git .git目录提交

I use Git every day and I wrote a Git guide and a Git Cheat Sheet in the past.

我每天都使用Git,过去我写过Git指南和Git备忘单 。

I consider myself a Git fan, but …I’m not an expert of Git.


Commit, fetch origin, pull origin, push to origin.. that’s my day-to-day of using Git.


And I do some Git:

我做一些 Git:

The advanced things that Git can do blow my mind. It can be very complex, and I tend to avoid all that complexity. I almost never use Git in the command line, and use GitHub Desktop which is the simplest and nicest Git client ever.

Git可以做的高级事情让我震惊。 它可能非常复杂,我倾向于避免所有这些复杂性。 我几乎从不在命令行中使用Git,而使用GitHub Desktop ,这是有史以来最简单,最出色的Git客户端。

Two things I do however use sometimes are cherry-picking and squashing commits.


Let’s talk about that.


In projects where I’m the only developer, which means all my personal projects, I do tend to work on master when I can. For example if I’m doing a simple change, or adding a new post to the blog. Fast and non-breaking stuff.

在我是唯一开发人员的项目中,这意味着我所有的个人项目,我都会在可能的情况下倾向于使用master。 例如,如果我要进行简单的更改,或者将新帖子添加到博客中。 快速且不间断的东西。

In some cases however I do not use this approach, and instead I create a branch for a big feature.


This is also the default when working on a team-based or open source project.


You create a branch, and commit often. Committing early and often is a great advantage because you can work on your code with the confidence that you can always return back to a working state, or at least to a state you know that something worked.

您创建一个分支,并经常提交。 尽早且经常进行提交是一个很大的优势,因为您可以放心地编写代码,使您始终可以返回到工作状态,或者至少返回到您知道某些工作有效的状态。

You might do a series of quick commits where the message is “ok”, “trying this”, or “fix dumb mistake”.


But at some point you need to converge to a stable state and commit the changes back to master, or to any branch you want.


You want to do one thing before that: squashing your commits.


GitHub can do that for you automatically when you are merging a Pull Request, and it’s a workflow I’ve been using a lot on public Open Source repositories in the past.

合并合并请求请求时, GitHub可以自动为您执行此操作,这是我过去在公共开放源代码存储库中经常使用的工作流程。

Instead of seeing all the individual commits contained in a Pull Request, you only see one commit, and in the PR merge process you can write a detailed and dedicated commit message and description.


This will eliminate all the previous Git commits that diverge from the head of the branch you’re merging to, and also remove all those commits where maybe you reverted changes, and so on.


This is squashing in the GitHub PR process. You can squash your commits outside of GitHub, too.

这正在压榨GitHub PR流程。 您也可以在GitHub之外压缩提交。

Once your work on a branch is done, you merge master (or any other branch where you want to merge) into it:


git merge master

so you can handle any update conflict there.


Then you checkout master, and from there you run:


git merge --squash <your-feature-branch>

and then


git commit

This is just one of the possible workflows you can use, and doing all using GitHub is very simple and the option that can give you the least amount of headaches.



git .git目录提交

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