网件 设置为ap

If you like the idea of a security camera that’s completely wireless in every way, Netgear’s Arlo Pro system is one to consider. Here’s how to set it up and begin keeping tabs on your home while you’re away.

如果您喜欢在各个方面都是完全无线的安全摄像机的想法,那么可以考虑使用Netgear的Arlo Pro系统。 这是设置方法并在您不在时开始在您的房屋上保留标签的方法。

Wi-Fi cameras have their issues—at least when compared to wired cameras—but they certainly offer easier installation. One thing that separates the Arlo Pro from other Wi-Fi cameras is that it’s battery-powered, meaning you don’t need to plug it into an outlet to stream and record video. Most other Wi-Fi cams need to be connected to some kind of power source, even though they connect via Wi-Fi to transmit the data.

Wi-Fi摄像机存在其问题(至少与有线摄像机相比),但是它们无疑提供了更轻松的安装。 将Arlo Pro与其他Wi-Fi摄像机区分开来的一件事是,它由电池供电,这意味着您无需将其插入插座即可流式传输和录制视频。 大多数其他Wi-Fi凸轮都需要连接到某种电源,即使它们通过Wi-Fi连接以传输数据也是如此。

Arlo Pro also uses its own central hub (called the Base Station), to which all of your Arlo cameras connect. This is because the cameras use Z-Wave to communicate wirelessly, rather than Wi-Fi like most other consumer-based security cameras (such as the Nest Cam). Because of that, Arlo cameras need to connect to the Base Station, which in turn communicates with your home’s Wi-Fi network.

Arlo Pro还使用自己的中央集线器(称为基站),所有Arlo摄像机都连接到该中央集线器。 这是因为摄像机使用Z-Wave进行无线通信,而不是像大多数其他基于消费者的安全摄像机(例如Nest Cam )一样通过Wi-Fi进行通信。 因此,Arlo摄像机需要连接到基站,基站又可以与您家的Wi-Fi网络通信。

第一步:下载并设置Arlo App (Step One: Download and Set Up the Arlo App)

Even though you have to use the Base Station, the setup process is pretty painless and only takes about 10 minutes. To start off, download the Arlo app to your smartphone. It’s a free app that’s available for iPhone and Android devices.

即使您必须使用基站,设置过程也很轻松,只需大约10分钟。 首先,将Arlo应用程序下载到您的智能手机。 这是一个免费的应用程序,可用于iPhone和Android设备。

Next, open up the app and tap the “New to Arlo” button.

接下来,打开应用程序并点击“ New to Arlo”按钮。

On the next screen, select which Arlo product you’re setting up. In this case, it’s the “Arlo Wire-Free.”

在下一个屏幕上,选择要设置的Arlo产品。 在这种情况下,它就是“ Arlo无线”。

The app then tells you to install the Arlo Base Station hub. To do this, plug one end of the included Ethernet cable into the Base Station and the other end into a free Ethernet port on your router. Plug in the power cord, and then press the “On-Off button next to the power connector on the back of the hub.

然后,该应用程序会告诉您安装Arlo基站集线器。 为此,请将随附的以太网电缆的一端插入基站,另一端插入路由器上的空闲以太网端口。 插入电源线,然后按集线器背面电源连接器旁边的“开-关”按钮。

Once you’ve got the Base Station set up, hit “Continue” in the app.


Wait for the hub to power up. The app automatically searches for the hub on your network.

等待集线器通电。 该应用程序会自动搜索您网络上的集线器。

When it’s ready, tap “Choose Timezone” in the app.


Select your time zone, hit “Save” in the top-right corner, and then tap the back arrow in the top-left corner.


Tap “Continue” to proceed.


Next, give the Base Station a name. You can be as creative as you want here, but something simple will work just fine. Hit the “Continue” button when you’re done.

接下来,给基站命名。 您可以在这里发挥自己的创造力,但是一些简单的操作就可以了。 完成后,点击“继续”按钮。

第二步:创建一个Netgear帐户 (Step Two: Create a Netgear Account)

Next, you’ll need to create an account with Netgear. Start by typing your email address and tapping the “Continue” button.

接下来,您需要使用Netgear创建一个帐户。 首先输入您的电子邮件地址,然后点击“继续”按钮。

The a name and password for your account, agree to the terms and privacy policy, and then hit “Next” at the bottom.


第三步:将Arlo摄像机同步到基站 (Step Three: Sync Your Arlo Cameras to the Base Station)

Now, it’s time to sync your Arlo cameras to the Base Station. You’ll do this one camera at a time.

现在,是时候将Arlo摄像机同步到基站了。 您一次只能做一台照相机。

Make sure your cameras are within a couple of feet of the Base Station during the syncing process (you’ll be able to move them farther away afterward, of course). Hit “Continue” in the app.

在同步过程中,请确保您的摄像头位于基站的几英尺内(当然,之后您可以将它们移得更远)。 在应用程序中点击“继续”。

If the camera’s battery isn’t installed already, go ahead and open up the back cover on the camera and insert the battery.


Start by pressing the sync button on top of the Base Station for around two seconds. The far-right green light will begin to blink.

首先按下基站顶部的同步按钮约两秒钟。 最右边的绿色指示灯将开始闪烁。

After that, press the sync button on the camera itself until the blue LED light on the front of the camera begins to blink.


Once the Base Station and the camera are both in sync mode, they’ll automatically connect to each other. After the camera and Base Station are connected, hit “Continue” in the app until you get to the “Sync Complete” screen. You can then hit “Finish” or “Add More Cameras,” if you have more than one camera to connect.

基站和摄像机都处于同步模式后,它们将自动相互连接。 连接相机和基站后,在应用程序中单击“继续”,直到进入“同步完成”屏幕。 如果要连接多个摄像机,则可以单击“完成”或“添加更多摄像机”。

第四步:更新基站和相机固件 (Step Four: Update the Base Station and Camera Firmware)

After you’re done syncing all your cameras and hit “Finish,” you’re taken to the main screen of the Arlo app, where you’ll promptly be told that an update is available. Tap “Update Base Station” and wait for it to update.

完成所有摄像机的同步并单击“完成”后,您将进入Arlo应用程序的主屏幕,在该屏幕上会立即提示您有可用的更新。 点击“更新基站”,然后等待其更新。

You’ll then do the same thing with the cameras after the Base Station is done updating.


第五步:检查新的安全系统 (Step Five: Check Out Your New Security System)

Once everything is updated, you can tap the “Live” button to see a live view of your Arlo camera.


Within the app, you can sound the alarm, manually record video, snap a photo, enable and disable audio capturing, and even adjust the brightness of the camera.


You can also arm and disarm the system either manually, on a schedule, or based on your location by selecting the “Mode” tab at the bottom of the app.


From there, select the Arlo Base Station.


On this screen you can arm or disarm the system, which is really nothing more than just turning the motion and audio detection on or off.


You do have to jump through a few hoops getting your Arlo system set up—mostly because the cameras connect to the Base Station instead of directly to Wi-Fi—but setup is reasonably straightforward. And once you’ve got things set up, the system works well.

您确实需要跳过几个步骤来设置Arlo系统(主要是因为摄像机连接到基站而不是直接连接到Wi-Fi),但是设置相当简单。 一旦设置好,系统就可以正常运行。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/306594/how-to-set-up-the-netgear-arlo-pro-camera-system/

网件 设置为ap

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