

1. Computer network makes the computer user group and widespread sharing of information among, constitute a central part of the information age.2. Many inventions have contributed to the development of modern computer.3. A computer program is to tell the computer what to do in a set of instructions.4. Email is increasingly used for professional purposes.

1. A password is a mechanism for ____b______ the computer-user and allowing access. A:identify B: identifying C:identifiable D:identity2. What's the abreviation of Read Only Memory? b A:RAM B:ROM C:DRAM 3. Which one is used to store numeric data during processing? b A:Microprocessor chip B:Registers C:Clock 4. ____is a set of instructions that make computer perform useful operations .b A: CPU B:Software C:Hardware . Most new data transmission facilities are ________. A:digital B:analog C:none of the above D:optica6. An _____ pen is one example of an input device. A: electron B: electronic C: electronics 7. A protocol is an agreement boverning the prodedures used to exchange information between co-operating computers. 选择答案:正确8.A source program is a program written in one of the high-level languages. 正确答案:错误9. A modem is a device that converts the computer's digital bit stream into an analog signal for transmission over a telephone line. 正确 10.A software program to computer is what a bus driver to a taxi driver 错误11.The basic hardware components of a personal computer system consist of the_______. A:Keyboard and display B:Disk-drive and printer C:Mouse D:All of above正确答案:D12.阅读下列短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

But there is also a deeper level to our uneasiness. For we grew up to think with Emerson that America is the country of young men. That was part of our heritage of optimism, of our faith in progress. A society that believed in inev


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