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问卷调查范本(英文版)- -


To assist in increasing charitable donations from companies, by taking a few minutes to complete this short survey, you will help the charity to receive more charitable giving. Your information will be greatly valued and of course will be strictly confidential. Please reply this questionnaire before 5th, May and contact with?Bulanker of Marketing department.


To indicate your answer please CIRCLE the number alongside the answer that comes closest to your opinion or write your answer in the space provided.


Q1. Do you have an awareness of charities?

1. Yes, very

2. Yes, only a few of them

3. No

4. Not at all


Q2. Have you conducted any personal charitable giving before?

1. Yes, more than 3 times

2. Yes, 1-3 times

3. No, never


Q3. Do you think who should be the main source for the charitable giving?

1. Individual

2. Government

3. Corporation

4. Else


Q4. Do you know that our company has a corporate social responsibility policy?

1.? Yes Go to Q5

2.? No Go to Q6


Q5. Do you know there are any terms about charity group or charitable donation in this policy?

1. Yes

2. No

Q6. Do you think the social responsibility is necessary?

1. Yes

2. No


Q6. Does your company have a special department to manage and deal with the affairs about charitable donation?

1. Yes Go to Q8

2. No Go to Q7

3.? I don’t know Go to Q7


Q7. Do you think it is necessary to set up a special department to deal with the things about


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