

Many modern operating systems consider files 1 a collection of bytes. At a higher level, where the content of the file is being 2 , these 3 digits may represent integer values or text characters, or anything else. It is 4 to the program using the file to understand the meaning and internal layout of information in the file and present it to a user as 5 meaningful information like text, images, sounds .At any instant 6 time, a file might have a size, normally expressed in bytes, that indicates how much storage is 7 with the file. In most modern 8 systems the size can be any whole number up to a system limit. However, the general 9 of a file does not require that its instant size has any real meaning, unless the data within the file happens to 10 to data within a pool of persistent storage. Given Words: more as associated lenght considered operating binary correspond up in definition move as 2.considered 3.binary 4.up 5.more 6.in 7.associated 8.operating 9.definition 10correspond

每个阅读理解的下方都有答案 大家主要看答案问的什么 答案选哪个就行,到时有个印象能选出来就行!


A microcomputer is a desktop or notebook size computing device that uses a microprocessor as its Central Processing Unit, or CPU. Microcomputers are also called Personal Computers PCs , home computers, small business computers, and micros. The smallest, most compact are called laptops. When they first appeared, they were considered single user devices, and they were capable of handling only four, eight, or 16 bits of information at one time. More recently the distinction between microcomputers and large, mainframe computers as well as the smaller mainframe type systems called minicomputers has become blurred, as newer microcomputer models have increased the speed and data handling capabilities of their CPUs into the 32 bit, or even 64 bit multiuser range.

Microcomputers are designed for use in homes, schools, and office settings. Within the home, they can serve both as a tool


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