python 注释含注释

Python注释 (Python comments)

Comments in Python are used to improve the readability of the code. It is useful information given by the programmer in source code for a better understanding of code and logic that they have used to solve the given problem to the reader. Comments are not executed during the compilation and also not show on the output.

Python中的注释用于提高代码的可读性。 程序员在源代码中提供的有用信息有助于更好地理解他们用来解决给读者的问题的代码和逻辑。 注释不会在编译期间执行,也不会显示在输出中。

In Python, comments are done by using the hash (#) and delimiters ("" or ''') symbol with no whitespace between starting. Now we will try to learn the types of comments with some examples.

在Python中, 注释是通过使用井号( # )和定界符( “”或''' )符号完成的,开始之间没有空格。 现在,我们将尝试通过一些示例来学习评论类型

Python中的注释类型 (Types of comments in Python)

There are two types of comments in Python,


  1. Single line comment (#)


  2. Multi-line string as comment (''')


1)单行注释 (1) Single line comments)

In Python, single-line comments are used for comments one-line statements like explanations of different variables, functions, expressions, etc. To do single-line comments a hash (#) symbol is used with no whitespace when the comments go to the next line then must put one another hashtag(#) at the start of the next line. Let's see an example and try to understand how we apply the single-line comments in the program.

在Python中, 单行注释用于注释单行语句,例如对不同变量,函数,表达式等的解释。要进行单行注释,当注释转到末尾时,将使用无空格的井号( # )符号下一行然后必须在下一行的开头放置另一个hashtag(#)。 让我们看一个示例,尝试了解我们如何在程序中应用单行注释。



# Single line comments example
# a program to print a given string and addition.
print('Welcome @ IncludeHelp')
# addition of both numbers by using plus(+) sign.



Welcome @ IncludeHelp

2)多行字符串注释 (2) Multi-line string comments)

As we have seen in the above example that single-line comments, for multi-line we have to put a hash (#) symbol in each line. In Python, To overcome this problem multi-line string comments using delimiter (''') are provided. It is useful when does not fit in one line. For multiline string comments, we have to enclose the string with delimiter at both ends.

正如我们在上面的示例中看到的那样,对于多行单行注释必须在每行中添加一个井号( # )。 在Python中,为了解决此问题,提供了使用定界符( ''' )的多行字符串注释。 当不能排成一行时很有用。 对于多行字符串注释,我们必须在两端用定界符将其括起来。

Note: A delimiter is a sequence of one or more characters.




Here we will check a given number n is even or odd
with multi-line comments in Python.
if n%2==0:
print("Even number.")
print("Odd number.")



Even number.


python 注释含注释

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