HTML 中的框架(国外英文资料)

HTML 中的框架(国外英文资料)

In the HTML framework


The framework can generate independent changes and scroll Windows, which can split a window into several word Windows. Display an HTML document in each word window. Let's take a look at the cross links between the basic structure of the multi-document and the child window.

One, the basic structure HTML USES < Frameset >, < Frame > and < noFrames > tags to define the framework. Let's take a look at the roles and properties of these three tags.

(1) "Frameset >".

The tag is a framework design tag that is used in pairs. The content of the first end tag is the HTML body part of the framework. The < body > tag is not available in the HTML document that USES the framework, otherwise the browser will ignore all the box definitions and display only the < body > and < / body >.

The < Frameset > tag is used to split the window into several self-windows, and the number of child Windows depends on the < Frame > label that is nested within the tag. The < Frameset > tag has two properties. Rows and cols, respectively, are used to determine the height and width of the child window, which is in format < Frameset rows = "value 1, value 2,... value n" >. < Framest cols = = "value 1, value 2,... value n" >. Each parameter is comma-separated by commas, which in turn indicates the height of each from the window (width). The parameter values of these two properties can be Numbers, percentages, or "*". Let's explain this:

(1) number. Indicates the number of pixels in the height (width) of the child window.

(2) percent. Indicates that the child window height (width) is the percentage of the browser window height (width).

(3) the symbol "*". When the symbol * appears only once. The size of the other child window has a well-defined definition, indicating that the size of the child window will be automatically adjusted depending on the size of the browser window. When the symbol * appears more than once, the remaining space in the browser window

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