

  • TIR Let Binding

    • Let (var, value, body) 将value求值赋给var,然后返回body的求值结果。let将表达式 Expr 绑定到局部作用域的不可变 var 中。
  • scope:作用域/代码块。 TVM AST将作用域组建为树形结构。外侧作用域包含内侧作用域的关系被表示为父节点和子节点。父节点的变量对子节点可见但反之不然。判断变量是否在某个作用域内是CSE算法的一个重要的部分。


TIR代码来源于relay和其他Pass。生成TIR代码的过程是自动的,因此会有很多重复。Common Subexpression Elimination (CSE,公共子表达式消除) 是TIR的Pass之一,旨在定位并替换重复的计算。

  • 创建一个新变量并替换所有的表达式。
  • 支持完整的表达式替换。
  • 支持子表达式替换。比如(w+x)+(y+z); (w+x)+u; => new_var = (w+x); new_var+(y+z); new_var+u;(w+x)就是子表达式。



TIR的SSA(Static Single Assignment)性质:变量的值不变(immutable)。如果没有这个前提,替换就会出问题。比如拿y=a+b替换所有的a+b,但是a的值在某处被修改了,那么之后的y=a+b就变成了y=0+b,如果不重新计算a+b的值,就会有错。



  • 表达式不是常量或变量(已经是变量了就没必要创一个新变量去替换了)
  • 表达式不是function call或者memory load
    • 函数不一定是pure的。对于有副作用(side effects)的函数,即使函数名和参数一样,返回的结果可能不同。
    • 同理,两次memeory load返回的结果可能不同。如果两个相同的表达式中间出现了一次memory load,则这个表达式不能作为候选表达式。
  • 表达式也不包含(子)function call或者memory load。
    • 替换sum(f,f)也是不安全的,因为f可能有side effects。




  • Context:上下文,vector<pair<Var,MaybeValue>>

    • 知道哪个变量在当前的scope下
  • table of computations:表达式计数表,unordered_map。
    • key是表达式PrimExpr,例如在Stmtbuffer[i1] = ((x + y) + z)中,((x + y) + z)(x+y)都是PrimExpr,后者可以由Visit而其子表达式
    • value是其出现的次数。


如图,外侧smallComp可以是y=a+b, z=d+e,内侧bigComp则可以是p=y+z。


  • 未来可以支持丰富的语义结构。比如(x+y)+z <=> z+(x+y)
  • 区分出side effects的函数,以便进行更深的优化。


TVM Conference 2021 Qualcomm
TVM 拆包(一):Runtime basics



@main = primfn(i1: int32, i2: int32, z3: int32) -> () {let z1: int32 = 1let z2: int32 = 2{buffer: Pointer(int32)[i1] = (z1 + z2)let x: int32 = 1let y: int32 = 1let a: int32 = ((x + y) + (z1 + z2))let b: int32 = ((x + y) + z3)buffer[i2] = (a + b)}
}[15:01:55] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/ir/transform.cc:566: PrintIR():
#[version = "0.0.5"]
@main = primfn(i1: int32, i2: int32, z3: int32) -> () {let z1: int32 = 1let z2: int32 = 2let cse_var_1: int32 = (z1 + z2){buffer: Pointer(int32)[i1] = cse_var_1let x: int32 = 1let y: int32 = 1let cse_var_2: int32 = (x + y)let a: int32 = (cse_var_2 + cse_var_1)let b: int32 = (cse_var_2 + z3)buffer[i2] = (a + b)}

观察到,CSE生成了两个变量cse_var_1=z1+z2, cse_var_2=x+y,代替了相应的表达式。替换规则:z1+z2,x+y两次出现在同一scope下,且没有关于变量的load操作。


yuan@yuan:~/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm$ python -m pytest /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/tests/python/unittest/test_tir_transform_common_subexpr_elim.py::test_cse_cascade -s
enabled targets: llvm; cuda; nvptx
pytest marker:
====================================================================== test session starts ======================================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.10, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.11.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm
collected 1 item                                                                                                                                                tests/python/unittest/test_tir_transform_common_subexpr_elim.py @main = primfn(i1: int32, i2: int32, i3: int32, x: int32, y: int32, z: int32) -> () {buffer: Pointer(int32)[i1] = ((x + y) + z)buffer[i2] = ((x + y) + z)buffer[i3] = (x + y)
}[15:17:37] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/ir/transform.cc:566: PrintIR():
#[version = "0.0.5"]
@main = primfn(i1: int32, i2: int32, i3: int32, x: int32, y: int32, z: int32) -> () {let cse_var_2: int32 = (x + y)let cse_var_1: int32 = (cse_var_2 + z){buffer: Pointer(int32)[i1] = cse_var_1buffer[i2] = cse_var_1buffer[i3] = cse_var_2}



yuan@yuan:~/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm$ python -m pytest /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/tests/python/unittest/test_tir_transform_common_subexpr_elim.py::test_cse_cascade -s
enabled targets: llvm; cuda; nvptx
pytest marker:
============================================================= test session starts ==============================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.10, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.11.0, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm
collected 1 item                                                                                                                               tests/python/unittest/test_tir_transform_common_subexpr_elim.py @main = primfn(i1: int32, i2: int32, i3: int32, x: int32, y: int32, z: int32) -> () {buffer: Pointer(int32)[i1] = ((x + y) + z)buffer[i2] = ((x + y) + z)buffer[i3] = (x + y)
}[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/runtime/logging.cc:239: TVM_LOG_DEBUG enables VLOG statements in 'tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc' up to level 1
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:369: Input Stmt :
buffer[i1] = ((x + y) + z)
buffer[i2] = ((x + y) + z)
buffer[i3] = (x + y)[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:379: ComputationTable :
(((x + y) + z), 2)
((x + y), 1)
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:493: variables_created true
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:369: Input Stmt :
let cse_var_1 = ((x + y) + z)
buffer[i1] = cse_var_1
buffer[i2] = cse_var_1
buffer[i3] = (x + y)[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:379: ComputationTable :
(((x + y) + z), 1)
((x + y), 1)
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:493: variables_created true
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:369: Input Stmt :
let cse_var_2 = (x + y)
let cse_var_1 = (cse_var_2 + z)
buffer[i1] = cse_var_1
buffer[i2] = cse_var_1
buffer[i3] = cse_var_2[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:379: ComputationTable :
((x + y), 1)
((cse_var_2 + z), 1)
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:499: variables_created false
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:369: Input Stmt :
let cse_var_1 = (cse_var_2 + z)
buffer[i1] = cse_var_1
buffer[i2] = cse_var_1
buffer[i3] = cse_var_2[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:379: ComputationTable :
((cse_var_2 + z), 1)
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:499: variables_created false
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:369: Input Stmt :
buffer[i1] = cse_var_1
buffer[i2] = cse_var_1
buffer[i3] = cse_var_2[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:379: ComputationTable :
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:499: variables_created false
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:369: Input Stmt :
buffer[i1] = cse_var_1[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:379: ComputationTable :
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:499: variables_created false
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:502: Output: result=buffer[i1] = cse_var_1[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:369: Input Stmt :
buffer[i2] = cse_var_1[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:379: ComputationTable :
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:499: variables_created false
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:502: Output: result=buffer[i2] = cse_var_1[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:369: Input Stmt :
buffer[i3] = cse_var_2[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:379: ComputationTable :
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:499: variables_created false
[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:502: Output: result=buffer[i3] = cse_var_2[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:502: Output: result=buffer[i1] = cse_var_1
buffer[i2] = cse_var_1
buffer[i3] = cse_var_2[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:502: Output: result=let cse_var_1 = (cse_var_2 + z)
buffer[i1] = cse_var_1
buffer[i2] = cse_var_1
buffer[i3] = cse_var_2[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:502: Output: result=let cse_var_2 = (x + y)
let cse_var_1 = (cse_var_2 + z)
buffer[i1] = cse_var_1
buffer[i2] = cse_var_1
buffer[i3] = cse_var_2[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:502: Output: result=let cse_var_2 = (x + y)
let cse_var_1 = (cse_var_2 + z)
buffer[i1] = cse_var_1
buffer[i2] = cse_var_1
buffer[i3] = cse_var_2[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:502: Output: result=let cse_var_2 = (x + y)
let cse_var_1 = (cse_var_2 + z)
buffer[i1] = cse_var_1
buffer[i2] = cse_var_1
buffer[i3] = cse_var_2[17:08:32] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/ir/transform.cc:566: PrintIR():
#[version = "0.0.5"]
@main = primfn(i1: int32, i2: int32, i3: int32, x: int32, y: int32, z: int32) -> () {let cse_var_2: int32 = (x + y)let cse_var_1: int32 = (cse_var_2 + z){buffer: Pointer(int32)[i1] = cse_var_1buffer[i2] = cse_var_1buffer[i3] = cse_var_2}

按照Log的输出,模拟了一个执行流程。方框内包含了原始的计算图。按照从下往上的顺序,依次加入了cse_var_1, cse_var_2。而在遍历子节点时,又从上往下使用DFS。


PrimExpr CommonSubexpressionEliminator::VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op) {// At this point, we have already done the generic treatment of introducing (via let-in) what// was doable at the toplevel of the given let-in.// Save the context at the entry of the functionContext context_at_entry = context_;// Recurse on the `value` field for potentially rewriting itPrimExpr value_new = VisitExpr(op->value);// Augment the context with the association (`var`, `value`) for preparing the next recursion// on the `body`context_.push_back({op->var, MaybeValue(op->value)});// Recurse on the `body` (with this extended context)// The recursive call will have potentially done new simplifications, because in this recursive// call `var` will be a part of the context.// (see in VisitExpr() that no introduction were performed when a computation was using an// undefined variable, as that would lead to ill-formed code)PrimExpr body_new = VisitExpr(op->body);// Restaure the context to its content at the entrance to not carry out of scope declarations// as the variable introduced by the let-in is not in scope outside of its bodycontext_ = context_at_entry;// Rebuild the let-in with a new `value_new` and `body_new` where new simplifications might// have been done.// If the `value` and the `body` of the let-in have been rewritten to the same thingif (value_new.same_as(op->value) && body_new.same_as(op->body)) {// then return a reference to the same nodereturn GetRef<PrimExpr>(op);} else {// Otherwise return a let-in built with the new `value_new` and the new `body_new` that// have just been obtainedreturn Let(op->var, value_new, body_new, op->span);}

CommonSubexpressionEliminator::VisitExpr_(const LetNode* op)作为调用VisitExpr的函数入口,做了两件事:

  • 先递归遍历Var
  • 将let表达式包含的变量加入上下文,准备下一步递归遍历body
  • 递归遍历body,此时let包含的变量存储在context中,因此在body中可见
  • 还原context


bool CommonSubexpressionEliminator::IsEligibleComputation(const PrimExpr& expr) {return (// In order to be eligible, the given expression should not be a constant(expr.as<IntImmNode>() == nullptr) && (expr.as<FloatImmNode>() == nullptr) &&(expr.as<StringImmNode>() == nullptr)// and it should not be a variable&& (expr.as<VarNode>() == nullptr)// and it should not be a forbidden computation (function calls and loads)&& (!ForbiddenComputation(expr))// and it should not even contain a forbidden computation (function calls and loads)// the reason is that we don't want to register expressions like (x + f(y)) or// (x + Mem[i]) as introducing them into variables could change the semantics&& (!CheckContains::ExprContains(expr, ForbiddenComputation))// and it should not be a ramp node or a broadcast node due to some internals TVM// constraints (which check for these node explicitely without performing any// evaluation first, so if they have been put into variables it fails)&& (expr.as<RampNode>() == nullptr) && (expr.as<BroadcastNode>() == nullptr));


  // Obtain the (syntactic) eligible computations done by the input statement, and keep it as// a ComputationTable, which is a mapping from PrimExpr to size_t, where the size_t is the// number of time this exact syntactic computation is being computed.ComputationTable table_syntactic_comp_done_by_stmt = ComputationsDoneBy::GetComputationsDoneBy(stmt, IsEligibleComputation, CanContainEligibleComputations);  ...std::unordered_map<Stmt, ComputationTable, ObjectPtrHash, ObjectPtrEqual>cache_stmt_table_computations_;...void ComputationsDoneBy::VisitStmt(const Stmt& stmt) {// See if we have already computed the (table of) computations done by `stmt`auto it_table_stmt = cache_.cache_stmt_table_computations_.find(stmt);if (it_table_stmt != cache_.cache_stmt_table_computations_.end()) {// We need to do the union with `table_of_computations_` instead of just writing into it,// because some other childs might have added things into it too. The reason for that is// that `table_of_computations_` is shared between the child nodes of a given statement.UnionOfComputationTables(&table_of_computations_, it_table_stmt->second);return;}// If we reach this point, it means that we have never computed before the computations done// by `stmt` and will do so now.// The computations done by a Stmt node are just the ones done by its childrenComputationTable temp =ComputationsDoneByChildrenOf(stmt, is_eligible_computation_, can_contain_computations_);// We need to do the union with `table_of_computations_` instead of just writing into it,// because some other childs might have added things into it too. The reason for that is// that `table_of_computations_` is shared between the child nodes of a given expression.UnionOfComputationTables(&table_of_computations_, temp);}

对于每个Stmt,程序保存一个unordered_map<Stmt, ComputationTable>。使用时,拿着Stmt查找对应的ComputationTable。

ComputationTable ComputationsDoneBy::ComputationsDoneByChildrenOf(const Stmt& stmt, std::function<bool(const PrimExpr&)> is_eligible_computation,std::function<bool(const PrimExpr&)> can_contain_computations) {// We will be using an instance of the class ComputationsDoneBy for the child nodes// (ie, they will share the "result" that `table_of_computations_` is)ComputationsDoneBy computations_done_by(is_eligible_computation, can_contain_computations);// Calls the *dispatcher* (not the overriden method)computations_done_by.StmtExprVisitor::VisitStmt(stmt);// So now we can copy table_of_computations_ into the cache for the future queries// Note : in the table, the computations done by `stmt` is set to the computations done by its// children, because that's exactly what we mean by "the computations of a statement".cache_.cache_stmt_table_computations_[stmt] = computations_done_by.table_of_computations_;return computations_done_by.table_of_computations_;


  // Calls the *dispatcher* (not the overriden method)computations_done_by.StmtExprVisitor::VisitStmt(stmt);

ComputationsDoneBy::VisitStmt 传入Stmt -> ComputationsDoneByChildrenOf -> computations_done_by.StmtExprVisitor::VisitStmt(stmt) 传入下一个Stmt -> ComputationsDoneBy::VisitStmt -> …


[22:09:45] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:369: Input Stmt :
buffer[i1] = ((x + y) + z)
buffer[i2] = ((x + y) + z)
buffer[i3] = (x + y)[22:09:45] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim_tools.cc:555: Recursively calling child node:
buffer[i1] = ((x + y) + z)
buffer[i2] = ((x + y) + z)
buffer[i3] = (x + y)[22:09:45] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim_tools.cc:555: Recursively calling child node:
buffer[i1] = ((x + y) + z)[22:09:45] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim_tools.cc:555: Recursively calling child node:
buffer[i2] = ((x + y) + z)[22:09:45] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim_tools.cc:555: Recursively calling child node:
buffer[i3] = (x + y)[22:09:45] /home/yuan/Coding/compiler/repos/tvm/src/tir/transforms/common_subexpr_elim.cc:379: ComputationTable :
(((x + y) + z), 2)
((x + y), 1)



  • 交换律 (x+y <=> y+x)
  • 结合律 (x+y)+z <=> x+(y+z)
  • 分配律 x*(y+z) <=> x*y+x*z
// Transform the hashtable of *syntactic* eligible computations into a vector of pairs
// containing *semantic* entities, i.e. where equivalent computations are merged.
std::vector<std::pair<PrimExpr, size_t>> semantic_comp_done_by_stmt =SyntacticToSemanticComputations(table_syntactic_comp_done_by_stmt);
/*!* \brief Decides if two terms are equivalent semantically*/
bool EquivalentTerms(const PrimExpr& a, const PrimExpr& b) {// For now, we just check the syntactic equality, but that could later become a semantic test,// for instance identifying computations modulo commutativity (like x+y and y+x), or modulo// associativity (like (x+y)+z and x+(y+z)), etc.arith::Analyzer analyser;PrimExpr a_simplified = analyser.Simplify(a);PrimExpr b_simplified = analyser.Simplify(b);return EqualTerms(a_simplified, b_simplified);



  std::sort(semantic_comp_done_by_expr.begin(), semantic_comp_done_by_expr.end(),[](std::pair<PrimExpr, size_t> a, std::pair<PrimExpr, size_t> b) {return (CalculateExprComplexity(a.first) > CalculateExprComplexity(b.first));});for (size_t i = 0; i < semantic_comp_done_by_expr.size(); i++) {std::pair<PrimExpr, size_t>& computation_and_nb = semantic_comp_done_by_expr[i];...Var new_var = GenerateNewVar(computation_and_nb.first.dtype());...result = Let(new_var, computation_and_nb.first, result);}


// Replace in the current `result` everything that is selected by the selector with
// the new variable, without diving into expressions in which we don't have the
// right to dive.
result = ReplaceSelectedExpr::ReplaceSelectedExprInExpr(result, predicate_selector, new_var,CanContainEligibleComputations);
class ReplaceSelectedExpr : public StmtExprMutator
PrimExpr ReplaceSelectedExpr::VisitExpr(const PrimExpr& expr) {// If the current expression is selected by the predicateif (predicate_selector_(expr)) {// Then simply return the new expressionreturn new_expr_;} else {// If replacing inside the current expression is allowedif (can_replace_inside_(expr)) {// then we continue the exploration recursivelyreturn StmtExprMutator::VisitExpr(expr);} else {// otherwise we simply return the current expressionreturn expr;}}


  • 如果当前表达式被predicate_selector_选中,则返回new_expr_。这里完成了代替过程。
  • 如果当前表达式不被predicate_selector_选中,StmtExprMutator::VisitExpr(expr);将对其子表达式递归调用ReplaceSelectedExpr::VisitExpr。ComputationTable中也有类似的调用逻辑。
  • 否则不做改动,返回expr自己。


enum class CallEffectKind : int {/*! \brief Function corresponds to an annotation(e.g. likely) and can translate to identity. */kExprAnnotation = 0,/*!* \brief Pure function that do not interacts*        with any external state.*/kPure = 1,/*!* \brief Function's that may read from states(e.g. RAM)*/kReadState = 2,/*!* \brief Function that may read/write from states(e.g. RAM).*/kUpdateState = 3,/*!* \brief Opaque function, cannot make any assumption*/kOpaque = kUpdateState,/*!* \brief Special intrinsic to annotate call arguments info*        only valid as a direct argument to a call.*/kSpecialCallArg = 4,/*!* \brief Embed opaque information in the Expr, cannot be codegen.*/kEmbedInfo = 5,/*!* \brief Function that changes control flow*/kControlJump = 6,

被注册为kPure=1的函数,其语义为“do not interacts with any external state"。故不能草率的认为系统内所有kPure=1的函数均为纯。如果要引入新的性质,比如kDeterminant=1以表示第一条规则,则至少需要所有后端开发达成共识,因为后端开发者注册算子时需要标注函数性质,比如src/tir/op/builtin.cc:

TIR_DEFINE_BUILTIN_FUNC(shift_left).set_num_inputs(2).set_attr<TCallEffectKind>("TCallEffectKind", Integer(CallEffectKind::kPure)).set_attr<TVectorizable>("TVectorizable", true);




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