
When setting up a website, you will need to register a domain name for it so that your visitors are able to use a single, easy to remember address that they can type into their web browsers to reach your website. The main purpose of a domain name is to work in conjunction with DNS to translate the given name into the IP address of the server that a website is hosted on, with a domain name effectively being a mask for the IP address of the hosting server. You can choose to register a domain name at any time using a web hosting company that can offer the service or a professional domain name registrar – quite often web hosting companies will encourage you to register domains when purchasing a new web hosting plan so that you are able to associate your new web hosting plan with a new domain name automatically, therefore reducing the complications that can be introduced by completing this setup further down the line. You can also transfer domains between registrars and hosting providers as you wish so that you can get the best deal when it comes to the time when you have to renew your domains; furthermore, you may also wish to consolidate your domains into a single management account which would be another good reason for transferring your domains to a single provider. Most domain name registrars are able to offer you a selection of TLDs (Top Level Domains) and ccTLDs (country-code Top Level Domains) so that you can register website addresses that are relevant to the target audience of your website; domains that use ccTLDs are best used for website that have the scope of a local audience, whilst TLDs are usually more generic and recommended for use where a website is going to be accessed by visitors from several countries.

设置网站时,您需要为其注册一个域名,以便您的访问者能够使用一个易于记忆的单一地址,他们可以在其网络浏览器中键入该地址以访问您的网站。 域名的主要目的是与DNS结合使用,将给定名称转换为托管网站的服务器的IP地址,而域名实际上是托管服务器IP地址的掩码。 您可以选择随时使用可以提供服务的网络托管公司或专业域名注册商来注册域名-很多时候,网络托管公司会鼓励您在购买新的网络托管计划时注册域名,这样您就可以能够自动将新的Web托管计划与新的域名相关联,从而减少了进一步完成此设置后可能带来的复杂性。 您还可以根据需要在注册服务商和托管服务提供商之间转移域名,以便在需要续订域名时能获得最好的交易; 此外,您可能还希望将域合并到一个管理帐户中,这是将域转移到单个提供商的另一个很好的理由。 大多数域名注册商都可以为您提供TLD(顶级域名)和ccTLD(国家代码顶级域名)的选择,以便您可以注册与您网站的目标受众相关的网站地址; 使用ccTLD的域名最适合用于具有本地受众范围的网站,而TLD通常更通用,建议用于来自多个国家/地区的访问者访问该网站的地方。

域名的主要目的是什么? (What is the main purpose of a domain name?)

The main purpose of a domain name is to provide a user-friendly address that web users can type into a web browser in order to access a website. Domain names can be practically be anything so that you can use your business name if necessary, therefore improving the end-user experience and making your website easier to find.

域名的主要目的是提供一个用户友好的地址,Web用户可以在该地址中键入Web浏览器以访问网站。 域名实际上可以是任何名称,因此您可以在需要时使用您的公司名称,从而改善最终用户的使用体验,并使您的网站更易于查找。

在后台做什么? (What does on in the background?)

In the background a domain name is fixed to at least two name servers that deal with the DNS requests for that particular domain name. It is the responsibility of name servers and DNS servers to take these name requests and translate them into the corresponding IP address for the server on which the requested website or server is hosted. In order for any domain to function correctly, it needs to be fixed to a pair of name servers because as well as dealing with all website-related requests, name servers are also responsible for sending emails towards the correct recipient servers for a domain name. DNS is a service provided with any web hosting plan and any good web hosting company or domain registrar will also provide the service with their domain registration services so you can use your domain for basic tasks without the need for a web hosting plan.

在后台,域名被固定到至少两个处理该特定域名的DNS请求的名称服务器。 名称服务器和DNS服务器负责接收这些名称请求并将其转换为托管请求的网站或服务器的服务器的相应IP地址。 为了使任何域正常运行,需要将其固定在一对名称服务器上,因为除了处理所有与网站相关的请求外,名称服务器还负责向正确的域名接收者服务器发送电子邮件。 DNS是随任何虚拟主机计划一起提供的服务,任何优秀的虚拟主机公司或域名注册商都将为其域名注册服务提供该服务,因此您可以将域名用于基本任务,而无需虚拟主机计划。

为什么我必须续订我的域名? (Why do I have to renew my domains?)

Domains can only be registered for fixed periods of time as opposed to indefinitely; this helps to keep the system open and free so that if someone has a domain that they’re either not using or don’t want then they can let is expire so that someone else can register it for use. The period of time that you can register a domain for depends on the rules of the managing body; for example, a .com domain can be registered in 1 year blocks for as long as you want, therefore allowing you to register it for 10 years if you wish – however, a .uk domain can only be registered in 2 year blocks, therefore meaning you can only register it for an even number of years (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 etc.).

域名只能在固定的时间内注册,而不是无限期地注册; 这有助于保持系统的开放性和自由性,这样,如果某人拥有一个不使用或不想要的域,那么他们可以让其过期,以便其他人可以注册使用。 您可以注册域的时间长短取决于管理机构的规则。 例如,.com域名可以按您希望的时间段进行注册,因此,如果需要,您可以将其注册10年–但是,.uk域名只能按2年代码段进行注册,因此这意味着您只能注册偶数年(即2、4、6、8或10等)。

Any good domain registrar will have an auto-renew facility in place that will automatically renew your domains when they are coming towards the end of their term so that you don’t have to worry about forgetting and them expiring.


我使用的域名会影响SEO吗? (Can the domain that I use have an affect on SEO?)

Yes, your choice of domain can impact on the SEO of your website as it is important for you to choose a name that reflects the content of your website and the name of your business. First off you should consider using your business name as your domain name because this will improve the chances of your customers being able to find your website when entering your business name into search engines. If your business name isn’t available under your preferred TLD then you should consider another TLD or ccTLD that is still relevant to your customer base.

是的,您选择的域名可能会影响网站的SEO,因为选择反映网站内容和企业名称的名称对您来说很重要。 首先,您应该考虑使用公司名称作为域名,因为这将增加客户在搜索引擎中输入公司名称时能够找到您的网站的机会。 如果您的首选TLD下没有您的公司名称,则应考虑仍然与您的客户群相关的另一个TLD或ccTLD。

Secondly, if you decide not to use your business name as part of your domain then the next best option would be to choose a domain that contains keywords that are relevant to the content of your website and your business activities. This will still aid you with SEO as your website will then be one of the preferred options in search listings for keywords that are contained within your domain and website content; however, it is important to note that you should never go crazy with keywords in content because this could have a negative impact on you with some search engines.

其次,如果您决定不使用您的公司名称作为您的域的一部分,那么下一个最佳选择是选择一个包含与您的网站内容和您的业务活动相关的关键字的域。 这仍然可以帮助您进行SEO,因为您的网站将成为您的域名和网站内容中包含的关键字的搜索列表中的首选选项; 不过,请务必注意,您切勿对内容中的关键字发疯,因为这可能会对某些搜索引擎产生负面影响。

In conclusion, domain names are the driving force of internet accessibility because they allow us to visit websites using a simple and easy to type name as opposed to having to enter a server’s IP address every time we wish to visit a website. The wide variation of TLDs available makes registering a domain that suits your requirements an easy task and means that there is no reason why your business shouldn’t be working towards a well-established web presence.

总而言之,域名是互联网可访问性的驱动力,因为域名使我们可以使用简单且易于输入的名称来访问网站,而不是每次我们要访问网站时都必须输入服务器的IP地址。 可用的TLD种类繁多,使注册适合您要求的域变得容易,并且意味着您没有理由不应该为建立良好的网络形象而努力。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/domain-names/



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