Hello Guys,

I''m trying to have an desktop app that will connect my website MySQL database. I have done some research, and I have found the use of SSH.

My problem is I don''t know how to integrate it to my desktop app.

Please help.

Thanks in advance...

解决方案If you have a mysql database on a server somewhere all you need to do is get the MySql.Data.dll and MySql.Web.dll and place them in your bin directory, add a reference to them, add the Import statements at the top, and get the connection string for the database. If it is a client side app you can create a app.config file and store your connections in it and use ConfigurationManager to get the connection you need when creating a new connection.

If this doesn''t answer your question please let me know. Also, this is based on the assumption that you have a mysql database running on a server somewhere. If I''m mistaken or have misinterpreted your question please let me know.

Why you are going to connect your mysql database using SSH, where the database resides,

no need to connect using SSH to your mysql(either it is on LINUX,Windows). you can connect with

mysql odbc connecter.

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