
module mix_module


CLK, RSTn, Flash_LED, Run_LED


input CLK;

input RSTn;

output Flash_LED;

output [2:0]Run_LED;


//wire Flash_LED;

//reg Flash_LED;

flash_module U1


.CLK( CLK ),

.RSTn( RSTn ),

.LED_Out( Flash_LED )



//wire [2:0]Run_LED;

//reg [2:0]Run_LED;

run_module U2


.CLK( CLK ),

.RSTn( RSTn ),

.LED_Out( Run_LED )



//assign Flash_LED = Flash_LED;

// assign Run_LED = Run_LED;




module flash_module




input CLK;

input RSTn;

output reg LED_Out;


parameter T50MS = 22'd2_499_999;//DB4CE15使用的晶振为50MHz,50M*0.05-1=2_499_999


reg [21:0]Count1;

always @ ( posedge CLK or negedge RSTn )

if( !RSTn )

Count1 <= 22'd0;

else if( Count1 == T50MS )

Count1 <= 22'd0;


Count1 <= Count1 + 1'b1;


//reg rLED_Out;

always @ ( posedge CLK or negedge RSTn )

if( !RSTn )

LED_Out <= 1'b0;

else if( Count1 == T50MS )

LED_Out <= ~LED_Out;


//assign LED_Out = rLED_Out;



module run_module




input CLK;

input RSTn;

output [2:0]LED_Out;


parameter T1MS = 16'd49_999;//DB4CE15使用的晶振为50MHz,50M*0.001-1=49_999


reg [15:0]Count1;

always @ ( posedge CLK or negedge RSTn )//1ms计数器

if( !RSTn )

Count1 <= 16'd0;

else if( Count1 == T1MS )

Count1 <= 16'd0;


Count1 <= Count1 + 1'b1;


reg [9:0]Count_MS;

always @ ( posedge CLK or negedge RSTn )//100ms计数器

if( !RSTn )

Count_MS <= 10'd0;

else if( Count_MS == 10'd100 )

Count_MS <= 10'd0;

else if( Count1 == T1MS )

Count_MS <= Count_MS + 1'b1;


reg [2:0]rLED_Out;

always @ ( posedge CLK or negedge RSTn )

if( !RSTn )

rLED_Out <= 3'b001;

else if( Count_MS == 10'd100 )


if( rLED_Out == 3'b000 )

rLED_Out <= 3'b001;


rLED_Out <= { rLED_Out[1:0], 1'b0 };//向左移位1bit操作



assign LED_Out = rLED_Out;



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