

Inquiry methods for various mobile phone models

(I) Motorola

Motorola all machine locks: press menu+5+1/2

T190 unlock code:T191 unlock code:3x8/2x88/998/8088/l2000/7689/t189/c289, the initial password is 1234; the phone password is 000000; unlock methods: if there is no test card, the first input 1234, such as the password has been changed, press the menu key will modify the unlock password, press the OK button, and then enter the 000000 will display four digit phone password, the password has been changed, then can only use the test card or software solutions.

T2688/2988 universal unlock code:C300 phone lock:Motorola mobile phone "bad phone, please repair": can use the test card, input 0205#, 0205068# can be repaired without rewriting code.

T2688/2988/988d set in English: *#0000# OK (card)

V60/v66/v70 unlock: insert the test card, boot, enter menu+048263*, enter the test state, press 18*1 to erase, and enter 18*0 is the master reset.

V998 foreign language change Chinese: menu - left arrow key press 3 - OK - left key press 5 below - OK - Simplified - Chinese

Motorola 2688 time does not go to repair the secret: the power of 1 feet and 8 feet of enameled wire shorted, kill!

(two) NOKIA

Initial password: 12345

5110 lock code machine decoding: in the password lock, enter the correct password protection invalid, 1, press the C key does not put, 2, press the * key not to put, 3, press the * key not to put, 4, input 04*pin*pin*pin#, unlock the code.

3210 solution SP lock: 1, press C button 2, press the down button 3, press the C button until the screen clears 4, hold down the * key until it blinks 5, and then press and hold the * * * until it blinks, enter 04*pin code *pin, code *pin

N7650 restore factory settings: *#7370#

NOKIA mobile 30% password: *#746025625#

NOKIA mobile check out date: *#0000#

NOKIA played out: if not in the top left corner of the screen there is a "2" word, press the # button for two seconds, then p


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