Sometimes, you’d like to share a video with others, but the accompanying audio track is distracting or perhaps introduces privacy concerns. Luckily, there’s a quick way to silence a video using Photos on iPhone and iPad. Here’s how.

有时,您想与他人共享视频,但是随附的音轨却分散了您的注意力,甚至可能引起隐私问题。 幸运的是,有一种快速的方法可以使用iPhone和iPad上的“照片”使视频静音。 这是如何做。

First, open the “Photos” app on your iPhone or iPad. In Photos, locate the video you’d like to silence and tap its thumbnail.

首先,在iPhone或iPad上打开“照片”应用。 在“照片”中,找到您要静音的视频,然后点击其缩略图。

With the video open, tap “Edit” in the upper-right corner of the screen.


With audio enabled, a yellow speaker icon will appear in the upper-left corner of the screen. Tap it to disable the audio.

启用音频后,屏幕左上角会出现一个黄色的扬声器图标。 点按可禁用音频。

Unlike other speaker icons in iOS and iPadOS, this is not simply a mute button. Tapping the yellow speaker removes the audio track from the video file itself, so that the video will be silent when you share it.

与iOS和iPadOS中的其他扬声器图标不同,这不仅仅是一个静音按钮。 轻按黄色扬声器可从视频文件本身中删除音轨,以便在共享视频时将其静音。

With the audio for the video disabled, the speaker icon will change to a grayed-out speaker icon with a diagonal strike mark through it.


Tap “Done” to save your changes to the video.


Once the audio is disabled on a particular video, you will see a grayed-out speaker icon on the toolbar in Photos when you are examining the video. This means that the video has no audio component to it.

禁用特定视频的音频后,在查看视频时,“照片”工具栏中的扬声器图标将显示为灰色。 这意味着视频没有音频成分。

If the icon looks like a crossed-out speaker in this spot, it could mean that you phone is merely silenced. Turn the sound back on and make sure the speaker icon is fully grayed out before sharing.

如果该图标在该位置看上去像是喇叭状的扬声器,则可能意味着您的电话只是处于静音状态。 重新打开声音,并确保扬声器图标在共享之前完全变灰。

Now you’re free to share the video however you wish, and no one will hear any sound when the video plays.


如何恢复刚刚删除的声音 (How to Restore the Sound You Just Removed)

The Photos app saves the original videos and photos you edit, so you can undo your changes.


After sharing, if you would like to undo the removal of the sound on the video, open “Photos” and inspect the video you’d like to fix. Tap “Edit” in the corner of the screen, then tap “Revert.” The audio for that particular video will be restored.

共享后,如果您要撤消视频中声音的去除,请打开“照片”,然后检查您要修复的视频。 点击屏幕角落的“编辑”,然后点击“还原”。 该特定视频的音频将被恢复。



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