当系统升级到OSX 10.10.3的时候,用brew更新软件安装包,出现了curl抛出的错误。

[plain] view plaincopy print?
  1. ==> Upgrading boost
  2. ==> Downloading https://homebrew.bintray.com/bottles/boost-1.58.0.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz
  3. 0.7%
  4. curl: (56) SSLRead() return error -9806
  5. Error: Failed to download resource "boost"



[plain] view plaincopy print?
  1. error:curl: (56) SSLRead() return error -9806

查询得知:curl(56)错误是----CURL_RECV_ERROR:Failure with receiving network data.



在stackoverflow上有篇名为《osx 10.10 Curl POST to HTTPS url gives SSLRead() error》

I just recently upgraded to OSX 10.10 Yosemite and I since the upgrade I can't do Curl POST to a SSL url anymore.

I first used wordpress' wp_remote_request call and also tried to use curl in php.Both (as expected) give the same error message:

Error Number:56Error String:SSLRead() return error -9806

Note: when I curl POST to HTTP it works fine.I reckon it is a setting in PHP.ini or in my apache (I lost my original HTTPD.conf file after upgrade...).

Can anyone help me out?


I've seen this error happen when php is compiled with a version of cURL that usesApple's Secure Transportunder Yosemite and the target of the URL request doesn't support SSLv3 (which was probably disabled due to thePOODLE vulnerability). What is the output of this command?

$ php -i | grep "SSL Version"

I suspect you'll see this:

SSL Version => SecureTransport

You can overcome this by installing a version of php which uses a version of cURL which uses OpenSSL instead of SecureTransport. This is most easily done withhomebrew. So install that first if you don't already have it. If homebrew is installed but you haven't runbrew update since upgrading to Yosemite, do that first. Also make sure you've installed XCode >= 6.1 and the latest XCode command line tools.brew doctor will tell you if you've done it all right.

Add the Homebrew taps below that you will need in order to get brewed php installed. Skip this step if these repos are already tapped. If you're unsure if these repos are already tapped, just run the commands below. Worst case scenario, you'll get a harmlessWarning: Already tapped!

$ brew tap homebrew/dupes
$ brew tap homebrew/versions
$ brew tap homebrew/php

Then install curl with openssl:

$ brew install --with-openssl curl

Then install php using the curl you just installed and brewed openssl:

$ brew install \--with-apache \--with-homebrew-curl \--with-homebrew-openssl \--without-snmp php55
  • if you're running nginx change --with-apache to --with-fpm.
  • the --without-snmp is necessary because of issue #1311.
  • if using apache, make sure to add LoadModule php5_module /usr/local/opt/php55/libexec/apache2/libphp5.so to your/etc/apache2/httpd.confand restart apache.

Install any php extensions you're going to need eg. mcrypt.

$ brew install php55-mcrypt

After you're done, run this again:

$ php -i | grep "SSL Version"

And you should see:

SSL Version => OpenSSL/1.0.1j

And now, re-test your application and the SSLRead() return error -9806 should go away.



php -i |grep "SSL Version"

看看SSL Version的信息,猜想你看到是:

SSL Version => SecureTransport


$ brew tap homebrew/dupes

$ brew tap homebrew/versions

$ brew tap homebrew/php

有可能会出现不伤大雅的警告信息:Already tapped!



$ brew install --with-openssl curl


$ brew install \--with-apache \--with-homebrew-curl \--with-homebrew-openssl \--without-snmp php55
  • 如果你想运行nginx,将 --with-apache 改为--with-fpm.
  • 因为 issue #1311的缘故,--without-snmp是必须.
  • 如果使用apache,确保添加 LoadModule php5_module /usr/local/opt/php55/libexec/apache2/libphp5.so到/etc/apache2/httpd.conf并重启apache.

安装你需要的php的其他扩展,例如 : mcrypt.

$ brew install php55-mcrypt


$ php -i | grep "SSL Version"


SSL Version => OpenSSL/1.0.1j


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