执行一下 git status,会发现 On branch xxx Your branch is based on 'origin/yyy', but the upstream is gone. (use "git branch --unset-upstream" to fixup),可以根据提示执行该命令,然后再执行 git push --set-upstream origin xxx 即可。

回头解释一下: 出现此类问题是由于你修改了本地分支 xxx -> yyy,然后你又修改了远程的 xxx -> yyy,由于配置文件进行了配置,则此时本地的 yyy 也会将代码提交到远程的 xxx 中,但是远程的 xxx 已经被你修改掉了,不存在了,所以才会出现这个提交错误。解决办法就是解绑然后重新绑定新的远程分支即可。

【git】Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref ‘refs/heads/xxx相关推荐

  1. git提交报configuration specifies to merge with the ref ‘’refs/heads/master‘

    问题 建立新的分支,当咱们执行git pull,出现以下错误git configuration specifies to merge with the ref ''refs/heads/master' ...

  2. Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref ‘refs/heads/develop‘from the remote, but no such

    git pull的时候报错: Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref 'refs/heads/develop' from the remo ...

  3. 【Git】创建分支报错(cannot lock ref ‘refs/heads/***/***‘)

    本周刚遇到的问题,创建新分支的时候,报错信息如下: cannot lock ref 'refs/heads/***/***': 'refs/heads/***' exists; cannot crea ...

  4. git pull 时候报错Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref ‘refs/heads/master‘ from the remote,

    使用vscode 拉代码报错,可以先在创建仓库的时候 点击 初始化readme文件再下拉代码 即可

  5. Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref ‘refs/hea

    pod repo push 的时候遇到这个问题如图 执行pod repo push LBBRollingView /Users/liubo/Desktop/LBRollingView/LBRollin ...

  6. Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref from the remote, but no such ref was fetched

    Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref from the remote, but no such ref was fetched 今天使用 ...

  7. git 报错:Your configuration specifies to merge with the ref

    由于git分支名字拼写错误,需要将git分支改名 本地仓库改名:git branch -m oldName newName 删除远程分支:git push --delete origin/oldNam ...

  8. git pull 报错Your configuration specifies to merge with the XXX from the remote, but no such ref was..

    翻译过来的大致意思是: 你的配置指定与ref 'XXX'合并 从远程,但没有这样的引用. 打开.git文件夹 打开config文件 [branch "master"]remote ...

  9. 【git】git操作命令和相关脚本

    目录 git clone git checkout git diff git add git pull --rebase git pull git fetch git reset git stash ...


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