

Computer application base exam (intermediate A)

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On the desktop, the following statement is correct (B).

A, number and position are fixed B, number and position can be adjusted manually

C, the number can increase, but the position cannot adjust D, position can change, but number cannot add or subtract

The triangle symbol on the right of the menu represents (C).

A, select the dialog box B, not use C, select this item will appear the child menu D, is working

In the four file properties of Windows 2000, the attribute that is not usually set or modified by the user is (C).

A, hidden B, archive C, system D, read-only

4. In the Word 2000, which of the following options should actually be in the document editing, publishing and printing operations such as before, because it affects many operations. (B)

A, font setting B, page setting C, print preview D, page number setting

In the current document, if you want to insert a picture of Windows, move the cursor to the insertion location and select (B).

A, "insert" the "object" in the menu, and "insert" the "picture" command in the menu

C, "edit" menu, "image" command D, "file" menu "new" command

If you want to set up yahoo () as the home page, how to do it (A).

A, type in the IE property page: , and apply on yahoo

C, click the home button D in the IE window, and add yahoo to the favorites

In the Excel worksheet, the following (A) command will add A drop-down arrow to the data list column.

A, automatic screening B, record single C, classification summary D, sort

The header and footer position is adjusted through the (B) dialog.

A, headers and footer B, page set C, character format D, paragraph format

Open multiple documents simultaneously in Word, and the keyboard operation of the current document between the document is (B).

A, Alt + F6, Ctrl + F6 C, Shift + F6 D, F6

If you want to place the image below the text, you need to select which item (C) of


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