
Patricia Shehan Campbell (Uni- versity of Washington) reports that the University of Washington will host a series of residencies this spring to explore the phenomenon of Commu- nity Music. Invited guests include Lee Higgins (Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts), Phil Mullen (Gold- smiths College, certificate program), John Drummond (University of Otago, New Zealand), and Charlie Keil (12/8 path band and [website] bornto- groove.org).Ryan Skinner's first children's book, Sidikiba's Kora Lesson, was published by Beavers Pond Press in 2008 (see the book's website at http://www.sidikibaskoralesson.com).Meghan Hynson recently finished a year and a half of field work on the Balinese gender wayang of Mas vil- lage. She has worked closely with Ida Bagus Made Geria, who, at 81 years old, is the tenth generation of dalang in his family. Meghan's work in Mas has included preservational transcrip- tion of the complete gender wayang repertory and wayang kulit/wayang lemah performances. She has also begun researching the wayang wong performances of Mas.Christian A. Spencer is doing fieldwork in Chile in the cities of San- tiago de Chile and Valparaiso about discourses, performances, and nego- tiated identities in the Chilean cueca. His doctoral thesis is registered in both Universidad Complutense de Madrid- Universidad Nova de Lisboa (`regimen de co-tutela,' European Union).Erica Azim reports that an instruc- tional DVD, "First Mbira Lessons," which teaches traditional Shona mbira of Zimbabwe, is available from the MBIRA non-profit organization at (website) www.mbira.org.In March 2009, Smithsonian Folk- ways will release Dan Milner's CD, Irish Pirate Ballads (SFW CD 40553), a group of historical songs from most- ly traditional sources about central characters who stand uneasy next to the law. He is joined on the recording by a who's who of Irish musical talent in the United States.Laurie Sommers and her team won the 2007 Brenda McCallum Prize


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