inflatable CandyBox ={"Mocha Munch",2.3,350};inflatable snack;snack = CandyBox;cout << "Snack brand:" << snack.brand << endl;cout << "Snack weight:" << snack.weight << endl;cout << "Snack price:" << snack.energy << endl;system("pause");return 0;}//Snack brand : Mocha Munch//Snack weight:2.3//Snack price : 350//请按任意键继续. . .
#include<iostream>using namespace std;struct CandyBox{char brand[20];float weight;unsigned int calories;};int main(){CandyBox snack ={"Mocha Munch",2.3,350};cout << "Snack brand:" << snack.brand << endl;cout << "Snack weight:" << snack.weight << endl;cout << "Snack price:" << snack.calories << endl;system("pause");return 0;}//Snack brand : Mocha Munch//Snack weight:2.3//Snack price : 350//请按任意键继续. . .

6. 结构CandyBar包含3个成员,如编程练习5所示。请编写一个程序,创建一个包含3个元素的CandyBar数组,并将它们初始化为所选择的值,然后显示每个结构的内容。

#include<iostream>using namespace std;struct CandyBox{char brand[20];float weight;unsigned int calories;};int main(){CandyBox snack[3] ={{"Mocha Munch",2.3,350},{"Dove",3.6,400},{"Ferrero",1.0,360}};//输出第一个默认值cout << "Snack brand 1:" << snack[0].brand << endl;cout << "Snack weight 1:" << snack[0].weight << endl;cout << "Snack price 1:" << snack[0].calories << endl;//输出第二个默认值cout << "Snack brand 2:" << snack[1].brand << endl;cout << "Snack weight 2:" << snack[1].weight << endl;cout << "Snack price 2:" << snack[1].calories << endl;//输出第三个默认值cout << "Snack brand 3:" << snack[2].brand << endl;cout << "Snack weight 3:" << snack[2].weight << endl;cout << "Snack price 3:" << snack[2].calories << endl;system("pause");return 0;}//Snack brand 1:Mocha Munch//Snack weight 1:2.3//Snack price 1 : 350//Snack brand 2 : Dove//Snack weight 2:3.6//Snack price 2 : 400//Snack brand 3 : Ferrero//Snack weight 3:1//Snack price 3 : 360//请按任意键继续. . .

7. William Wingate 从事比萨饼分析服务。对于每个披萨饼,他都需要记录下列信息:

- 披萨饼公司的名称,可以有多个单词组成。

- 披萨饼的直径。

- 披萨饼的重量。


#include<iostream>using namespace std;struct pizzacompany{char company_name[20];float diameter;float weight;};int main(){pizzacompany dinner;cout << "Enter thr pizza company information:";cout << "Pizza's company:";cin.getline(dinner.company_name,20);cout << "Enter the pizza's diameter:";cin >> dinner.diameter;cout << "Enter the pizza's weight:";cin >> dinner.weight;cout << "Company name:" << dinner.company_name <<" food company"<< endl;cout << "Pizza's diameter:" << dinner.diameter <<" cm."<< endl;cout << "Pizza's weight:" << dinner.weight <<" pounds."<< endl;system("pause");return 0;}////Enter thr pizza company information : Pizza's company:William Wingate//Enter the pizza's diameter:10//Enter the pizza's weight:0.5//Company name : William Wingate food company//Pizza's diameter:10 cm.//Pizza's weight:0.5 pounds.//请按任意键继续. . .

8. 完成编程练习7,但使用new来为结构分配内存,而不是声明一个结构变量。另外,让程序在请求输入比萨饼公司名称之前输入比萨饼的直径。

#include<iostream>using namespace std;struct pizza{char company[20];float diameter;float weight;};int main(){pizza *ppizza = new pizza;cout << "Enter the company information:" << endl;cout << "Enter the company name:";cin.getline(ppizza->company,20);cout << "Enter the pizza diameter:";cin >> ppizza->diameter;cout << "Enter the pizza weight:";cin >> ppizza->weight;cout << "Company: " << ppizza->company <<" food company."<<endl;cout << "Pizza's diameter: " << ppizza->diameter << " cm." << endl;cout << "Pizza's weight: " << ppizza->weight << " pounds." << endl;system("pause");return 0;}//Enter the company information ://Enter the company name : KFC//Enter the pizza diameter ://20//Enter the pizza weight : 2//Company : KFC food company.//Pizza's diameter: 20 cm.//Pizza's weight: 2 pounds.//请按任意键继续. . .

9. 完成编程练习6,但使用new来动态分配数组,而不是声明一个包含3个元素的CandyBar数组。


#include<iostream>using namespace std;struct CandyBox{char brand[20];float weight;double energy;};int main(){CandyBox *CCandyBox = new CandyBox;cout << "Enter the snack brand:";cin.get(CCandyBox->brand, 20);cout << "Enter the snack weight:";cin >> CCandyBox->weight;cout << "Enter the snack energy:";cin >> (*CCandyBox).energy;cout << "Snack Brand:" << CCandyBox->brand <<" food company."<< endl;cout << "Snack Weight:" << CCandyBox->weight <<" gram."<<endl;cout << "Snack energy:" << CCandyBox->energy <<" calories."<< endl;system("pause");return 0;}//Enter the snack brand : Mocha Munch//Enter the snack weight : 2.3//Enter the snack energy : 50//Snack Brand : Mocha Munch food company.//Snack Weight : 2.3 gram.//Snack energy : 50 calories.//请按任意键继续. . .



#include<iostream>#include<vector>#include<array>using namespace std;int main(){float average_1, average_2;vector<float> grade_1(3);array<float, 3> grade_2;cout << "Enter the first grade of 40 meters:";cin >> grade_1[0];cin >> grade_2[0];cout << "Enter the second grade of 40 meters:";cin >> grade_1[1];cin >> grade_2[1];cout << "Enter the third grade of 40 meters:";cin >> grade_1[2];cin >> grade_2[2];average_1 = (grade_1[0] + grade_1[1] + grade_1[2]) / 3;average_2 = (grade_2[0] + grade_2[1] + grade_2[2]) / 3;cout << "Average_1 Grade = " << average_1 << endl;cout << "Average_2 Grade = " << average_1 << endl;system("pause");return 0;}//Enter the first grade of 40 meters:5.6//4.5//Enter the second grade of 40 meters : 4.8//5.2//Enter the third grade of 40 meters : 5.1//4.7//Average_1 Grade = 5.16667//Average_2 Grade = 5.16667//请按任意键继续. . .
#include<iostream>#include<array>using namespace std;int main(){array<float, 3> record_list;float average;cout << "Please input three record of 40 miles:" << endl;cout << "First record:";cin >> record_list[0];cout << "Second record:";cin >> record_list[1];cout << "Third record:";cin >> record_list[2];cout << "OK,you input:\n1." << record_list[0] << "\n2." << record_list[1] << "\n3." << record_list[2] << endl;average = (record_list[0] + record_list[1] + record_list[2]) / 3;cout << "Your average performance is " << average << " ." << endl;system("pause");return 0;}//Please input three record of 40 miles://First record : 5.6//Second record : 4.8//Third record : 5.1//OK, you input ://1.5.6//2.4.8//3.5.1//Your average performance is 5.16667 .//请按任意键继续. . .

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