

  • 基于单位四元数的姿态插补算法
    • 摘要
    • 单位四元数空间与欧式空间的转化
    • 四元数的旋转变换表示空间定点旋转
    • 两个姿态间的插补
    • 仿真验证
    • 小结


现代制造领域对工业机器人的需求越来越多,对工业机器人性能要求也越来越苛刻。机器人运动轨迹插补算法是决定机器人性能的核心技术之一,直接影响着机器人的运动精度、速度和平滑性等主要性能。在曲面、曲线加工,喷涂、弧焊等领域,机器人的轨迹插补,尤其是姿态插补对加工质量和加工效率起到决定性作用。目前对机器人的姿态描述主要使用欧拉法,此类方法存在奇异性以及角速度耦合等问题。单位四元数对姿态的描述更加自然,另外还有效避免了欧拉角旋转时奇异性的问题,且基于单位四元数的运动插补算法计算效率要比欧拉角和余弦矩阵高。目前,单位四元数已经在航天器姿态控,动画制作以及 CAD三维建模等多个领域有着广泛的应用。本文研究的算法等材料可以在gihub下载-链接


构造姿态曲线的主要问题在于在单位四元数空间中的姿态曲线的构造问题。因为单位四元数存在于 S 3 \mathbf S^3 S3 空间中,然而欧式空间中的度量并不适用于 S 3 \mathbf S^3 S3 空间。同时在欧氏空间中位移的导数为速度,而 S 3 \mathbf S^3 S3 空间中四元数的导数不是角速度,而是角速度与四元数本身的乘积: q ′ = ω q / 2 q'=\omega q/2 q′=ωq/2. 下面研究将单位四元数曲线构造问题转换为在欧氏空间中单位矢量的球面曲线构造问题。


定理: 设 q q q和 R R R为非标量四元数,如果令
q = ∣ E ∣ ( c o s α 2 + E ∣ E ∣ s i n α 2 ) q=|\mathbf E|(cos\frac{\alpha}{2}+\frac{\mathbf E}{|\mathbf E|}sin\frac{\alpha}{2}) q=∣E∣(cos2α​+∣E∣E​sin2α​)

R ′ = q ∗ R ∗ q − 1 R'=q*R*q^{-1} R′=q∗R∗q−1
是四元数,其范数和标量与四元数 R R R相同,其矢量部分Vect R ′ R' R′为Vect R R R绕欧拉轴 E \mathbf E E旋转 α \alpha α角。因此,绕定点矢量旋转可以用四元数变换来表示。

q = q 0 + q 1 i + q 2 j + q 3 k = c o s α 2 + ω s i n α 2 q=q_0+q_1\mathbf i+q_2\mathbf j+q_3\mathbf k=cos\frac{\alpha}{2}+\mathbf \omega sin\frac{\alpha}{2} q=q0​+q1​i+q2​j+q3​k=cos2α​+ωsin2α​
其中 ω \mathbf \omega ω是单位矢量。


因为表示一个旋转变换可以用一个欧拉轴的单位矢量 ω \omega ω和一个角度 α \alpha α来描述,有的书称为等效轴表示法。而这里 ω \omega ω是个定值,对该旋转变换进行插补时,只需对角度 θ \theta θ进行插补即可,而四元数又是联系这两个参数和旋转变换矩阵表示的桥梁,可以把中间插补姿态转化为旋转矩阵。


R = [ r 11 r 12 r 13 r 21 r 22 r 23 r 31 r 32 r 33 ] R=\left[\begin{matrix} r_{11}&r_{12}&r_{13}\\ r_{21}&r_{22}&r_{23}\\ r_{31}&r_{32}&r_{33} \end{matrix}\right] R=⎣⎡​r11​r21​r31​​r12​r22​r32​​r13​r23​r33​​⎦⎤​

(1)若(trR-1)/2=1(即为单位阵),那么 α = 0 \alpha=0 α=0, ω \omega ω未定义。

(2)若trR=-1,那么 α = π \alpha=\pi α=π, ω \omega ω的解为以下可行的向量
ω = 1 2 ( 1 + r 33 ) [ r 13 r 23 1 + r 33 ] \omega=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2(1+r_{33})}} \left[\begin{matrix} r_{13}\\ r_{23}\\ 1+r_{33} \end{matrix}\right] ω=2(1+r33​) ​1​⎣⎡​r13​r23​1+r33​​⎦⎤​
ω = 1 2 ( 1 + r 22 ) [ r 12 1 + r 22 r 32 ] \omega=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2(1+r_{22})}} \left[\begin{matrix} r_{12}\\ 1+r_{22}\\ r_{32} \end{matrix}\right] ω=2(1+r22​) ​1​⎣⎡​r12​1+r22​r32​​⎦⎤​
ω = 1 2 ( 1 + r 11 ) [ 1 + r 11 r 21 r 31 ] \omega=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2(1+r_{11})}} \left[\begin{matrix} 1+r_{11}\\ r_{21}\\ r_{31} \end{matrix}\right] ω=2(1+r11​) ​1​⎣⎡​1+r11​r21​r31​​⎦⎤​
(3)否则, α = c o s − 1 ( 1 2 ( t r R − 1 ) ∈ ( 0 , π ) \alpha=cos^{-1}(\frac{1}{2}(trR-1) \in(0,\pi) α=cos−1(21​(trR−1)∈(0,π),且
ω = 1 2 sin α [ r 32 − r 23 r 13 − r 31 r 21 − r 12 ] \omega=\frac{1}{2\text {sin}\alpha} \left[\begin{matrix} r_{32}-r_{23}\\ r_{13}-r_{31}\\ r_{21}-r_{12} \end{matrix}\right] ω=2sinα1​⎣⎡​r32​−r23​r13​−r31​r21​−r12​​⎦⎤​
q 0 = cos α 2 , q 1 = r 32 − r 23 2 sin α , q 2 = r 13 − r 31 2 sin α , q 3 = r 21 − r 12 2 sin α q_0=\text{cos}\frac{\alpha}{2},q_1=\frac{r_{32}-r_{23}}{2\text {sin}\alpha},q_2=\frac{r_{13}-r_{31}}{2\text {sin}\alpha},q_3=\frac{r_{21}-r_{12}}{2\text {sin}\alpha} q0​=cos2α​,q1​=2sinαr32​−r23​​,q2​=2sinαr13​−r31​​,q3​=2sinαr21​−r12​​
R = [ q 0 2 + q 1 2 − q 2 2 − q 3 2 2 ( q 1 q 2 − q 0 q 3 ) 2 ( q 0 q 2 + q 1 q 3 ) 2 ( q 0 q 3 + q 1 q 2 ) q 0 2 − q 1 2 + q 2 2 − q 3 2 2 ( q 2 q 3 − q 0 q 1 ) 2 ( q 1 q 3 − q 0 q 2 ) 2 ( q 0 q 1 + q 2 q 3 ) q 0 2 − q 1 2 − q 2 2 + q 3 2 ] R=\left[\begin{matrix} q_0^2+q_1^2-q_2^2-q_3^2 &2(q_1q_2-q_0q_3) &2(q_0q_2+q_1q_3)\\ 2(q_0q_3+q_1q_2)&q_0^2-q_1^2+q_2^2-q_3^2&2(q_2q_3-q_0q_1)\\ 2(q_1q_3-q_0q_2)&2(q_0q_1+q_2q_3)&q_0^2-q_1^2-q_2^2+q_3^2 \end{matrix}\right] R=⎣⎡​q02​+q12​−q22​−q32​2(q0​q3​+q1​q2​)2(q1​q3​−q0​q2​)​2(q1​q2​−q0​q3​)q02​−q12​+q22​−q32​2(q0​q1​+q2​q3​)​2(q0​q2​+q1​q3​)2(q2​q3​−q0​q1​)q02​−q12​−q22​+q32​​⎦⎤​

 #define         PI                  3.14159265358979323846//if the norm of vector is near zero(< 1.0E-6),regard as zero.#define          ZERO_VECTOR         1.0E-6  #define         ZERO_ELEMENT        1.0E-6      #define         ZERO_ANGLE          1.0E-6#define           ZERO_DISTANCE       1.0E-6#define           ZERO_VALUE          1.0E-6
/*** @brief            Description: Computes the unit vector of Euler axis and rotation angle corresponding to rotation matrix.* @param[in]       R               A rotation matrix.* @param[out]        omghat          the unit vector of Euler axis .* @param[out]       theta           the rotation angle.* @return           No return value.* @retval          0* @note:          if  theta is zero ,the unit axis is undefined and set it as a zero vector [0;0;0].*@warning:
void RotToAxisAng(double R[3][3],double omghat[3],double *theta)
{double tmp;double omg[3] = { 0 };double acosinput = (R[0][0] + R[1][1] + R[2][2] - 1.0) / 2.0;if (fabs(acosinput-1.0)<ZERO_VALUE){memset(omghat, 0, 3 * sizeof(double));*theta = 0.0;}else if (acosinput <= -1.0){if ((1.0 + R[2][2]) >= ZERO_VALUE){omg[0] = 1.0 / sqrt(2 * (1.0 + R[2][2]))*R[0][2];omg[1] = 1.0 / sqrt(2 * (1.0 + R[2][2]))*R[1][2];omg[2] = 1.0 / sqrt(2 * (1.0 + R[2][2]))*(1.0 + R[2][2]);}else if ((1.0 + R[1][1] >= ZERO_VALUE)){omg[0] = 1.0 / sqrt(2 * (1.0 + R[1][1]))*R[0][1];omg[1] = 1.0 / sqrt(2 * (1.0 + R[1][1]))*(1.0 + R[1][1]);omg[2] = 1.0 / sqrt(2 * (1.0 + R[1][1]))*R[2][1];}else{omg[0] = 1.0 / sqrt(2 * (1.0 + R[0][0]))*(1.0 + R[0][0]);omg[1] = 1.0 / sqrt(2 * (1.0 + R[0][0]))*R[1][0];omg[2] = 1.0 / sqrt(2 * (1.0 + R[0][0]))*R[2][0];}omghat[0] = omg[0];omghat[1] = omg[1];omghat[2] = omg[2];*theta=PI;}else{*theta = acos(acosinput);tmp = 2.0*sin(*theta);omghat[0] = (R[2][1] - R[1][2]) / tmp;omghat[1] = (R[0][2] - R[2][0]) / tmp;omghat[2] = (R[1][0] - R[0][1]) / tmp;}return;
}/*** @brief           Description: Computes the unit quaternion corresponding to the Euler axis and rotation angle.* @param[in]      omg             Unit vector of Euler axis.* @param[in]     theta           Rotation angle.* @param[in]        q               The unit quaternion* @return           No return value.* @note:*@warning:
void AxisAngToQuaternion(double omg[3],double theta, double q[4])
{q[0] = cos(theta / 2.0);q[1] = omg[0] * sin(theta / 2.0);q[2] = omg[1] * sin(theta / 2.0);q[3] = omg[2] * sin(theta / 2.0);return;
}/*** @brief           Description:Computes the unit quaternion corresponding to a rotation matrix.* @param[in]       q               Unit quaternion.* @param[out]      R               Rotation matrix.* @return          No return value.* @note:* @warning:
void QuaternionToRot(double q[4], double R[3][3])
{R[0][0] = q[0] * q[0] - q[1] * q[1] - q[2] * q[2] - q[3] * q[3];R[0][1] = 2.0*(q[1] * q[2] - q[0] * q[3]);R[0][2] = 2.0*(q[0] * q[2] + q[1] * q[3]);R[1][0] = 2.0*(q[0] * q[3] + q[1] * q[2]);R[1][1] = q[0] * q[0] - q[1] * q[1] + q[2] * q[2] - q[3] * q[3];R[1][2] = 2.0*(q[2] * q[3] - q[0] * q[1]);R[2][0] = 2.0*(q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]);R[2][1] = 2.0*(q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]);R[2][2] = q[0] * q[0] - q[1] * q[1] - q[2] * q[2] + q[3] * q[3];return;
}/*** @brief           Description: Computes the unit quaternion corresponding to the rotation matrix.* @param[in]        R               The rotation matrix.* @param[out]      q               The unit quaternion.* @return          No return value.* @note:* @warning:
void RotToQuaternion(double R[3][3], double q[4])
{double omghat[3];double theta;RotToAxisAng(R, omghat, &theta);AxisAngToQuaternion(omghat, theta, q);return;




p = [ x , y , z , γ , β , α ] T p=[x,y,z,\gamma,\beta,\alpha]^T p=[x,y,z,γ,β,α]T

假设用户输入的起点和终点位姿对应的旋转矩阵分别为 R s , R e R_s,R_e Rs​,Re​,设这两个姿态的旋转变换矩阵为 R R R,则有
R s R = R e R_sR=R_e Rs​R=Re​
R = R s − 1 R e R=R_s^{-1}R_e R=Rs−1​Re​
那么我们接下来实际是计算R的对应的欧拉参数,每次插补计算得到一个旋转矩阵 R i R_i Ri​,机器人末端对应的姿态为 R s i = R s R i R_{si}=R_sR_i Rsi​=Rs​Ri​ 。





* @brief           Description: Algorithm for Computing the rotation matrix of the roll-pitch-yaw angles.
* @param[in]       roll            Angles for rotate around fix reference X axis.
* @param[in]       pitch           Angles for rotate around fix reference Y axis.
* @param[in]       yaw             Angles for rotate around fix reference Z axis.
* @param[out]      R               Rotation matrix.
* @return          No return value.
* @note:
void RPYToRot(double roll, double pitch, double yaw, double R[3][3])
{double alpha = yaw;double beta = pitch;double gamma = roll;R[0][0] = cos(alpha)*cos(beta);R[0][1] = cos(alpha)*sin(beta)*sin(gamma) - sin(alpha)*cos(gamma);R[0][2] = cos(alpha)*sin(beta)*cos(gamma) + sin(alpha)*sin(gamma);R[1][0] = sin(alpha)*cos(beta);R[1][1] = sin(alpha)*sin(beta)*sin(gamma) + cos(alpha)*cos(gamma);R[1][2] = sin(alpha)*sin(beta)*cos(gamma) - cos(alpha)*sin(gamma);R[2][0] = -sin(beta);R[2][1] = cos(beta)*sin(gamma);R[2][2] = cos(beta)*cos(gamma);return;


/*** @brief             Description: structure of LinePath interpolation parameters.*/typedef struct{double p1[3];double p2[3];double L;double t[3];double pi[3];double Li;int InpFlag;}LineInpParam;/*** @brief           Description: structure of arc interpolation parameters.*/typedef struct  {double p1[3];double p2[3];double p3[3];double N[3];double C[3];double theta;double R;}ArcInpParam;/*** @brief            Description: structure of orientation interpolation parameters.*/typedef struct{double Rs[3][3];//Start orientation Rotation matrix. double Re[3][3];//End orientation Rotation matrix.double R[3][3];  //Matrix rotation from Start orientation to End orientation.double omg[3];  //unit vector of Euler axis.double theta;   //Total interpolation angle.double Ri[3][3];//Current orientation rotation Matrix.double thetai;  //Current angle.int InpFlag;  //1:finish initial ,2;interpolating ,3;finish interpolation}OrientInpParam;/*** @brief             Description: structure of line Path and Orientation (PO) interpolation parameters.*/typedef struct  {LineInpParam Line;OrientInpParam Orient;double Ts[4][4];double Te[4][4];double Ti[4][4];int InpFlag;}LinePOParam;/*** @brief          Description: Computes the parameters of  orientation interpolation between two orientations.* @param[in]       Rs              Start orientation.* @param[in]     Re              End orientation. * @param[in]      Param           structure of orientation interpolation parameters..* @return           No return value.* @note:* @warning:
void InitialOrientInpParam(double Rs[3][3],double Re[3][3], OrientInpParam *Param)
{double InvR[3][3];MatrixCopy((double *)Rs, 3, 3, (double *)Param->Rs);MatrixCopy((double *)Re, 3, 3, (double *)Param->Re);RotInv(Rs, InvR);MatrixMult((double *)InvR, 3, 3, (double *)Re, 3, (double *)Param->R);RotToAxisAng(Param->R, Param->omg, &Param->theta);MatrixCopy((double *)Param->R, 3, 3, (double *)Param->Ri);Param->thetai = 0.0;Param->InpFlag = 1;return;
}/*** @brief           Description: Computes orientations in each interpolation cycle.* @param[in]        Param           Interpolation parameter structure.* @param[out]        dtheta          angle  need to rotate from previous orientation to next orientation in next time step.* @return            Ri1             orientations in next interpolation cycle.* @retval         0* @note:* @warning:
void QuaternionOrientInp(OrientInpParam *Param, double dtheta, double Ri1[3][3])
{double q[4];double R[3][3];Param->InpFlag = 2;Param->thetai = Param->thetai + dtheta;if (Param->thetai >= Param->theta){Param->thetai = Param->theta;Param->InpFlag = 3;}AxisAngToQuaternion(Param->omg, Param->thetai, q);QuaternionToRot(q, R);MatrixMult((double *)Param->Rs, 3, 3, (double *)R, 3, (double *)Ri1);MatrixCopy((double *)Ri1, 3, 3, (double *)Param->Ri);return;


/*** @brief            Description:Computes the parameters of line path for interpolation.* @param[in]        p1              Coordinates of start point.* @param[in]        p2              Coordinates of end point.* @param[out]     p               Line path parameters structure.* @return           No return value.* @note:* @warning:
void InitialLinePathParam(double p1[3],double p2[3], LineInpParam *p)
{int i;for (i=0;i<3;i++){p->p1[i] = p1[i];p->p2[i] = p2[i];p->pi[i] = p1[i];}p->L = sqrt((p2[0] - p1[0])*(p2[0] - p1[0]) + (p2[1] - p1[1])*(p2[1] - p1[1]) + (p2[2] - p1[2])*(p2[2] - p1[2]));if (p->L<ZERO_DISTANCE){p->t[0] = 0.0;p->t[1] = 0.0;p->t[2] = 0.0;}else{ p->t[0] = (p2[0] - p1[0]) / p->L;p->t[1] = (p2[1] - p1[1]) / p->L;p->t[2] = (p2[2] - p1[2]) / p->L;}p->InpFlag = 1;p->Li = 0;return;
}/*** @brief           Description:Computes the line path interpolation coordinates in each interpolation cycle.* @param[in]      p               Line path parameters structure.* @param[in]        dL              step length in next interpolation cycle. * @param[in]      pi1             coordinates in next interpolation cycle.* @return          No return value.* @note:* @warning:
void LinePathInp(LineInpParam *p, double dL, double pi1[3])
{p->InpFlag = 2;if (p->Li + dL>=p->L){pi1[0] = p->p2[0];pi1[1] = p->p2[1];pi1[2] = p->p2[2];p->Li = p->L;p->InpFlag = 3;}else if ( p->L- p->Li < 2.0*dL){//avoid distance of  final step  is too small.dL = 0.5*dL;pi1[0] = p->pi[0] + p->t[0] * dL;pi1[1] = p->pi[1] + p->t[1] * dL;pi1[2] = p->pi[2] + p->t[2] * dL;p->Li = p->Li+dL;}else{pi1[0] = p->pi[0] + p->t[0] * dL;pi1[1] = p->pi[1] + p->t[1] * dL;pi1[2] = p->pi[2] + p->t[2] * dL;p->Li = p->Li + dL;}p->pi[0] = pi1[0];p->pi[1] = pi1[1];p->pi[2] = pi1[2];return;


/*** @brief            Description: Computes the parameters of both line path and orientation for interpolation.* @param[in]      p1              Start coordinates,including x,y,z coordinates and orientation angles roll-pitch-yaw angles.* @param[in]        p2              End coordinates,including x,y,z coordinates and orientation angles roll-pitch-yaw angles.* @param[out]     LPO             Parameters of both line path and orientation for interpolation.* @return           No return value.* @note:* @warning:
void InitialLinePOInpParam( double p1[6], double p2[6], LinePOParam *LPO)
{double Rs[3][3];double Re[3][3];RPYToRot(p1[3], p1[4], p1[5], Rs);RPYToRot(p2[3], p2[4], p2[5], Re);InitialLinePathParam( p1, p2, &(LPO->Line));InitialOrientInpParam(Rs, Re, &(LPO->Orient));RpToTrans(Rs, p1, LPO->Ts);RpToTrans(Rs, p1, LPO->Ti);RpToTrans(Re, p2, LPO->Te);LPO->InpFlag = 1;return;
}/*** @brief           Description:Computes the line path interpolation coordinates and orientation in each interpolation cycle.* @param[out]     LPO             Line path and orientation parameters structure.* @param[in]        dL              Line path interpolation step length.* @param[out]      dtheta          angle interpolation step length for Orientation interpolation.* @return            No return value.* @note:* @warning:
void LinePOInp(LinePOParam *LPO,double dL,double dtheta,double Ti[4][4])
{double pi[3];double Ri[3][3];LPO->InpFlag = 2;LinePathInp(&LPO->Line, dL, pi);QuaternionOrientInp(&LPO->Orient, dtheta, Ri);if (LPO->Line.InpFlag==3 && LPO->Orient.InpFlag==3){LPO->InpFlag = 3;}RpToTrans(Ri, pi, Ti);MatrixCopy((double *)Ti, 4, 4, (double *)LPO->Ti);return;




p1[6] = { 213.0,267.8,478.95,0,0,0 };

p2[6] = { 10,425,200, -PI / 2,0 ,0 };

p2[6] = { -10,525,200,-PI / 4,0,-PI / 6 };



void test_LinePOInp()
{double p1[6] = { 213.0,267.8,478.95,0,0,0 };double p2[6] = { 10,425,200, -PI / 2,0 ,0 };//double p1[6] = { 10,425,200, -PI / 2,0 ,0 };//double p2[6] = { -10,525,200,-PI / 4,0,-PI / 6 };double Ti[4][4];double dL = 1;FILE *fp1;int ret = fopen_s(&fp1, "LineTrajactory.txt","w");if (ret){printf("fopen_s error %d\n", ret);}LinePOParam pt;InitialLinePOInpParam(p1, p2, &pt);double dtheta = pt.Orient.theta/(pt.Line.L / dL);int JointNum = 6;double Slist[6][6] = {0 ,        0,         0,         0 ,        0,         0,0 ,   1.0000 ,   1.0000 ,   1.0000,         0,    1.0000,1.0000,         0 ,        0 ,        0 ,   1.0000,         0,0, -151.9000, -395.5500, -395.5500 , 110.4000 ,-478.9500,0 ,        0 ,        0  ,       0 ,-213.0000,         0,0  ,       0 ,        0,  213.0000 ,        0,  213.0000};double M[4][4] ={1.0000 ,        0,         0,  213.0000,0 ,   1.0000 ,        0,  267.8000,0 ,        0 ,   1.0000,  478.9500,0 ,        0  ,       0,    1.0000,};double thetalist0[6] = { 0 };//double thetalist0[6] = { 1.284569 ,0.488521, - 0.443200, 1.525477, - 1.570797, - 0.286227 };double thetalist[6];double eomg = 0.001;double ev = 0.01;while (pt.InpFlag!=3){LinePOInp(&pt, dL, dtheta, Ti);IKinSpaceNR(JointNum,(double *)Slist, M, Ti, thetalist0,eomg,ev,10,thetalist);//MatrixCopy((double *)Ti, 4, 4, (double *)M);MatrixCopy(thetalist, 6, 1, thetalist0);//当前关节坐标作为下次逆解计算的初值.//把关节坐标写入文件fprintf(fp1, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n", thetalist[0], thetalist[1], thetalist[2], thetalist[3], thetalist[4], thetalist[5]);}fclose(fp1);return;



p1[6] = { 10,425,200, -PI / 2,0 ,0 };
p2[6] = { 10,425,200, -PI *3/ 4,0 ,PI / 2 };



void test_LinePOInp()
{//double p1[6] = { 213.0,267.8,478.95,0,0,0 };//double p2[6] = { 10,425,200, -PI / 2,0 ,0 };//double p1[6] = { 10,425,200, -PI / 2,0 ,0 };//double p2[6] = { -10,525,200,-PI / 4,0,-PI / 6 };double p1[6] = { 10,425,200, -PI / 2,0 ,0 };double p2[6] = { 10,425,200, -PI *3/ 4,0 ,PI / 2 };double Ti[4][4];double dL = 1;FILE *fp1;int ret = fopen_s(&fp1, "LineTrajactory.txt","w");if (ret){printf("fopen_s error %d\n", ret);}LinePOParam pt;InitialLinePOInpParam(p1, p2, &pt);//double dtheta =pt.Orient.theta/(pt.Line.L / dL);double dtheta = PI / 100;int JointNum = 6;double Slist[6][6] = {0 ,        0,         0,         0 ,        0,         0,0 ,   1.0000 ,   1.0000 ,   1.0000,         0,    1.0000,1.0000,         0 ,        0 ,        0 ,   1.0000,         0,0, -151.9000, -395.5500, -395.5500 , 110.4000 ,-478.9500,0 ,        0 ,        0  ,       0 ,-213.0000,         0,0  ,       0 ,        0,  213.0000 ,        0,  213.0000};double M[4][4] ={1.0000 ,        0,         0,  213.0000,0 ,   1.0000 ,        0,  267.8000,0 ,        0 ,   1.0000,  478.9500,0 ,        0  ,       0,    1.0000,};//double thetalist0[6] = { 0 };double thetalist0[6] = { 1.284569 ,0.488521, - 0.443200, 1.525477, - 1.570797, - 0.286227 };double thetalist[6];double eomg = 0.001;double ev = 0.01;while (pt.InpFlag!=3){LinePOInp(&pt, dL, dtheta, Ti);IKinSpaceNR(JointNum,(double *)Slist, M, Ti, thetalist0,eomg,ev,10,thetalist);//MatrixCopy((double *)Ti, 4, 4, (double *)M);MatrixCopy(thetalist, 6, 1, thetalist0);fprintf(fp1, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n", thetalist[0], thetalist[1], thetalist[2], thetalist[3], thetalist[4], thetalist[5]);}fclose(fp1);return;


1.289932 0.496461 -0.458281 1.540103 -1.584799 -0.307921
1.295334 0.504302 -0.472991 1.554231 -1.598923 -0.329481
1.300770 0.512033 -0.487316 1.567856 -1.613161 -0.350925
1.306238 0.519643 -0.501232 1.580967 -1.627510 -0.372268
1.311735 0.527116 -0.514715 1.593553 -1.641965 -0.393525
1.317257 0.534438 -0.527739 1.605603 -1.656523 -0.414710
1.322802 0.541595 -0.540278 1.617102 -1.671178 -0.435840
1.328368 0.548571 -0.552304 1.628036 -1.685928 -0.456928
1.333951 0.555352 -0.563789 1.638391 -1.700769 -0.477991
1.339549 0.561922 -0.574706 1.648150 -1.715695 -0.499044
1.345159 0.568267 -0.585024 1.657297 -1.730704 -0.520101
1.350778 0.574370 -0.594715 1.665811 -1.745792 -0.541180
1.356404 0.580217 -0.603749 1.673676 -1.760954 -0.562295
1.362033 0.585792 -0.612097 1.680872 -1.776185 -0.583462
1.367662 0.591081 -0.619729 1.687377 -1.791483 -0.604697
1.373289 0.596069 -0.626617 1.693172 -1.806842 -0.626016
1.378910 0.600741 -0.632733 1.698236 -1.822257 -0.647437
1.384522 0.605086 -0.638051 1.702547 -1.837724 -0.668974
1.390121 0.609089 -0.642543 1.706084 -1.853237 -0.690645
1.395705 0.612740 -0.646188 1.708826 -1.868790 -0.712467
1.401271 0.616028 -0.648963 1.710753 -1.884378 -0.734457
1.406813 0.618943 -0.650849 1.711842 -1.899994 -0.756633
1.412329 0.621477 -0.651829 1.712076 -1.915631 -0.779012
1.417815 0.623625 -0.651889 1.711433 -1.931281 -0.801613
1.423267 0.625381 -0.651018 1.709895 -1.946939 -0.824454
1.428681 0.626741 -0.649208 1.707445 -1.962594 -0.847553
1.434053 0.627706 -0.646456 1.704065 -1.978238 -0.870930
1.439378 0.628275 -0.642761 1.699741 -1.993862 -0.894604
1.444653 0.628450 -0.638125 1.694456 -2.009455 -0.918595
1.449873 0.628237 -0.632555 1.688197 -2.025008 -0.942922
1.455034 0.627642 -0.626062 1.680950 -2.040508 -0.967606
1.460131 0.626672 -0.618659 1.672705 -2.055945 -0.992667
1.465159 0.625339 -0.610363 1.663451 -2.071304 -1.018126
1.470113 0.623654 -0.601196 1.653176 -2.086573 -1.044004
1.474990 0.621632 -0.591179 1.641872 -2.101738 -1.070322
1.479784 0.619287 -0.580340 1.629531 -2.116783 -1.097101
1.484490 0.616636 -0.568707 1.616144 -2.131693 -1.124362
1.489104 0.613699 -0.556313 1.601706 -2.146451 -1.152127
1.493620 0.610496 -0.543190 1.586210 -2.161040 -1.180417
1.498035 0.607047 -0.529374 1.569651 -2.175441 -1.209252
1.502342 0.603376 -0.514903 1.552024 -2.189637 -1.238653
1.506538 0.599505 -0.499817 1.533327 -2.203606 -1.268639
1.510617 0.595461 -0.484156 1.513557 -2.217329 -1.299229
1.514576 0.591268 -0.467963 1.492712 -2.230784 -1.330442
1.518409 0.586954 -0.451280 1.470795 -2.243950 -1.362294
1.522112 0.582544 -0.434153 1.447806 -2.256802 -1.394800
1.525680 0.578068 -0.416627 1.423751 -2.269320 -1.427975
1.529110 0.573553 -0.398748 1.398637 -2.281477 -1.461829
1.532398 0.569028 -0.380564 1.372472 -2.293250 -1.496373
1.535539 0.564522 -0.362122 1.345270 -2.304615 -1.531613
1.538529 0.560062 -0.343471 1.317049 -2.315546 -1.567553
1.541366 0.555678 -0.324660 1.287827 -2.326017 -1.604192
1.544046 0.551397 -0.305737 1.257632 -2.336004 -1.641529
1.544046 0.551397 -0.305737 1.257632 -2.336004 -1.641529
1.544046 0.551397 -0.305737 1.257632 -2.336004 -1.641529




(1)把输入起点和终点欧拉角转换为旋转矩阵 R s , R e R_s,R_e Rs​,Re​。

(2)两个姿态间的变换矩阵 R = R s − 1 R e R=R_s^{-1}R_e R=Rs−1​Re​。


(4)四元数转化为旋转矩阵 R i R_i Ri​,计算中间姿态序列 R s i = R s R i R_{si}=R_sR_i Rsi​=Rs​Ri​ .

(5)综合姿态和位置,得到表示位姿的齐次矩阵序列 T s i T_{si} Tsi​。


[1] Kenvin M. Lynch , Frank C. Park, Modern Robotics Mechanics,Planning , and Control[M]. May 3, 2017

[2]季晨. 工业机器人姿态规划及轨迹优化研究[D]. 哈尔滨工业大学, 2013.

[3] 程国采.四元数法及其应用[M].湖南:国防科技大学出版社,1991.


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