网件交换机 trunk

When positioning most security cameras, it takes some time and a bit of trial and error to get them set up perfectly. However, Netgear has added some features that makes the setup process a lot easier for its Arlo cameras.

放置大多数安全摄像机时,需要花费一些时间和反复试验才能完美设置它们。 但是,Netgear添加了一些功能,使其Arlo摄像机的设置过程变得更加容易。

It’s not too difficult to get the perfect angle of a security camera; you have to take a guess and then look at the live video feed to see how good of a job you did. If you were off a bit, you would make some adjustments.

获得安全摄像头的完美角度并不难; 您必须猜测一下,然后查看实时视频供稿,以了解您的工作表现如何。 如果有点不对劲,您将进行一些调整。

However, adjusting the motion sensitivity is probably the most painstaking process, since it can take a few tries to get it even remotely where you want it. With Netgear’s Arlo cameras, though, there are features in the app that makes installing and positioning cameras a lot easier.

但是,调整运动灵敏度可能是最艰苦的过程,因为可能需要花费一些尝试才能将其远程获得。 但是,借助Netgear的Arlo相机,该应用程序中的功能使安装和定位相机更加容易。

首先,找到安装相机的理想位置 (First, Find the Ideal Place to Mount Your Camera)

Before we dive deep into the positioning features in the Arlo app, the camera itself needs to be mounted somewhere (obviously).


Only you can have the best judgement when it comes to finding the best place to put your Arlo camera, since every house is different. However, Netgear does offer some suggestions of their own, such as placing the camera up high and angling it down a bit.

寻找最佳放置Arlo相机的位置时,只有您才能拥有最佳判断力,因为每个房子都不一样。 但是,Netgear确实提供了一些建议 ,例如将摄像机放在较高的位置并稍微倾斜一下。

You can also just set it on top of a shelf since the camera has a flat bottom. Just make sure that the shelf isn’t too high, because you’ll end up getting more of the ceiling in the frame, rather than the important bits.

您也可以将其放在架子的顶部,因为相机的底部是平的。 只需确保架子不要太高,因为您最终将获得框架中更多的天花板,而不是重要的部分。

使用应用程序的“位置模式” (Use the App’s “Position Mode”)

Arlo has a feature exclusively for positioning the camera to help achieve the best viewing angle possible without any friction. Position Mode, as it’s called, purposely decreases the quality of the video feed in order to decrease lag time, so when you move the camera around to position it, you’ll see a near real-time view in the app.

Arlo具有专门用于定位摄像头的功能,以帮助获得可能的最佳视角而不会产生任何摩擦。 称为位置模式,目的是降低视频源的质量,以减少延迟时间,因此,在四处移动相机进行定位时,您会在应用程序中看到近乎实时的视图。

To access this feature, open up the Arlo app on your phone and tap on the “Settings” tab in the bottom-right corner.


Tap on “My Devices”.


Select the camera that you want to position.


Scroll down and tap on “Position Mode”.


You’ll get a real-time view of your camera’s video feed and nothing else.


From there, position your camera how you want it. You’ll still get a bit of lag, but it’s only around 1-2 seconds at most.

从那里,按照需要放置相机。 您仍然会有些滞后,但最多只有1-2秒左右。

调整相机的动作灵敏度 (Adjust the Camera’s Motion Sensitivity)

Similar to Position Mode, the app also comes with a feature called “Motion Detection Test”, which makes it way easier to fine-tune the motion sensitivity without a ton of trial and error that would usually take a few days to pinpoint.


To access this feature, go back to the same screen where you selected Position Mode, only instead of selecting that, tap on “Motion Detection Test” below it.


From there, you’ll see a slider that lets you adjust the camera’s motion sensitivity.


The camera’s small blue LED on the front will light up whenever it detects motion at a particular sensitivity setting. So all you have to do is walk in front of the camera, watch for the blue LED to light up, and then adjust the sensitivity accordingly.

只要在特定的感光度设置下检测到运动,照相机正面的小蓝色LED就会点亮。 因此,您所要做的就是走在镜头前,注意蓝色LED点亮,然后相应地调整灵敏度。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/307443/how-to-position-your-netgear-arlo-cameras-the-easy-way/

网件交换机 trunk

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