

Nowadays, the idea of progress loorns so large in the modern world, and the

progress of a particular kind is actually taking place around us. In this

circumstances, computers which have a great help come out with the wisdom and

hard-working of human beings. It do have given human a tremendous help, it,

however, has brought to us its harmness at the some time.

The computers can make a great help for us in this high speed society. In

the light of this statement, it is computers that can store documents for us

which is essential for us, it is computers that can shorten the time in seeking

useful information instead of looking for knowledge from a large sums of books

and it is computers that can make it possible to comunicate with different

people who are far away from you. In a word, we cant live nomally without

computers in such a high-tech society.

On the contary, having helped us a lot, computers are harmful to people at

the same time, especially the adolescents. First of all, sitting in front of the

computer may do harm to our eyes. On the other hand, computers not only bring us

useful information but also entertainments. Being weak in controlling

themselves, those poor adolescents are more easier to get crazy about the

fantasy world. Seeing a vivid picture which is about a son who gets stuck in

computers and phones to his parents downstairs to bring dinner for him. I

realized deeply that the computers really have their disadvantages.

According to the statements above, it can not be superficial to simply say

that computers are good or bad for us as every coin has both sides. Personally,

I still consider that a computer can bring us convinience and high speed which

is extolled to all the people even though it is a two-edged weapon. We can learn

well punctuated by those purchasable wells of wisdom - computers.


Since computers were invented many years ago, they have been inextricably

linked with our daily life, which bring us much convenience and enjoyable

entertainments.We can benefit a lot from this cutting-edge technology.

In the workplace, computers are often used as a cost-effective tool for

communication with colleges and customers and this function of computers is

definitely irreplaceable by other kinds of online media.Additionally, they are

indeed necessities in the workplace, which are compatible with other office

equipments, and they altogether beautify working environment surrounded by loads

of files and documents.

When it comes to family life, they can provide easy access to a tremendous

amount of entertainments, such as blockbuster hits, cyber games and video

chats.But still, they can also be utilized as the bridge of communication

between family members, especially the ones living far away from us.

However, there is a dark side to this picture.The online fraud and invasion

of private information are the results of frequently-updated computer

technologies, which adversely influence our daily life.But on a large scale,

their advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

In conclusion, the most appropriate approach to this intractable problem is

that we shoud use computers moderately and they should be used in a more

sensible way.


Many of my classmates have a computer, I have one too. My father bought it

for me as a present when my first year in middle school.

He said I can study English with computer. Most of the time, I use computer

to search study materials on the internet.

I also have some foreign friends on the internet, we can talk in English.

Sometimes I play video game with computer after I finish my homework.

My computer helps me a lot, it is a good friend to me.


It is known to us all that the computer is the most important invention in

the 20th century. It has been developed a lot since it appeared. Also, our daily

life has greatly changed because of it.

A computer can think and remember things like man, but it is millions of

times faster than human begins. As a result, computers have been used in the

fields of agriculture(农业), industry(工业), education(教育) and so on. For example,

we can learn our lessons at home by using a computer instead of going to


Computers have entered our daily life. So it is important for us to learn

how to use a computer. And we must start right now.


Computer is a very useful machine. Some of them are big, but some of them

are very small .Many people like playing computer. Computer has many functions,

so that people can do a lot of things by computer, like watching movies,

listening to the music or playing games. It can make our lives very colorful and


Various people can make good use of computer. Children can use computer to

learn and play games. Parents can use computers to work. I think computer is a

kind of wonderful and interesting machine, so I like computer very much.



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