facebook 邀请好友

It’s very easy for your Facebook News Feed to get cluttered. After a few years adding ukulele playing magicians you meet wandering the street and the bar staff at every bar you go to regularly, it gets overrun with people you’ll never see again. You can unfollow people, but if you know you’re not going to run into them in the future, it’s often easier just to go all out and unfriend them. Here’s how.

您的Facebook新闻Feed很容易变得混乱。 几年后,您遇到了四处游玩的夏威夷四弦琴演奏魔术师,您会在街上闲逛,而您经常去的每个酒吧的酒吧工作人员,都会被您再也见不到的人所占据。 您可以取消关注人,但是如果您知道将来不会遇到他们,通常全力以赴并与他们成为朋友通常会更容易。 这是如何做。

Head to the profile page of the person you want to unfriend. I’m using my long suffering colleague Justin as an example.

前往您要取消好友的个人资料页面。 我以长期受苦的同事贾斯汀为例。

Hover, or on mobile tap, where it says Friends, and then select Unfriend.


And that’s it, the person is now gone from your friend list. You can re-add them at a later date if you change your mind.

就是这样,此人现在已从您的朋友列表中删除。 如果您改变主意,可以稍后再添加它们。

One thing to note is that if you’re removing someone because they are abusive or posting inappropriate content, you’re better off blocking or reporting them.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/307498/how-to-unfriend-someone-on-facebook/

facebook 邀请好友

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