
三分钟电脑的英文演讲稿1 The computer is a wonderful machine. They are already widely used in

industries and in universities. They are used in many ways. Computers can do many kinds of work. For example, computers can helps us do

maths problems quickly. Some problems are too hard for us to work them out, but

computers can. A scientist can ask computers some questions, and the computers

can answer on the screen. In a car-factory computer tells the robots how to do with the cars. Computers are very useful. So many parents buy computers for their

children. They hope computers can help them improve their studies in school, but

some children don’t do as what parents want them to do. Because they used the

computers for surfing on the Internet and spend too much time playing computer

games instead of learning. It does not good for their eyesight. So their parents

complain about computers not help children to study but also make them fall

behind. In many companies computers instead of workers to work. So many people lose

their jobs. So many workers think computers bring them a lot of trouble. If computers are good for us or bad for us it’s hard to say so I hope

computers will be used in the right way. 三分钟电脑的英文演讲稿2 Many of my classmates have a computer, I have one too. My father bought it

for me as a present when my first year in middle school. He said I can study

English with computer. Most of the time, I use computer to search study

materials on the internet. I also have some foreign friends on the internet, we

can talk in English. Sometimes I play video game with computer after I finish my

homework. My computer helps me a lot, it is a good friend to me. 三分钟电脑的英文演讲稿3 The main disadvantages are: some of the young people are too obsessed with

the network control poor, it will trap into the network. Relevant data show that

young people indulge in network performance is more than 89 percent plummet.



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