- 本期词汇 -

Notch - 刘海

Augmented Reality - 增强现实

chip - 芯片

benchmark - 跑分

performance - 性能

hardware - 硬件

bandwidth - 带宽

developer - 开发者

离上一部iPad Pro发布的16个月之后,苹果今年三月发布了和旧版本极其相似的iPad Pro 2020。这部起价5829元的iPad到底值不值呢?16 months after the release of the previous iPad Pro, Apple released the iPad Pro 2020 model in March, with analogous designs to the previous model. At the starting price of ¥5829, is this iPad worth it?iPad Pro 2020 Source: blocktoro.com乍一看,新的iPad Pro和旧版本几乎相同。其实,它们之间的区别屈指可数。正面没有任何区别,屏幕和刘海都没变。From the onset, the new iPad Pro looks almost identical to its 2018 counterpart. In fact, their differences can be easily listed within a handful.There is not alteration between the 2020 model and the 2018 one from the front: same screen, same notch. 但在背面,这部新iPad多了一个1000万像素的超广角镜头、和一个LiDAR激光雷达。新增的激光雷达让这部iPad有了距离感应的能力,可以让增强现实变得更准确。On the other hand, you’ll be greeted with a new 10MP ultra-wide camera as well as the LiDAR sensor from the back. The newly added LiDAR allows the iPad to produce more accurate depth perception, which facilitates better accuracy in Augmented Reality. 但是目前AR相关的应用程序和场景都还不多,所以现在激光雷达对大部分人也没什么用。However, due to the lack of AR applications, the LiDAR sensor will not be useful to most people for now.新的广角镜头和激光雷达 Source: 苹果iPad Pro 2020的升级主要是内部的。先说芯片。这部iPad搭载了一颗A12-Z芯片,只是旧版本iPad的芯片(A12-X)的小升级,而不是大家期待的A13-X芯片。Most upgrades on the iPad Pro 2020 are internal. Let’s first look at the chip. This iPad has an A12Z chip, which is only a minor upgrade from the chip of the previous model (A12-X), instead of the anticipated A13X chip.基于安兔兔的跑分,新版iPad Pro和前任的CPU几乎相同,在GPU性能上勉强好一些。Based on AnTuTu’s benchmark, the new iPad Pro has almost identical CPU and scarcely better GPU performance compared its predecessor.此外,在iPhone 11身上大放异彩的U1芯片,这次也没有出现在新版iPad Pro身上。它能精确定位其他含有此芯片的设备,或许能让苹果生态的跨设备合作更便捷。Furthermore, the U1 chip that was promoted as a significant feature on iPhone 11 is lacking on the iPad Pro. It can precisely locate other devices with this chip, which may improve the convenience of Apple’s cross-device collaboration. A12Z 仿生芯片 Source: en24.news其他的升级包括更好的麦克风和Wi-Fi 6。与此同时,这次所有版本都有了6GB的运行内存, 而此前这是只有1TB版本才有的。Other improvements include better microphones and Wi-Fi 6. At the same  and 6GB of RAM on all models instead of being exclusive to the 1TB model.苹果在想啥?WTF is Apple thinking?这好像并不合理:新旧两款iPad发布之间足足16个月,却只有微小的优化,总体设计几乎相同。It doesn’t seem to add up: in the 16 months between the release of these two iPad models, only minor improvements have been made, and the overarching design of the iPads are almost identical. iPad Pro 2020 VS iPad Pro 2018 Source: Max Tech但是我觉得在这背后,苹果自有策略。这部iPad的更新,大部分都是辅助AR的硬件:超广角镜头带来更广的视角,激光雷达带来更好的精准度,更好的GPU带来更好的AR图像,更快的Wi-Fi也满足了线上AR所需的高带宽。But I believe Apple has their strategy behind this. The features that differentiate this iPad from previous gens are mainly hardware that will facilitate better AR: ultra wide camera for wide view of AR, LiDAR sensor for more accuracy, improvement in GPU for better AR graphics, faster Wi-Fi also satisfies the high bandwidth required by online AR所以我们可以看到,苹果这是在为“AR革命”建造基础设施。这也解释了为什么新的iPad不怎么亮眼,毕竟它的主要目的不是吸引消费者。Therefore as we can see, Apple is building the hardware foundation necessary to begin the AR revolution, hence why the new iPad may not be very compelling, since attracting customers is not its top priority.此外,根据小道消息,苹果会在两三年内发布AR眼镜,所以现在开始搭建AR的基础设施也是合理的。这款iPad也就是给开发者们一个机会,开始探索AR的应用场景,为即将到来的AR眼镜作准备。Beyond that, it has been leaked that Apple will release AR glasses in the near future; therefore it makes sense that Apple is building the foundations of AR now. This iPad is giving developers a chance to explore the applications of AR in preparation of the AR glasses to come.iPad上的AR Source: thesweetsetup.comiPad Pros的目标消费者很小众,大部分都是艺术家和需要便携设备的专业人士,对价格不怎么敏感。对大多数消费者来说,iPad Pro可能太贵了,其他的iPad足够胜任大多数的需求。The target consumers of the iPad Pros are a small group of people that include mainly artists and professionals who want a portable device, and may not be sensitive to price. For others, the iPad Pro’s price may not be justifiable, since other iPads are powerful enough for most tasks. 所以,你应不应该买这款新的iPad Pro?So, should you buy the new iPad Pro? 如果你资金充裕,那你当然可以买最新最好的设备。但是对于大多数人来说,iPad Pro太贵而且没必要。如果要买自己的第一部iPad Pro,那还是买新的,毕竟价钱差不多。如果已经有了iPad Pro 2018,强烈不建议升级,简直是浪费钱。If you have a big budget, then of course you can buy the latest and greatest. However, for most people, the iPad Pro is overly expensive and unnecessary. If you are purchasing your first iPad Pro, then buy the new one, since the prices are similar. If you already own the iPad Pro 2018, I suggest you not to upgrade, it’s rather a waste of money.

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