
1. instrucment与Attach API
2. BTrace: VM Attach的两种方式
3. Sun JVM Attach API

1. instrucment与Attach API

JDK5中增加了一个包java.lang.instrucment,能够对JVM底层组件进行访问。在JDK 5中,Instrument 要求在运行前利用命令行参数或者系统参数来设置代理类,在实际的运行之中,虚拟机在初始化之时(在绝大多数的 Java 类库被载入之前),instrumentation的设置已经启动,并在虚拟机中设置了回调函数,检测特定类的加载情况,并完成实际工作

1. 编写premain函数
​2. jar文件打包
​3. 运行agent 

但是在实际的很多的情况下,我们没有办法在虚拟机启动之时就为其设定代理,这样实际上限制了instrument的应用。而Java SE 6的新特性改变了这种情况,通过Java Tool API中的attach方式,我们可以很方便地在运行过程中动态地设置加载代理类,以达到instrumentation的目的
Attach API不是Java的标准API,而是Sun公司提供的一套扩展API,用来向目标JVM"附着"(Attach)代理工具程序的。有了它,开发者可以方便的监控一个JVM,运行一个外加的代理程序,Sun JVM Attach API功能上非常简单,仅提供了如下几个功能

1. 列出当前所有的JVM实例描述
2. Attach到其中一个JVM上,建立通信管道
3. 让目标JVM加载Agent

Relevant Link:

2. BTrace: VM Attach的两种方式

JVM的 Attach有两种方式

1. 指定javaagent参数
2. 运行时动态attach

0x1: 指定javaagent参数


java -javaagent:xxxx.jar TestMain

package test;public class TestMain
{ public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException{System.out.println("Hello");}}

package test;import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation;
import*;public class TestMain
{ public static void agentmain(String args, Instrumentation inst) throws Exception {System.out.println("Args:" + args);}public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation inst) throws Exception {System.out.println("Pre Args:" + args);Class[] classes = inst.getAllLoadedClasses();for (Class clazz : classes) {System.out.println(clazz.getName());}}

TestAgent类比较简单,最终它会在目标类的Main方法执行之前,执行premain方法,其主要动作是将以及加载的类打印出来。 我们需要将这个类打包成jar文件,以便在目标JVM启动时候,以参数形式指定给它。打成jar的同时,设定MANIFEST.MF文件的内容。告知目标JVM该如何处理

Agent-Class: TestAgent
Premain-Class: TestAgent
Can-Redine-Classes: true
Can-Retransform-Classes: true


1. 编译TestAgent
javac TestAgent.java2. jar打包
jar cvmf MANIFEST.MF xxx.jar TestAgent.class


1. 编译TestMain
javac 2. 启动TestMain
java -javaagent:xxx.jar TestMain

0x2: 动态Attach,load指定Agent


public class TestMain
{public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {  while(true){  Thread.sleep(10000);  new Thread(new WaitThread()).start();  }  }  static class WaitThread implements Runnable {  @Override  public void run() {  System.out.println("Hello"); }       }

import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation;
import*;public class TestAgent
{ public static void agentmain(String args, Instrumentation inst) throws Exception {System.out.println("Args:" + args);}public static void premain(String args, Instrumentation inst) throws Exception {System.out.println("Pre Args:" + args);Class[] classes = inst.getAllLoadedClasses();for (Class clazz : classes) {System.out.println(clazz.getName());}}

动态加载agent的情况下,被调用的是agentmain方法, 其会在JVMload的时候,被调用

Agent-Class: TestAgent
Premain-Class: TestAgent
Can-Redine-Classes: true
Can-Retransform-Classes: true


1. 编译TestAgent
javac TestAgent.java2. jar打包
jar cvmf MANIFEST.MF xxx.jar TestAgent.class

动态附着到对应的JVM需要使用到JDK的Attach API

import;public class Main
{  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{  VirtualMachine vm = null;  String agentjarpath = "C:/Users/zhenghan.zh/Desktop/新建文件夹/xxx.jar"; //agentjar路径  vm = VirtualMachine.attach("9730");//目标JVM的进程ID(PID)  vm.loadAgent(agentjarpath, "This is Args to the Agent.");  vm.detach();  }

一旦运行这个Main方法, 其就会动态的附着到我们对应的JVM进程中,并为目标JVM加载我们指定的Agent,以达到我们想做的事情, 比如BTrace就为在附着到目标JVM后,开启一个ServerSocket,以便达到与目标进程通讯的目的

Relevant Link: 

3. Sun JVM Attach API

Sun JVM Attach API是Sun JVM中的一套非标准的可以连接到JVM上的API,从JDK6开始引入,除了Solaris平台的Sun JVM支持远程的Attach,在其他平台都只允许Attach到本地的JVM上

0x1: 列出当前所有的JVM实例描述

package test;
import java.util.List;import;
import;public class Test
{public static void main(String[] args) {List<VirtualMachineDescriptor> list = VirtualMachine.list();  for (VirtualMachineDescriptor vmd : list)  {  System.out.println("pid:" + + ":" + vmd.displayName());  }  }}
//tools.jar needs to be added to the IDE's library path and the program's classpath. The tools.jar file is found in the JDK's lib directory.

0x2: Attach到特定进程的JVM上,并加载Agent

VirtualMachine virtualmachine = VirtualMachine.attach(pid);
String javaHome = virtualmachine.getSystemProperties().getProperty("java.home");
String agentPath = javaHome + File.separator + "jre" + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "management-agent.jar");
File file = new File(agentPath);
{  agentPath = javaHome + File.separator + "lib" + File.separator + "management-agent.jar";  file = new File(agentPath);  if(!file.exists())  throw new IOException("Management agent not found");  }
}  agentPath = file.getCanonicalPath();
{  virtualmachine.loadAgent(agentPath, "");
catch(AgentLoadException e)
{  throw new IOException(e);
catch(AgentInitializationException agentinitializationexception)
{  throw new IOException(e);
Properties properties = virtualmachine.getAgentProperties();
address = (String)properties.get("");

0x3: Attach API底层实现(windows)


public VirtualMachine attachVirtualMachine(String vmid) throws AttachNotSupportedException, IOException
{checkAttachPermission();// AttachNotSupportedException will be thrown if the target VM can be determined// to be not attachable.
    testAttachable(vmid);return new WindowsVirtualMachine(this, vmid);


WindowsVirtualMachine(AttachProvider provider, String id) throws AttachNotSupportedException, IOException
    super(provider, id);int pid;try {pid = Integer.parseInt(id);} catch (NumberFormatException x) {throw new AttachNotSupportedException("Invalid process identifier");}//先连接上目标JVMhProcess = openProcess(pid);// The target VM might be a pre-6.0 VM so we enqueue a "null" command// which minimally tests that the enqueue function exists in the target// VM.try {enqueue(hProcess, stub, null, null);} catch (IOException x) {throw new AttachNotSupportedException(x.getMessage());}


* Load JPLIS agent which will load the agent JAR file and invoke
* the agentmain method.
public void loadAgent(String agent, String options) throws AgentLoadException, AgentInitializationException, IOException
{String args = agent;if (options != null) {args = args + "=" + options;}try {loadAgentLibrary("instrument", args);} catch (AgentLoadException x) {throw new InternalError("instrument library is missing in target VM");} catch (AgentInitializationException x) {/** Translate interesting errors into the right exception and* message (FIXME: create a better interface to the instrument* implementation so this isn't necessary)*/int rc = x.returnValue();switch (rc) {case JNI_ENOMEM:throw new AgentLoadException("Insuffient memory");case ATTACH_ERROR_BADJAR:throw new AgentLoadException("Agent JAR not found or no Agent-Class attribute");case ATTACH_ERROR_NOTONCP:throw new AgentLoadException("Unable to add JAR file to system class path");case ATTACH_ERROR_STARTFAIL:throw new AgentInitializationException("Agent JAR loaded but agent failed to initialize");default :throw new AgentLoadException("Failed to load agent - unknown reason: " + rc);}}

loadAgentLibrary("instrument", args);

* Load agent library
* If isAbsolute is true then the agent library is the absolute path
* to the library and thus will not be expanded in the target VM.
* if isAbsolute is false then the agent library is just a library
* name and it will be expended in the target VM.
private void loadAgentLibrary(String agentLibrary, boolean isAbsolute, String options) throws AgentLoadException, AgentInitializationException, IOException
{InputStream in = execute("load",agentLibrary,isAbsolute ? "true" : "false",options);try {int result = readInt(in);if (result != 0) {throw new AgentInitializationException("Agent_OnAttach failed", result);}} finally {in.close();}

可以看到,Java在Attach到目标进行后,调用execute让目标进行加载Agent类,我们继续分析execute的实现方式,可以看到,JVM进程间通信是JVM Attach API的核心,JVM自身就预留了执行来自Attach进程的指令接口

InputStream execute(String cmd, Object ... args) throws AgentLoadException, IOException
{assert args.length <= 3;        // includes null// create a pipe using a random nameint r = (new Random()).nextInt();String pipename = "\\\\.\\pipe\\javatool" + r;long hPipe = createPipe(pipename);// check if we are detached - in theory it's possible that detach is invoked// after this check but before we enqueue the command.if (hProcess == -1) {closePipe(hPipe);throw new IOException("Detached from target VM");}try {// enqueue the command to the process
        enqueue(hProcess, stub, cmd, pipename, args);// wait for command to complete - process will connect with the// completion status
        connectPipe(hPipe);// create an input stream for the pipePipedInputStream is = new PipedInputStream(hPipe);// read completion statusint status = readInt(is);if (status != 0) {// special case the load command so that the right exception is thrownif (cmd.equals("load")) {throw new AgentLoadException("Failed to load agent library");} else {throw new IOException("Command failed in target VM");}}// return the input streamreturn is;} catch (IOException ioe) {closePipe(hPipe);throw ioe;}

JVM的execute方法中调用了大量native方法,并且从代码中可以看出,JVM Attach的进程间通信使用了管道进行通信

Relevant Link: 

Copyright (c) 2015 LittleHann All rights reserved

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