

The content type for .woff files is specified as
“application/font-woff” in “/etc/nginx/mime.types”. This is deprecated
as stated in ​RFC 8081:

“Deprecated Alias: The existing registration “application/font-woff”
is deprecated in favor of “font/woff”.”

Thus, I replace in my configs…

application/font-woff woff;


font/woff woff;
font/woff2 woff2;

IMHO, this should be the default.

“font/woff“ and “font/woff2“ in file “mime.types“相关推荐

  1. 成功解决OSError: cannot open resource self.font = core.getfont(font, size, index, encoding, layout_engin

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  2. 运行BOA报错 Could not open mime.types file, /etc/mime.types, for reading

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  3. mime.types

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  5. 启动nginx时,报错:open() “/etc/nginx/mime.types“ failed

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  6. MIME Types MIME 类型

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  7. 来自Apache(mime.types存档)的mime大全

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  8. MIME与mime.types

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  9. Nginx(十八)mime.types的作用

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