
  • Word Preparation
    • unforgettable: 令人难忘的;难以忘怀的
    • guidebook:旅行指南;旅游手册
    • road sign:路标
    • end up doing:以...结束,最后做了某事
    • make it: 做到;达到目的
  • Grammar
    • lost与missing的区别

Word Preparation

unforgettable: 令人难忘的;难以忘怀的

Something that is unforgettable is so good, interesting, etc. that you remember it for a long time.

The beaches in Spain are the most unforgettable beaches.

Skydiving was the most unforgettable experience.


a book which gives information to visitors about a place, such as a city or country.

I think we are lost. Do you have the guidebook?

The guidebook says that this is the biggest museum in the world.

road sign:路标

a sign near a road giving information or instructions to drivers

There is a heavy fog. I cannot see the road sign clearly.

The road sign says that the exit is in three miles.

end up doing:以…结束,最后做了某事

to finally be in a particular place or situation

We ended up eating pizza for dinner because it was the easiest thing to order.

I ended up staying at home and watching a movie instead of going to the party.

make it: 做到;达到目的

to be able to do something.

I’m not going to be able to make it to Jake’s wedding because I have to work that day.

Emily wasn’t able to make it to the top of the mountain because she was too tired.




  • The missing word is the key to solving the puzzle.
  • My dictionary is missing. Who’s taken it away?
  • The letter never arrived. It must have lost in the post.

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