The final bell rang at last. I walked slowly to the office to return my paperwork.


The rain had drifted away, but the wind was strong, and colder.


I wrapped my arms around myself.


When I walked into the warm office, I almost turned around and walked back out.


Edward Cullen stood at the desk in front of me.

Edward Cullen站在我前面的桌子旁。

I recognized again that tousled bronze hair.


He didn't appear to notice the sound of my entrance.


I stood pressed against the back wall, waiting for the receptionist to be free.


He was arguing with her in a low, attractive voice.


I quickly picked up the gist of the argument.


He was trying to trade from sixth-hour Biology to another time — any other time.


I just couldn't believe that this was about me.


It had to be something else, something that happened before I entered the Biology room.


The look on his face must have been about another aggravation entirely.


It was impossible that this stranger could take such a sudden, intense dislike to me.



Chapter 1 First Sight——35相关推荐

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