Concept Whitening for interpretable image recognition用于可解释图像识别的概念白化

Zhi Chen, Yijie Bei, Cynthia Rudin(Nature Machine Intelligence, Vol 2, Dec 2020, 772-782)

Deep neural networks achieve state-of-the-art performance in image recognition. But what does a neural network encode in its latent space?
Ideally, we want the latent space to be disentangled,meaning that different parts of the latent space represent different concepts that are understandable to humans.
With axes aligned with predefined concepts,we will see how an image travels through the layers of the neural network.

For example, let’s consider the latent space of the Batch Norm layer, in which the outputs are already standardized.
例如,让我们考虑Batch Norm层的隐空间,其中的输出已经标准化。
Points sharing the same color are samples of the same concept .
Let’s create a vector pointing towards each concept.
These vectors may point towards similar directions or have different lengths, making them impossible to be aligned on the axes.
If the concepts aren’t aligned on the axes, then the information is not disentangled.
Remember, each axis represents a neuron. So if the concepts are aligned on the axes, only that neuron represents the concept. All the information about the concept only flows through that neuron.

We introduce a new module called Concept Whitening(CW) that can solve this problem.
When a CW module is added to a CNN, the latent space is whitened (decorrelated and normalized) and the axes of the latent space are aligned with concepts of interest.When CW is added to different layers, different aspects of the target concept can be learned.

In earlier layers, color and texture information related to the concepts are represented along the axes.For example ,the “airplane” concept is characterized by white or gray objects on a blue background,the “bed” concept is characterized by warm colors, the “person” concept is characterized by dense textures.

In deeper layers, pure high-level semantic meaning of target concept is captured by the axes.
The target concepts are not restricted to objects. CW can also handle general concepts such as weather or material.

With axes aligned with predefined concepts, we will see how an image travels through the layers of the neural network. This example above demonstrates the network is considering different concepts for its decision-making process over the course of its layers.

Concept Whitening for interpretable image recognition 用于可解释图像识别的概念白化相关推荐

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