After 5-day match, the final result of the match has settled. I completely witnessed the power of AlphaGo. Such program helps us to understand that the new era of Artificial Intelligence. This new creation gradually changes our world.

What’s AlphaGo? AlphaGo is a program which is combined with value and policy network. Policy network conduct a clear guideline for AlphaGo to make a decision and value network estimate the possibility of win for AlphaGo.

Go is an ancient game. It is treated as the last bunker of human for the complexity and numerous search space. And also, the importance of Artificial Intelligence has been a debatable topic among the media. As we can see, Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant, Alexa, the products of Artificial Intelligence, have come into our ordinary life. We are so afraid whether after several, we may face the reality of Terminator.

I am studying Tensorflow. It is the toolkit for the machine learning and we can use python to build our own deep learning product. Conventional Neural Network, BP, Possibility Neural Network and deep learning bring us the opportunity to understand the deep relation in the big data. We finally found out the area which is favored by the crime and the potential improvement of the profit.

In Windows 10 and smartphone, I use Cortana as my daily assistant. She offer various useful information for my daily life and my workstation. I think we need to set a guideline for better use of Artificial Intelligence. Especially in military use, we need to be cleared that it will be harmful for our human. We should be warned that if we could not set the deadline in the program, the program may turn against and threaten our life. That is not the imagination.

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