本人所写的博客都为开发之中遇到问题记录的随笔,主要是给自己积累些问题。免日后无印象,如有不当之处敬请指正(欢迎进扣群 24849632 探讨问题);


这个版本并没有按8位机的规范进行时序流程的设计,16位地址的计算直接使用两个加法单元,期待在一个时钟周期内,便将6502的绝对地址间接寻址功能完成了地址进行计算、内存取数、间接计算、甚至数据回存都完成。但因为时序逻辑比较混乱,QUARTS II 在生成网表时将所有的逻辑门都优化成了0,因此为了更快的解决问题,因此这一版本的架构直接做废。




USE IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; entity stack is generic (SIZE:INTEGER := 128); port(wr        :  IN    std_logic; cs        :  IN    std_logic; clk       :  IN    std_logic; reset     :  IN    std_logic; addr      :  INOUT std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) );
end stack; architecture arch_stack of stack is
type stack_ARRAY is array (0 to SIZE-1) of std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
signal stack_body : stack_ARRAY;
signal stack_postion : integer range 0 to 127;
begin process(clk,reset) begin if(reset='1') then stack_postion <= 0; elsif(rising_edge(clk)) then if(cs='1') then if(wr='1') then --pop addr <= stack_body(stack_postion); stack_postion <= stack_postion-1; else stack_body(stack_postion) <= addr; stack_postion <= stack_postion+1; end if; end if; end if; end process;
end arch_stack; -- configuration config_stack of stack is
--     for arch_stack
--     end for;
-- end configuration; 


USE WORK.PRJCONFIG.ALL;entity rom is generic (SIZE:INTEGER := 256); port(clk       :  IN    std_logic; wr        :  IN    std_logic; addr      :  IN    std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); data      :  IN    std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); code      :  OUT   std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) );
end rom; architecture arch_rom of rom is
type rom_ARRAY is array (SIZE-1 downto 0) of std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
signal rom_body : rom_ARRAY;
begin process(clk) variable addr_temp: BYTE; begin if(rising_edge(clk)) then if(addr(15)='1') then -- address limit at 8000H ~ FFFFH addr_temp := conv_integer(addr); if(wr='1') then rom_body(addr_temp) <= data; else code <= rom_body(addr_temp); end if; end if; end if; end process;
end arch_rom; -- configuration config_rom of rom is
--     for arch_rom
--     end for;
-- end configuration; 


USE WORK.PRJCONFIG.ALL;entity pc is port (-- input from global clk        : in  std_logic; -- input form nesupdatareset      : in  std_logic; -- input form controller ent        : in  std_logic; load       : in  std_logic; model      : in  std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); preset     : in  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- io to statck saddr      : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- output to rom pcout      : out   std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) );
end pc; architecture arch_pc of pc is
signal current_pc: WORD := 0;
beginprocess(clk,reset,load,model) begin -- clock process if(reset='1') then -- 【复位信号】为高时清除PC值,回程序起始位置 current_pc <= 0; elsif(rising_edge(clk)) then if(model(1)='1') then -- 【栈地址】保存与恢复 if(load='1') then -- from stack to pc current_pc <= CONV_INTEGER(saddr); else -- from pc to stack saddr <= CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(current_pc,16); end if; elsif(model(0)='1') then if(load='1') then -- 从地址预设线中加载地址数据 current_pc <= CONV_INTEGER(preset); elsif(ent='1') then -- 指向下一指令地址 current_pc <= current_pc+1; end if; saddr <= (others=>'Z'); end if; pcout <= CONV_STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(current_pc,16); end if; end process;
end arch_pc;


USE WORK.PRJCONFIG.ALL;entity nesupdata is port(-- from global clk       :  IN  std_logic;reset_n   :  IN  std_logic;-- avalon jock  avalon_wr  :  IN  std_logic; avalon_addr:  IN  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); avalon_data:  IN  std_logic_vector(24 downto 0); -- output to rom rom_wr    :  OUT  std_logic; rom_addr  :  OUT  std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); rom_data  :  OUT  std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- output to pc sys_reset :  OUT  std_logic; -- output to control ctr_pause :  OUT  std_logic );
end nesupdata; architecture arch_nesupdata of nesupdata is
begin process(clk,reset_n) begin if(reset_n='0') then sys_reset <= '1'; ctr_pause <= '1'; elsif(rising_edge(clk)) then sys_reset <= '0'; if(avalon_wr='0') then case avalon_addr is when "000" => -- nes 数据下载或停止命令 if(avalon_data(0)='1') then rom_wr <= '1'; ctr_pause <= '1'; sys_reset <= '1'; else rom_wr <= '0'; end if; when "001" => -- 下载NES调色板数据 rom_addr <= avalon_data(23 downto 8); rom_data <= avalon_data(7 downto 0); when "010" => -- 下载NES游戏数据 rom_addr <= avalon_data(23 downto 8); rom_data <= avalon_data(7 downto 0); when "011" => -- NES游戏开始 rom_wr <= '0'; ctr_pause <= '0'; sys_reset <= '0'; when others => null; end case; end if; end if; end process;
end arch_nesupdata; 


USE WORK.PRJCONFIG.ALL;entity controller is port (-- input from global clk        : in    std_logic; -- nesupdate to controller reset      : in    std_logic; pause      : in    std_logic; -- controller to pc ent        : out   std_logic; load       : out   std_logic; abs_addr   : out   std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- rom to controller rom_code   : in    std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- memory & controller op_cmd     : out   std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); mem_addr   : out   std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); mem_data   : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- register status     : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) );
end controller; architecture arch_controller of controller is
signal cmd_type: INDTYPE;
signal acc_temp,x_temp,y_temp: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal future_state, current_state: PRCSTATU;
beginprocess(clk,reset,pause) begin if(reset='1') then future_state <= PRCSTATU_READY;elsif(rising_edge(clk)) thenif(pause='1') then -- op_cmd <= "0001000001000001"; op_cmd <= cmdCreate(OPCMD_FUN_ADD,      -- 算式单元功能选择 OPCMD_ITEM_DISENB,  -- 算式单元使能 OPCMD_ITEM_DISENB,  -- Y寄存器片选  OPCMD_ITEM_DISENB,  -- Y寄存器写使能  OPCMD_ITEM_DISENB,  -- X寄存器片选  OPCMD_ITEM_DISENB,  -- X寄存器写使能  OPCMD_ITEM_ENB,     -- ACC寄存器片选  OPCMD_ITEM_DISENB,  -- ACC寄存器写使能  OPCMD_ITEM_DISENB,  -- RAM存储器写使能  OPCMD_ITEM_DISENB,  -- ZPG存储器写使能  OPCMD_ITEM_DISENB,  -- PPU存储器写使能  OPCMD_ITEM_DISENB,  -- STACK存储器写使能  OPCMD_ITEM_ENB      -- PC寄存器写使能  ); end if; current_state <= future_state; end if;end process; process(current_state,rom_code) -- rom chip select & postion move signal -- procedure romshift(rd: in std_logic; mv: in std_logic) is  -- begin --     pc_cs <= rd; --     pc_ent <= mv; -- end romshift; begin -- 状态机指令解析 case current_state is when PRCSTATU_READY => -- 取指令操作码 case rom_code is when X"6D" => -- ADC abs cmd_type <= INDT_ABS; acc_temp <= mem_data; mem_data <= not(status); -- when 16#E8# => res := 1; -- INX -- when 16#C8# => res := 1; -- INY -- when 16#CA# => res := 1; -- DEX -- when 16#88# => res := 1; -- DEY -- when 16#0A# => res := 1; -- ASL -- when 16#4A# => res := 1; -- LSR -- when 16#2A# => res := 1; -- ROL -- when 16#6A# => res := 1; -- ROR -- when 16#00# => res := 1; -- BRK-- when 16#40# => res := 1; -- RTI -- when 16#60# => res := 1; -- RTS -- when 16#18# => res := 1; -- CLC -- when 16#D8# => res := 1; -- CLD -- when 16#58# => res := 1; -- CLI -- when 16#B8# => res := 1; -- CLV -- when 16#38# => res := 1; -- SEC -- when 16#F8# => res := 1; -- SED -- when 16#78# => res := 1; -- SEI -- when 16#AA# => res := 1; -- TAX -- when 16#A8# => res := 1; -- TAY -- when 16#BA# => res := 1; -- TSX -- when 16#8A# => res := 1; -- TXA -- when 16#9A# => res := 1; -- TXS -- when 16#98# => res := 1; -- TYA -- when 16#48# => res := 1; -- PHA -- when 16#08# => res := 1; -- PHP -- when 16#68# => res := 1; -- PLA -- when 16#28# => res := 1; -- PLP -- when 16#EA# => res := 1; -- NOP -- when 16#6D# => res := 3; -- ADC abs -- when 16#7D# => res := 3; -- ADC abs,x -- when 16#79# => res := 3; -- ADC abs,y -- when 16#EE# => res := 3; -- INC abs -- when 16#FE# => res := 3; -- INC abs,x -- when 16#ED# => res := 3; -- SBC abs -- when 16#FD# => res := 3; -- SBC abs,x -- when 16#F9# => res := 3; -- SBC abs,y -- when 16#CE# => res := 3; -- DEC abs -- when 16#DE# => res := 3; -- DEC abs,x -- when 16#2D# => res := 3; -- AND abs -- when 16#3D# => res := 3; -- AND abs,x-- when 16#39# => res := 3; -- AND abs,y-- when 16#4D# => res := 3; -- EOR abs-- when 16#5D# => res := 3; -- EOR abs,x -- when 16#59# => res := 3; -- EOR abs,y -- when 16#0D# => res := 3; -- ORA abs -- when 16#11# => res := 3; -- ORA (abs),y -- when 16#1D# => res := 3; -- ORA abs,x -- when 16#19# => res := 3; -- ORA abs,y -- when 16#2C# => res := 3; -- BIT abs -- when 16#0E# => res := 3; -- ASL abs -- when 16#1E# => res := 3; -- ASL abS,x -- when 16#4E# => res := 3; -- LSR abs -- when 16#5E# => res := 3; -- LSR abs,x -- when 16#2E# => res := 3; -- ROL abs-- when 16#3E# => res := 3; -- ROL abs,x-- when 16#6E# => res := 3; -- ROR abs-- when 16#7E# => res := 3; -- ROR abs,x-- when 16#4C# => res := 3; -- JMP abs-- when 16#6C# => res := 3; -- JMP (abs)-- when 16#20# => res := 3; -- JSR oper -- when 16#CD# => res := 3; -- CMP abs -- when 16#DD# => res := 3; -- CMP abs,x -- when 16#D9# => res := 3; -- CMP abs,y -- when 16#EC# => res := 3; -- CPX abs -- when 16#CC# => res := 3; -- CPY abs -- when 16#AD# => res := 3; -- LDA abs -- when 16#BD# => res := 3; -- LDA abs,x -- when 16#B9# => res := 3; -- LDA abs,y -- when 16#AE# => res := 3; -- LDX abs -- when 16#BE# => res := 3; -- LDX abs,y -- when 16#AC# => res := 3; -- LDY abs -- when 16#BC# => res := 3; -- LDY abs,X -- when 16#8D# => res := 3; -- STA abs-- when 16#9D# => res := 3; -- STA abs,x-- when 16#99# => res := 3; -- STA abs,y-- when 16#8E# => res := 3; -- STX abs-- when 16#8C# => res := 3; -- STY abswhen others => null; end case; when others => NULL; end case; end process;
end arch_controller; 




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