MySQL的分库分表有非常多的解决方案,PostgreSQL 的分库分表方案也不少。
如果你的GCC版本第一4.6,那么首先要安装一个高版本的GCC,因为pg_shard里面用了gcc 4.6以后新加的特性。

# yum install -y gmp mpfr libmpc libmpc-devel  # wget
# tar -jxvf gcc-4.9.3.tar.bz2
# cd gcc-4.9.3
# ./configure --prefix=/opt/gcc4.9.3
# make && make install
# vi /etc/
# ldconfig
# ldconfig -p|grep gcc
# vi /etc/profile
export PATH=/opt/gcc4.9.3/bin:$PATH  


# git clone
# cd pg_shard/  


# git checkout master
commit 7e6103f79e3651eac0b32429f5fb103eb2a8ebdd
Merge: 2b221d9 ac35076
Author: Jason Petersen <>
Date:   Fri Aug 28 19:12:16 2015 -0600  Merge branch 'release-1.2.2'


# . /home/postgres/.bash_profile
# make clean; make; make install  


su - postgres
cd $PGDATA  

在master实例的$PGDATA中编辑一个pg_worker_list.conf 文件。

postgres@digoal-> vi pg_worker_list.conf
localhost 1922
localhost 1923
localhost 1924
localhost 1925  


postgres@digoal-> cat $PGDATA1/pg_hba.conf |grep ^local
local   all             all                                     trust
postgres@digoal-> cat $PGDATA2/pg_hba.conf |grep ^local
local   all             all                                     trust
postgres@digoal-> cat $PGDATA3/pg_hba.conf |grep ^local
local   all             all                                     trust
postgres@digoal-> cat $PGDATA4/pg_hba.conf |grep ^local
local   all             all                                     trust  


vi $PGDATA/postgresql.conf
shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_shard'
pg_ctl restart -m fast



在主节点,连接到database,创建pg_shard 扩展模块。

postgres=# create extension pg_shard;  


postgres=# CREATE TABLE customer_reviews
(  customer_id TEXT NOT NULL,  review_date DATE,  review_rating INTEGER,  review_votes INTEGER,  review_helpful_votes INTEGER,  product_id CHAR(10),  product_title TEXT,  product_sales_rank BIGINT,  product_group TEXT,  product_category TEXT,  product_subcategory TEXT,  similar_product_ids CHAR(10)[]

创建合适的约束,索引,建议在定义work table前都确定下来,否则以后添加索引要在所有节点手工添加。
在主节点,调用以下函数,构造work table。表名,字段名为分布列。

postgres=# SELECT master_create_distributed_table('customer_reviews', 'customer_id');  

在主节点,调用以下函数,在子节点创建work table,16个分片,每个分片保存2份。

postgres=# SELECT master_create_worker_shards('customer_reviews', 16, 2);  


postgres=# \dt pgs_distribution_metadata.*  List of relations  Schema           |      Name       | Type  |  Owner
---------------------------+-----------------+-------+----------  pgs_distribution_metadata | partition       | table | postgres  pgs_distribution_metadata | shard           | table | postgres  pgs_distribution_metadata | shard_placement | table | postgres
(3 rows)  postgres=# select * from pgs_distribution_metadata.partition ;  relation_id | partition_method |     key
-------------+------------------+-------------  42067 | h                | customer_id
(1 row)
postgres=# select 42067::regclass;  regclass
------------------  customer_reviews
(1 row)  postgres=# select * from pgs_distribution_metadata.shard;  id   | relation_id | storage |  min_value  |  max_value
-------+-------------+---------+-------------+-------------  10000 |       42067 | t       | -2147483648 | -1879048194  10001 |       42067 | t       | -1879048193 | -1610612739  10002 |       42067 | t       | -1610612738 | -1342177284  10003 |       42067 | t       | -1342177283 | -1073741829  10004 |       42067 | t       | -1073741828 | -805306374  10005 |       42067 | t       | -805306373  | -536870919  10006 |       42067 | t       | -536870918  | -268435464  10007 |       42067 | t       | -268435463  | -9  10008 |       42067 | t       | -8          | 268435446  10009 |       42067 | t       | 268435447   | 536870901  10010 |       42067 | t       | 536870902   | 805306356  10011 |       42067 | t       | 805306357   | 1073741811  10012 |       42067 | t       | 1073741812  | 1342177266  10013 |       42067 | t       | 1342177267  | 1610612721  10014 |       42067 | t       | 1610612722  | 1879048176  10015 |       42067 | t       | 1879048177  | 2147483647
(16 rows)  postgres=# select * from pgs_distribution_metadata.shard_placement;  id | shard_id | shard_state | node_name | node_port
----+----------+-------------+-----------+-----------  1 |    10000 |           1 | localhost |      1922  2 |    10000 |           1 | localhost |      1923  3 |    10001 |           1 | localhost |      1923  4 |    10001 |           1 | localhost |      1924  5 |    10002 |           1 | localhost |      1924  6 |    10002 |           1 | localhost |      1925  7 |    10003 |           1 | localhost |      1925  8 |    10003 |           1 | localhost |      1922  9 |    10004 |           1 | localhost |      1922  10 |    10004 |           1 | localhost |      1923  11 |    10005 |           1 | localhost |      1923  12 |    10005 |           1 | localhost |      1924  13 |    10006 |           1 | localhost |      1924  14 |    10006 |           1 | localhost |      1925  15 |    10007 |           1 | localhost |      1925  16 |    10007 |           1 | localhost |      1922  17 |    10008 |           1 | localhost |      1922  18 |    10008 |           1 | localhost |      1923  19 |    10009 |           1 | localhost |      1923  20 |    10009 |           1 | localhost |      1924  21 |    10010 |           1 | localhost |      1924  22 |    10010 |           1 | localhost |      1925  23 |    10011 |           1 | localhost |      1925  24 |    10011 |           1 | localhost |      1922  25 |    10012 |           1 | localhost |      1922  26 |    10012 |           1 | localhost |      1923  27 |    10013 |           1 | localhost |      1923  28 |    10013 |           1 | localhost |      1924  29 |    10014 |           1 | localhost |      1924  30 |    10014 |           1 | localhost |      1925  31 |    10015 |           1 | localhost |      1925  32 |    10015 |           1 | localhost |      1922
(32 rows)  

可以看到,每个分片都有2个副本。就是我们前面创建work table时指定的副本数量。


  1. 不能使用子查询。
postgres=# insert into customer_reviews select generate_series(1,100);
ERROR:  0A000: cannot perform distributed planning for the given query
DETAIL:  Subqueries are not supported in distributed queries.
LOCATION:  ErrorIfQueryNotSupported, pg_shard.c:567  
  1. 不能使用变量
postgres=# insert into customer_reviews values ('a',now());
ERROR:  0A000: cannot plan sharded modification containing values which are not constants or constant expressions
LOCATION:  ErrorIfQueryNotSupported, pg_shard.c:638  
  1. 不能使用绑定变量
postgres=# prepare a (text) as insert into customer_reviews values ($1);
ERROR:  0A000: PREPARE commands on distributed tables are unsupported
LOCATION:  PgShardProcessUtility, pg_shard.c:2098
postgres@digoal-> vi test.sql
\setrandom id 1 1000000
insert into customer_reviews values (:id);
postgres@digoal-> pgbench -M extended -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 8 -j 8 -T 1000
Client 2 aborted in state 1: ERROR:  unrecognized node type: 2100
Client 4 aborted in state 1: ERROR:  unrecognized node type: 2100
Client 1 aborted in state 1: ERROR:  unrecognized node type: 2100
Client 7 aborted in state 1: ERROR:  unrecognized node type: 2100
Client 3 aborted in state 1: ERROR:  unrecognized node type: 2100
Client 0 aborted in state 1: ERROR:  unrecognized node type: 2100
Client 5 aborted in state 1: ERROR:  unrecognized node type: 2100
Client 6 aborted in state 1: ERROR:  unrecognized node type: 2100
transaction type: Custom query
scaling factor: 1
query mode: extended
number of clients: 8
number of threads: 8
duration: 1000 s
number of transactions actually processed: 0
postgres@digoal-> pgbench -M simple -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 8 -j 8 -T 1000
progress: 2.8 s, 0.7 tps, lat 2568.361 ms stddev 16.254
progress: 3.2 s, 68.3 tps, lat 578.633 ms stddev 1043.300
progress: 3.2 s, 264.5 tps, lat 8.263 ms stddev 3.007
progress: 4.0 s, 1193.6 tps, lat 8.561 ms stddev 36.589
progress: 5.0 s, 1255.6 tps, lat 6.376 ms stddev 5.437
progress: 6.0 s, 1277.5 tps, lat 6.263 ms stddev 2.644  




如果你没有跨库事务和分布式JOIN,以及分布式唯一和FK约束的需求。目前jdbc 9.4 + plproxy可以完美的实现真正性能线性增长的数据库分片。


postgres@digoal-> pg_ctl stop -m fast -D /data01/pg_root_1922
waiting for server to shut down.... done
server stopped
postgres@digoal-> psql
psql (9.4.4)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# select count(*) from customer_reviews ;
WARNING:  Connection failed to localhost:1922
DETAIL:  Remote message: could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
WARNING:  Connection failed to localhost:1922
DETAIL:  Remote message: could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
WARNING:  Connection failed to localhost:1922
DETAIL:  Remote message: could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
WARNING:  Connection failed to localhost:1922
DETAIL:  Remote message: could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?  count
-------  6296
(1 row)  


postgres=# select * from pgs_distribution_metadata.shard_placement;  id | shard_id | shard_state | node_name | node_port
----+----------+-------------+-----------+-----------  2 |    10000 |           1 | localhost |      1923  3 |    10001 |           1 | localhost |      1923  4 |    10001 |           1 | localhost |      1924  5 |    10002 |           1 | localhost |      1924  6 |    10002 |           1 | localhost |      1925  7 |    10003 |           1 | localhost |      1925  10 |    10004 |           1 | localhost |      1923  11 |    10005 |           1 | localhost |      1923  12 |    10005 |           1 | localhost |      1924  13 |    10006 |           1 | localhost |      1924  14 |    10006 |           1 | localhost |      1925  15 |    10007 |           1 | localhost |      1925  18 |    10008 |           1 | localhost |      1923  19 |    10009 |           1 | localhost |      1923  20 |    10009 |           1 | localhost |      1924  21 |    10010 |           1 | localhost |      1924  22 |    10010 |           1 | localhost |      1925  23 |    10011 |           1 | localhost |      1925  26 |    10012 |           1 | localhost |      1923  27 |    10013 |           1 | localhost |      1923  28 |    10013 |           1 | localhost |      1924  29 |    10014 |           1 | localhost |      1924  30 |    10014 |           1 | localhost |      1925  31 |    10015 |           1 | localhost |      1925  8 |    10003 |           3 | localhost |      1922  32 |    10015 |           3 | localhost |      1922  9 |    10004 |           3 | localhost |      1922  25 |    10012 |           3 | localhost |      1922  24 |    10011 |           3 | localhost |      1922  17 |    10008 |           3 | localhost |      1922  1 |    10000 |           3 | localhost |      1922  16 |    10007 |           3 | localhost |      1922
(32 rows)  



postgres@digoal-> pgbench -M simple -n -r -P 1 -f ./test.sql -c 8 -j 8 -T 1000
WARNING:  Connection failed to localhost:1922
DETAIL:  Remote message: could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
WARNING:  Connection failed to localhost:1922
DETAIL:  Remote message: could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
WARNING:  Connection failed to localhost:1922
DETAIL:  Remote message: could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
WARNING:  Connection failed to localhost:1922
DETAIL:  Remote message: could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
WARNING:  Connection failed to localhost:1922
DETAIL:  Remote message: could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
WARNING:  Connection failed to localhost:1922
DETAIL:  Remote message: could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
WARNING:  Connection failed to localhost:1922
DETAIL:  Remote message: could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
WARNING:  Connection failed to localhost:1922
DETAIL:  Remote message: could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
WARNING:  Connection failed to localhost:1922
DETAIL:  Remote message: could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
WARNING:  Connection failed to localhost:1922
DETAIL:  Remote message: could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
could not connect to server: Connection refused  Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 1922?
progress: 1.0 s, 167.9 tps, lat 24.011 ms stddev 84.151
progress: 2.0 s, 1306.0 tps, lat 8.279 ms stddev 40.771
progress: 3.0 s, 1451.7 tps, lat 5.505 ms stddev 1.778
progress: 4.0 s, 1469.8 tps, lat 5.445 ms stddev 1.529
progress: 5.0 s, 1447.0 tps, lat 5.519 ms stddev 2.082
progress: 6.0 s, 1439.4 tps, lat 5.554 ms stddev 2.656  


postgres@digoal-> pg_ctl start -D /data01/pg_root_1922
server starting
postgres@digoal->  0LOG:  00000: redirecting log output to logging collector process  0HINT:  Future log output will appear in directory "pg_log".  0LOCATION:  SysLogger_Start, syslogger.c:645  postgres@digoal-> psql
psql (9.4.4)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# select count(*) from customer_reviews ;  count
-------  17729
(1 row)  

修复前,在所有work节点,对应的database中创建pg_shard extension,因为需要用到一个修复函数。

psql -h -p 1922 -c "create extension pg_shard;"
psql -h -p 1923 -c "create extension pg_shard;"
psql -h -p 1924 -c "create extension pg_shard;"
psql -h -p 1925 -c "create extension pg_shard;"  


postgres=# select t1.shard_id,t1.node_name,t1.node_port,t2.node_name,t2.node_port from pgs_distribution_metadata.shard_placement t1 , pgs_distribution_metadata.shard_placement t2 where t1.shard_id=t2.shard_id and (t1.node_name||t1.node_port) <> (t2.node_name||t2.node_port) and t1.shard_state=3;  shard_id | node_name | node_port | node_name | node_port
----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------  10003 | localhost |      1922 | localhost |      1925  10004 | localhost |      1922 | localhost |      1923  10008 | localhost |      1922 | localhost |      1923  10011 | localhost |      1922 | localhost |      1925  10012 | localhost |      1922 | localhost |      1923  10015 | localhost |      1922 | localhost |      1925
(6 rows)  


public | master_copy_shard_placement     | void             | shard_id bigint, source_node_name text, source_node_port integer, target_node_name text, target_node_port integer    


postgres=# select master_copy_shard_placement(t1.shard_id,t1.node_name,t1.node_port,t2.node_name,t2.node_port) from pgs_distribution_metadata.shard_placement t1 , pgs_distribution_metadata.shard_placement t2 where t1.shard_id=t2.shard_id and (t1.node_name||t1.node_port) <> (t2.node_name||t2.node_port) and t1.shard_state=3;
ERROR:  22023: source placement must be in finalized state
LOCATION:  master_copy_shard_placement, repair_shards.c:109  


postgres=# select master_copy_shard_placement(t1.shard_id,t2.node_name,t2.node_port,t1.node_name,t1.node_port) from pgs_distribution_metadata.shard_placement t1 , pgs_distribution_metadata.shard_placement t2 where t1.shard_id=t2.shard_id and (t1.node_name||t1.node_port) <> (t2.node_name||t2.node_port) and t1.shard_state=3;  master_copy_shard_placement
(8 rows)  


postgres=# select * from pgs_distribution_metadata.shard_placement;  id | shard_id | shard_state | node_name | node_port
----+----------+-------------+-----------+-----------  2 |    10000 |           1 | localhost |      1923  3 |    10001 |           1 | localhost |      1923  4 |    10001 |           1 | localhost |      1924  5 |    10002 |           1 | localhost |      1924  6 |    10002 |           1 | localhost |      1925  7 |    10003 |           1 | localhost |      1925  10 |    10004 |           1 | localhost |      1923  11 |    10005 |           1 | localhost |      1923  12 |    10005 |           1 | localhost |      1924  13 |    10006 |           1 | localhost |      1924  14 |    10006 |           1 | localhost |      1925  15 |    10007 |           1 | localhost |      1925  18 |    10008 |           1 | localhost |      1923  19 |    10009 |           1 | localhost |      1923  20 |    10009 |           1 | localhost |      1924  21 |    10010 |           1 | localhost |      1924  22 |    10010 |           1 | localhost |      1925  23 |    10011 |           1 | localhost |      1925  26 |    10012 |           1 | localhost |      1923  27 |    10013 |           1 | localhost |      1923  28 |    10013 |           1 | localhost |      1924  29 |    10014 |           1 | localhost |      1924  30 |    10014 |           1 | localhost |      1925  31 |    10015 |           1 | localhost |      1925  1 |    10000 |           1 | localhost |      1922  16 |    10007 |           1 | localhost |      1922  8 |    10003 |           1 | localhost |      1922  9 |    10004 |           1 | localhost |      1922  17 |    10008 |           1 | localhost |      1922  24 |    10011 |           1 | localhost |      1922  25 |    10012 |           1 | localhost |      1922  32 |    10015 |           1 | localhost |      1922
(32 rows)  


postgres=# select count(*) from customer_reviews;  count
-------  17729
(1 row)  




pg_shard is intentionally limited in scope during its first release, but is fully functional within that scope. We classify pg_shard's current limitations into two groups. In one group, we have features that we don't intend to support in the medium term due to architectural decisions we made:
Transactional semantics for queries that span across multiple shards - For example, you're a financial institution and you sharded your data based on customer_id. You'd now like to withdraw money from one customer's account and debit it to another one's account, in a single transaction block.
Unique constraints on columns other than the partition key, or foreign key constraints.
Distributed JOINs also aren't supported in pg_shard - If you'd like to run complex analytic queries, please consider upgrading to CitusDB.
Another group of limitations are shorter-term but we're calling them out here to be clear about unsupported features:
Table alterations are not supported: customers who do need table alterations accomplish them by using a script that propagates such changes to all worker nodes.
DROP TABLE does not have any special semantics when used on a distributed table. An upcoming release will add a shard cleanup command to aid in removing shard objects from worker nodes.
Queries such as INSERT INTO foo SELECT bar, baz FROM qux are not supported.
Besides these limitations, we have a list of features that we're looking to add. Instead of prioritizing this list ourselves, we decided to keep an open discussion on GitHub issues and hear what you have to say. So, if you have a favorite feature missing from pg_shard, please do get in touch!  

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