
∫ 0 x [ ∫ 0 u φ ( t ) d t ] d u = ∫ 0 x [ ∫ t x φ ( t ) d u ] d t \int_0^x \left[ \int_0^u \varphi(t)dt\right] du = \int_0^x \left[ \int_t^x \varphi(t)du\right] dt ∫0x​[∫0u​φ(t)dt]du=∫0x​[∫tx​φ(t)du]dt


As for double integrals

Maybe we can understand the double integrals from the perspective of code, and the above formula are equivalent to the following two sum.

sum1 = 0
for u in 0:d1:x:for t in 0:d2:u:sum1 += varphi(t)*d1*d2
print sum1sum2 = 0
for t in 0:d1:x:for u in t:d2:x:sum2 += varphi(t)*d1*d2
print sum2

First code:
u=0 at first, and after

 for t in 0:d2:u:sum1 += varphi(t)*d1*d2

sum1 = 0;
Then u become a little bigger, we do this cycle again. Finally, we can get the the volume accumulated by φ ( t ) \varphi(t) φ(t) on this triangle.

Second code:
And yet, we can also treat this idea from another angle. In the first place, t=0, and we execute:

 for u in t:d2:x:sum2 += varphi(t)*d1*d2

After t increase, we do this cycle again and again, we can also get the the volume accumulated by φ ( t ) \varphi(t) φ(t) on this triangle.

That’s all.
How does this artifice work in reality?

I don’t know if you notice that or not, but

sum2 = 0
for t in 0:d1:x :for u in t:d2:x :sum2 += varphi(t)*d1*d2
print sum2

is equivalent to

sum2 = 0
for t in 0:d1:x :sum2 += varphi(t)*d1*(x-t)
print sum2

The reduction in the number of dimensions reduces the number of cycles. That’s why it’s useful.

∫ 0 x [ ∫ 0 u φ ( t ) d t ] d u = ∫ 0 x [ ∫ t x φ ( t ) d u ] d t = ∫ 0 x [ ( x − t ) φ ( t ) ] d t \int_0^x \left[ \int_0^u \varphi(t)dt\right] du = \int_0^x \left[ \int_t^x \varphi(t)du\right] dt =\int_0^x \left[ (x-t) \varphi(t)\right] dt ∫0x​[∫0u​φ(t)dt]du=∫0x​[∫tx​φ(t)du]dt=∫0x​[(x−t)φ(t)]dt


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