
【单选题】亚硝胺可以引起动物体的所有器官得肿瘤,其中以消化系统的肿瘤最为严重,致癌率最高的部位是( )。

【单选题】access2010是一种( )。


【多选题】与传统商务相比,电子商务交易有哪些特点?( )



【单选题】为了使执行串操作指令时,地址按递减方式处理应使用指令 。

【单选题】藻类植物属于( )。

【判断题】理想低通是物理可实现的。( )


【阅读理解(选择)/完型填空】Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best fits into the passage. How does a part-time job affect a student’s academic performance? Recently a survey(调查)has been __1__ among teachers on this question, and the answers __2__ . The most obvious answer to the survey question is that academic performance is __3__ .Actually,over half of the teachers feel that having a part-time job __4__ with a student’s academic performance.This __5__ because when students get jobs, they have less time to devote to their academic studies. Less study time usually means a __6__ in test scores and overall grades. Some students get jobs to make money for __7__ and fun .Unfortunately, many students have to work to help support their families and in those __8__ there are few choices available to them. In __9__ ,many other teachers feel that working might bring educational __10__ .They believe working improves a student’s academic performance. This response __11_ 27 percent of the votes in the survey. And it would be interesting to hear what theories are __12__ it.Perhaps once students become responsible enough to be __13__ to a job, they pass on this new attitude toward their studies. Maybe it is __14__ chance that the improvement is made. Maybe developing __15__ is a natural part of growing up. The number of teachers who feel that working has no impact at all is __16__ 20percent.Some students are naturally bright and they have enough time to __17__ to their studies. So the hours they spend working has little or no __18__ on their studies. Whether working part-time __19__ students’ performance or not, it is not likely to influence the number of students getting jobs. Cars, clothes, or family needs will lead most teenagers to get hired at some point. As a result ,nothing can __20__ the trend.

【多选题】法治思维中的公平正义主要包括( )


【判断题】被测要素为 平面 ,基准要素为 Ø50的轴线 ,公差项目为 垂直度 ,公差值为 0.05

【多选题】The first of organic superconductor was successfully synthesized in 1979 by ________.( )

【单选题】Computers can solve many difficult ( ).

【判断题】社会创新创业追求“双重底线”(double bottom line),即,一方面追求经济上的可持续发展,另一方面追求社会影响力最大化。


【判断题】配体与四氧化锇配位结合越牢固,催化性配合物就越不稳定,最终产物的e.e. 值就可能越低。





【单选题】( )是指为生产企业提供原材料、零部件或其他物品时,物品在提供者与需求者之间的实体流动。



【单选题】下述哪个器官或细胞可对抗原特异识别与应答( )

【单选题】已知主视图和左视图,下面正确的俯视图是( )。

【单选题】定义块的快捷键是( )。

【多选题】树洞处理的目的是 __________ 。

【单选题】中国 海雾最多的地方是 山东半岛 的成山头外海 。 7月底8月 初,黄海其他海区海雾 季节 基本结束,但成山头外海的海雾在 8月份 仍然比较多 ,一个重要 原因是 ( )。


【阅读理解(选择)/完型填空】Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. When the water source is farther than one kilometer, per capita consumption drops to around five liters (a little more than a gallon) per day. With so little water, basic hygiene (卫生) is frequently compromised. The report estimates that households getting water from taps may use 30 times more water for child hygiene compared with those who have to collect water from a communal source. This brings the added burden of illness to families already living in poverty. Infectious waterborne diseases such as diarrhea, typhoid, and cholera are responsible for 80 percent of illnesses and deaths in the developing world, many of them children. One child dies every eight seconds from a waterborne disease; 15 million children a year. Women and female children who have to travel to collect water pay a high cost. Less time is available for caring for children, preparing food, or pursuing alternate economic activities. In some regions the women and girls must travel through unsafe areas and are vulnerable to attack. Families in many cases must forgo sending their girls to school, perpetuating the grinding cycle of illiteracy and poverty. The amount of water a person needs can vary; a person doing manual labor in the tropics will need more water than someone sitting at a computer in a temperate zone. WHO suggests 2 to 4.5 liters (0.5 to 1 gallon) a day for drinking, and another 4 liters (1 gallon) for cooking and food preparation are the bottom-line limits for survival. This doesn't take into account water needs for growing food.


【单选题】设有以下枚举类型说明语句:enum weekday{Mon=1,Tues,Wed,Thurs,Fri,Sat,Sun=0}week;下面那一条赋值语句是错误的?


【单选题】某调查问卷的问题 :" 您对网上购物有什么看法 ?” 属于 () 问题

【单选题】在Excel中,嵌入式图表是指( )。







【多选题】土力学涉及土在土木工程中的作用主要包括:( )


【单选题】健康的组织文化,可以引导企业的成员采取企业所期望的行动,自觉地实现企业目标;而落后的组织文化,则会将企业的成员引向歧途。这说明组织文化具有( )。

【单选题】除草应在( )时进行。



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